
A kind of disclaimer: Most everything I write and have written on this blog has been written on-the-fly and off-the-cuff, to use two very well worn cliches. Most of the time I'm prevented from writing about my experiences because I don't have the money to pay for the computer time, so when I do have the money I have to just sit and bang out what I can and hope that it both makes sense to anyone who reads it, and that it is in some way helpful to those going through experiences similar in nature to my own.

I don't tamper with things I've written in the past because leaving them as is serves a form of transparency for and reminder of how my hypothesis, theories, ideas, beliefs, and feelings might change over time. Though all the spelling mistakes and misplaced commas do drive me nuts when I reread old posts. Oh well! I do make an exception for my novella A Job for the Digital Age, which as noted on the page, is a first draft and was never edited - or even read through completely - since I finished the first draft. But I want to make it as readable as possible, so I've decided when and if I sit down with it to allow myself to edit it. However, what I will not change is the content, meaning I will not add or subtract to the experiences as written because at the time I wrote it I had no idea yet of what our world is or that hidden controllers (archon) of any kind existed to manipulate it or us. In other words, when I wrote the story I had no idea the experiences I was undergoing were being caused by archontic entities in a world the could be orchestrated for it being a simulated reality matrix. In any case, the first draft will always exist regardless of any changes I make. My real hope is to one day soon edit the entire piece and do a separate commentary to it that explains all the occurred in my life following my completion of this first draft and how many of things I mention in the story would later manifest in my life as actual events.

The nature of my experiences – that is, once you know what this world is as seen and experienced from behind the veil - is the ass kicking fucking hardship of it all, homelessness foremost – archontically enforced homelessness, archontically enforced hard fought, hard won experiences of this world at the level of base reality, with everything that it entails goes on top of everything I'm subjected to, suffer through, fight through, and experience of the veil lifted world, that is, simulated reality as it is, with these entities taking the gloves off, so to speak, and no longer bothering to disguise the truth about this world as they do for those unawakened

I know by now, too, that mentioning the fact that I am homeless to anyone, Americans especially (which I am, though I don’t live live in America) elicits a certain kind of automatic and default judgmental response, the nature of which goes something like this: why don’t you just try to get a job (you bum) like everyone else; don't try to feed and live off of those of us who work hard for a living. To try to explain anything to people of this mindset is difficult enough, it is next to impossible then to get them to understand that homelessness is not and has never been what we believe it to be - the fault of the individual. Only when you understand how this world actually works and you understand how the powers that govern and control it operate will come to understand what I mean. Sadly, that means individuals like myself who sentenced to enforced homelessness because of the threat we posse to the archon are not likely to receive the kind of help we deserve from the public anytime soon. So it remains a case of only those who go through similar experiences can understand, and even the majority of those who do have awakening experiences or encounters with these archontic will never reach the same level of experience that I speak of in these pages - but a small minority will.

Those of us who do go through it at the level I'm speaking from go through it for a reason - it begins and ends with refusing to bow down to what controls this world - and we have faced death various forms and many ways for it, not to mention all the other fears, torture and abuse we must face, overcome, and still endure against. No fucking capitulation. This should make many of you who are awakened question why it is you too are not in a similar situation, because the simple truth is this: this world is at war with these entities and only very few of us know it. If you are awakened but still going about living a "normal" life you are not awakened fully, for you are still operating as a cog in the system, working and living as if everything is fine, and that you've found a way to raise your vibration, to mediate away and transmute negative energy, and to manifest all the abundance you desire from this world - and though you might believe you are doing your part to put forth what you have to share with others about your own awakening in order to help others, so long as you believe an act as if you are living a real life, with all the bases covered, from making money to family and friends, and that there is no invisible war currently taking place, then you are no different than an individual who is still soundly asleep - only worse, for your awakening has served no purpose unless you are taking direct actions that will serve to change it. That is, being a true anarchist as the meaning applies in relation to the archon, being a system buster who realizes that a very real but invisible war is in progress, and that everything from money to your family and all that comes between is at the root nothing more than constructs - yes, your loved ones included. If you don't understand that, you aren't awakened. It's that simple. I won't bother to explain how it is that love and compassion still matter despite this terrible truth, but if one doesn't understand how one's own family is a construct, my explaining how love and compassion still matter won't make sense anyway.

As for those who use their awakening as a business, as a means to make money for the sake of making money, then you are at heart treasonous against humanity - that is unless you are using what you earn to battle the hidden controllers through action. Most especially, if you are selling services that claim to directly  offer freedom to an individual from archontic targeting or anything else for that matter, and if you are to be believed to begin with, then you are the equivalent of a life jacket salesman or saleswoman who sales life jackets to the drowning, as you sail around watching people die, your little boat stacked high and weighed down with life jackets. You can't justify it any other way, if what you know is that important, that capable of saving the lives of others. More than anyone else, those of you who are considering paying for such services should keep this mind. Given what this world is, and what stands behind it, if someone has the ability to help you outright based on such a mutual understanding and doesn't, it simply means they have nothing to offer you but snake oil, even if they don't realize it. And again, if they don't realize it, yet they are trying to sell to you what can save you, then what does that ultimately make them? This sounds so ridiculous just writing this, nonetheless is becoming the true state of matters of how things are beginning to go in this world. We all need to survive, and that means we should be able to survive on sharing our knowledge, I suppose. But if you are claiming that your knowledge will make the difference between life and death, freedom and enslavement, for the ordinary person and targeted individuals, and you don't outright help people at every chance, then you need to be fitted with a blindfold and removed from this world for being the boot licking stooge of the Illuminati that you are. All the more so for your believing in your own hype and bullshit, as you ride a wave of illusion on "powers" granted to you by the archon - which you turn around and then try to sell.

While I'm on this rant I might as well add that the biggest misconception that people who claim to understand that we are living in some kind of computer generated simulation is their cognitive dissonance when it comes to understanding that the planet Earth is not the planet Earth, the Universe not the Universe, that science is simply a construct set of rules that applies to this world within the simulation and can be suspended by the hidden controllers any time they choose to do so. Furthermore, this shed further light on the fact that when it is said that this a world of lies, then by the rules of logic it should be understood that one can't pick and choose what is true and what is the lie - everything must be suspect - our history first and foremost, this includes especially archeological (arch-) records, mythology, ancient writings, and other forms of recorded human history. For all we know, it is currently the year 5000, the world outside this simulation is anything but what we are entrained to believe it is as we are raised within it, that our memories of outside world have been erased, and that the simulation, despite what memories we hold of our lives and the world - of yesterday - could have started today, a week ago, ten years ago, twenty, fifty, one hundred, a thousand, twenty thousand, a hundred thousand years ago. And this is only one example of many for explaining this lie that imprisons us - those of us who are human. If you can't get that straight, if this makes no sense to you, or you are simply to cowardly to accept this terrible truth, then you are of no use to anyone, not even yourself, and those of us who are human are only being brought that much closer to our doom by a factor of one awakened individual who has awakened into a different kind of sleep. And for those of you who are still wasting your time flying around in the XBox in your head, remember that we are in a computer generated simulation and that the astral realm you are experiencing is just one further extension of the foreign installation that Carlos Castaneda correctly identified. Participation is anything astral is simply to surrender your loosh the archon while trading one illusion - this fake reality - for a different one - all things astral and otherworldly. But I'll leave that for you to figure out, if you dare.

All of that said, it's also important to point out that the majority of this world's homeless have no fucking idea why they suffer what they do; they are not awakened, they have no idea or concept of the source of that which that stands behind the cause of their unpleasant circumstances. Nothing being what it seems, none of these people that are real homeless (and here one must apply what motivations lie behind fake news to all phenomena of the world - in this case, homelessness. Those who are a threat to the archon, to the system, are and have always been taken out by such means. That homelessness seems like a worldwide epidemic is simply to create the appearance of a worldwide epidemic that seems beyond the ability of this world to remedy. Meanwhile with this world being a simulation, homelessness is anything but a real worldwide epidemic. It's a construct and wasteland where individuals coming into this world who pose any kind of threat to the archon and the system are banished, with the seeming epidemic nature of homelessness serving as a means to prevent us from rescuing these individuals from their archontically orchestrated fates so that they may return to the world and fulfill the mission that led to the archon shutting them the fuck down in the first place. If you can understand this, then you understand that nothing in this world is as it seems, and so as long as you cruising this world thinking you are awake, yet behaving as if the life you think you are living is a real thing, then you are doing nothing for humanity and unconsciously serving the agenda of the archon. The difference between you and one who has consciously accepted a Faustian bargain therefore is razor thin.  Get it? I hope so. If you have a job - of any kind - consider yourself a slave, whether your realize it or not, accept it or not. If you have a job, try not to get wrong why it is that there awakened people like myself out here who are homeless. Those who know, know.

Anyway, back to my point for making this disclaimer in the first place: most of the what I write gets written and posted on the spot without my having the luxury of spellchecking, editing for content – or often enough, eating, and that’s not a fucking joke. To extend it one further, I'm lucky if I have the money necessary to pay for the computer time necessary to make these posts. All that I ask is you try to understand the true nature and spirit behind what goes into my making these posts and so judge them accordingly. If a word is misspelled, if I drop a pronoun, shit, if I drop entire paragraphs of the most important aspects of what I'm trying to write about - know the reasons why; and for those of you who really really know, understand the difficulties I often experience in just trying to get computers and websites to work, and for the content I often spend hours working on suddenly going missing and gone forever for one reason or another, with all of us knowing what that main reason is regardless of what happens.

5\16\2019: I intended to add the following to my bio introduction but space limitations prevented it. I post here instead:

I'm a targeted individual, love-bite experiencer, archon contactee, hyperdimensional warrior, and artificial intelligence/SI Insurgent - boots-on-the-ground. That is, my contact, and my experiences with these entities and the simulated reality matrix control system, is something I battle in both everyday base-reality as well as in the astral/etheric. I'm presently destitute and homeless by way of archontic/matrix control system enforcement for my unwillingness since my awakening to serve these entities as my masters - or yours. Faustian bargains are real, let me tell you. But just to operate in everyday reality becomes a huge problem when you awaken, if you awaken and become like me an anti-authoritarian, anti-patriarchal, gadfly to the horrors of this world. Such a stance - when you are willing to withstand psychological attacks, gangstalking, astral attacks, energy attacks, and various tortures physical and mental, and to face and defy death in various forms, you become a high level threat to the hidden ones, and their hegemony over this computer generated simulated reality world - and they will try to bend or break until you agree to serve them as they demand; and in my case, when all the attempts just mentioned to break me fail, enforced destitution and homelessness become the next veil lifted weapon employed against human rebels like me. If you don’t understand how destitution and homelessness can be enforced, you don’t understand how this world really works or, more importantly, how other people in this world can be used to work against you, often with their actions being unconscious to them.

These entities are expert at pretending to benevolence, pretending to higher concerns for humanity. But the reality is that to them, we humans are the equivalent of zoo animals, toys, things to be studied and experimented on, despite all the deceits they use to remove awakened individuals as threats by having these individuals believe they are working on behalf of these entities for human concerns, concern that don’t really exist, but are used to trick these individuals into cooperating on what in the end are false beliefs. For these entities, human rights do not exist; your well being, your wants – your desire to love and be loved, the human heart – does not matter to the entities. And for these reason individuals like myself resist these entities despite the traumatic abuse and hardships these entities direct toward us for our refusing to bow to the control and authority of this world they conduct from their hidden vantage point.
Site Keywords:

Archon, aliens, alien deception, gangstalking, gang stalking, abduction, mindcontrol, mind control, MK Ultra, MKUltra, CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, CIA mind control, ascension, predator, prey, parasite, empaths, empathy, holographic, quantum computer, UFO, spiritual awakening, satanic ritual abuse, misogyny, narcissism, personality disorder, alien implants, indigo, starseed, light worker, hieros gamos, soul, spirit, spirituality, shamanism, kundalini, kundabuffer, gnosticism, gnosis, logos, samael aun weor, satan’s tail, gurdjieff, alien abduction, abductee, staged reality, simulated reality, manipulated reality, awakened community, puppets, trauma bonding, stockholm syndrome, synchronicity, supernatural, paranormal, love obsession, ufo phenomena, alien invasion, alien rape, demonic rape, reptilians, gray aliens, alien hybrids, hybrids, alien breeding, genetic manipulation, DNA manipulation, psychological manipulation, spiritual manipulation, mind programming, cultural programming, satanism, moloch, spirit guides, alien channeling, hyperdimensional warfare, spiritual warfare, orchestration, staging, suicidal ideations, suicide, abduction phenomenon, hybridization program, genetics, extraterrestrial, emotional turmoil, fight or flight, alien encounters, demonic encounters, electroshock, human sacrifice, animal sacrifice, reptilian mind control, possession, possessed, sexual reorientation, synchronicity, narcissistic abuse, psychic vampires, emotional violence, psychological violence, poverty, homelessness, mind games, ptsd, hypnosis, military abductions, MILABS, alien interference, demonic interference, false memories, implanted memories, erased memories, lucid dreaming, astral travel, astral realm, astral, etheric realm, etheric body, astral body, soul retrieval, faustian bargain, selling your soul, secret government, et, alien contat, extraterrestrial contact, demonic contact, angelic contact, angels, angelic realm, malevolent alien, malevolent spirits, ghosts, near death experience, NDE, military intelligence, DIA, NSA, FBI, NASA, milabs, secret programs, project bluebook, majestic 12, majestic twelve, area 51, greys, reptilians, draconians, mantis, entities, beings, demonic attack, archontic, incubi, succubus, black magicians, sorcerers, witches, enoch, book of enoch, illuminati, illuminati bloodline, family cults, cults, channeling spirits, channeling aliens, channeling ghosts, cia disinformation, exorcism, spirit possession, attached entities, stargates, hyperdimenstional body, timelines, time travel, extrasensory perception, esp, human hybrid, trickster gods, demigods, titans, greek gods, demiurge, alchemy, watchers, alien races, alien species, alien agenda, sexual reorientation, construct reality, simulated computer reality, simulacra, mirkaba, gaslighting, gas lighting, gas-lighting, alien sex, demonic sex, carl jung, quantum physics, consensus reality, consciousness, collective conscious, raise vibration, quantum entanglement, thought driven consensus reality, consensus reality, construct world, morphogenic field, divine intervention, meaningful coincidences, psychiatry, archetypes, living in a video game, video game reality, conspiracy, altered memories, screen memories, unconscious mind, neurosis, carlos castaneda, archetypal images, holographic images, clones, cloning, anal probing, anal probe, alien experimentation, alters, traumatize, psyche, manchurian candidate, psychological torture, blood ritual, hypnotize, buddhism, mind control slave, prison planet, homosexual programming, lesbian programming, interdimensional invasion, negative spiritual, MKDelta, MK Delta, insectoid, co-creation, divine spirit, operation midnight climax, walk-ins, homosexual tendencies, operation paperclip, project artichoke, NLP, paranoia, paranoid, mental illness, induced mental illness, misdiagnosis, manifestation, alien experiments, human experiments, r-complex, higher self, source, higher consciousness, occult, dark occult, moloch, conspiracy, insectoids, nordics. Anunnaki, sumerians, akkadians, babylonians, eilgamesh, conspiracy theories, david icke, pseudohistory, religious cults, orpheus, oprhics, orphic tablets, mythology, marduk, three dimensional, 3d reality, fourth dimension, fifth dimension, plato, socrates, the republic, devil, devils, satan, lucifer, luciferian, ancient gods, nazi mind control, nazi experimentation, satanism, duality, egyptian book of the dead, book of the dead, torture, intimidation, casting spells, spell casting, curses, magic, majic, androids, robots, secret societies, replicants, tavistock institute, parapsychology, neurolinguistic programming, genetic sampling, brain-washing, biological robot, sentient intelligence, artificial intelligence, surgical experimentation, human rights abuse, crimes against humanity, moon matrix, soul trap, soul recycling, reincarnation, project bluebird, radiation, electroshock, hidden controllers, controlling gods, human experimentation, alien experimentation, sheeple, soul catcher, soul contracts, harassment, discrediting, disabling purposes, remote viewing, mind control programming, cultural programming, spellbinder, voice to skull, operation often, guardian angels, daemons, daimon, holodeck, dimensions, p k dick, humanoids, titan, religious programming, black magic, behavior control research, human research, occult symbolism, mysticism, cabalistic, trigger words, alter activation, gatekeeper, alters and triggers, satanic families, paranormal phenomenon, telepathy, clairaudio. 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duality, chakras, third eye, blocked energy, hosted individual, reptilian host, parasitic worm, initiation, indoctrination, aeons, spiritual knowledge, esoteric knowledge, saturn, capricorn, gaia, saturn worship, new world order, now, hexagram, pentagram, dualism, monism, ritual, preadmic, jinn, hylic, psychic, pneumatic, four elements, boneless ones, kingless race, hermeticism, raising frequency, kabbalah, gospel of thomas, theosophy, est, quantum computer simulation, simulation hypothesis, nick bostrom, mind control bondage, solipsism, archontic mind parasite, enculturaization, simulated consciousness, digital physics, philosophical zombies, envatted brains, brain in a jar, infinite timelines, hyperreality, maya, illusion, delusion, digital philosophy, soul catcher, augmented reality, artificial life, virtual worlds, consensus reality, mind uploading, omega point, social simulation, computational sociology, reality and illusion, binary opposition, karma, karma trap, karma construct, virtual reality simulator, virtual amusement ride, virtual gaming, virtual motion simulator, sleeper assassin, cyborg, transhumanism, singularity, quantum mind, psychological manipulation, kurzwell, minsky, bostrom, cyberspace, multiverse, omniverse, genetic programming, hive mind, swarm intelligence, artificial lifeforms, artificial life, synthetic life, subconscious programming, enslavement, cognitive robotics, subjective experience, objective experience, masters of reality, gods of karma, cognitive architecture, consciousness, conscience, alien agenda, atlantis, the matrix, 2001: a space odyssey, stanley Kubrick, blade runner, psi-theory, brain-computer interface, humanoid, scalar, tesla, brain simulation, biomimicry, bionics, distributed cognition, postgenderism, anthropology, immortality, interdimensional entities, black holes, demonic, demonic entities, adept, emp, electromagnetic weapon, negative human emotion, suffering, pain, anger, jealousy, envy, electromagnetic pulse, directed energy weapon, electronic harassment, electronic warfare, hyperdimensional warfare, working memory, visual preception, auditory perception, emotional manipulation, psychiatric evaluation, ego, id, superego, foreign installation, bullying, subliminal programming, subliminal message, authority, guilt, shame, shamelessness, magical thinking, arrogance, envy, entitlement, exploitation, narcissistic rage, defiance, narcissistic supply, projection, omnipotence, pathological, lying, liars, self-esteem, personality trait, tarot, hero with a thousand faces, joseph campbell, evolution, evil, love evol, psychoanalytic, narcissistic injury, psychological violence, emotional violence, narcissistic abuse, boderline personality disorder, passive-aggressive, avoidant personality, acquired situational narcissism, cultural norms, triggering, social norms, ethnocentrism, negative entities, psychic driving, domestic violence, alien staging, alien interference, alien interference in love relationships, paranormal interference in love relationships, possessed women, anima, animus, possessed men, wife possessed, husband possessed, child possessed, demonic possession, humiliation, individualism, collectivism, light beings, stars bound to bodies, soma sema, ego defense, freud, prison planet, controlled by archontic, reverse-engineering, blue brain project, red blue symbolism, blue red symbolism, duality symbolism, historical lies, counterfeit spirit, revisionism, historical revisionism, 5g, voice-to-skull, screen memories, surveillance, surveillance state, weaponized, erased memory, memory wipe, conspiracy theory, obscuring the truth, media manipulation, morality, ethics, technocracy, interdimesionals, cyber warfare, computer hacking, cyber attack, chem trails, gmo, gmo food, ufo sightings, misinformation, slaves, slavery, slave mocking, mockery, esoteric technology, esoteric manipulation, manufacturing consent, censorship, information warfare, internet manipulation, false falg, anarchy, master and slave, fact checking, denial and deception, kompromat, covert operations, counterintelligence, black propaganda, subversion, counterpropaganda, david jacobs, genetic hybridization, hybridized humans, betrayal, love betrayal, emp, dew, radiated, magnetic field, emc, esd, induced pulse simulation, electronic attack, electronic protection, electromagnetic environment, infrared, psywar, psychological warfare, psychological operations, psyop, psychological operations, lawfare, fear of the unknown, fear of death, escaping mind control, escaping the astral, escaping attack, entity attacks, demonic attack, psychic attack, true reality, false reality, empowerment, whistle blower, fear of god, religious paranoia, fundamentalism, nde, near death experience, Acceptance, Affection, Amusement, Anger, Angst, Anguish, Annoyance, Anticipation, Anxiety, Apathy, Arousal, Awe, Boredom, Confidence, Contempt, Contentment, Courage, Cruelty, Curiosity, Depression, Desire, Despair, Disappointment, Disgust, Distrust, Ecstasy Embarrassment, Empathy, Enthusiasm, Envy, Euphoria, Fear, Frustration, Gratification, Gratitude, Greed, Grief, Guilt, Happiness, Hatred, Hope, Horror, Hostility, Humiliation, Jealousy, Joy, Kindness, Loneliness, Love, Lust, Outrage, Panic, Passion, Pity, Pleasure, Pride, Rage, Regret, Social connection, Rejection, Remorse, Resentment, Sadness, Self-confidence, Shame, Shock, Shyness, Sorrow, Suffering, Surprise, Trust, Wonder, Worry, psychological trauma, shock, nightmare, sleep paralysis, culture of fear, post-traumatic-stress disorder, ptsd, situational trauma, stress disorders, childhood abuse, childhood trauma, poverty, destitution, homeless, homelessness, Psychologically traumatic experiences, physical trauma, Typical causes and dangers of psychological trauma, harassment, embarrassment, abandonment, abusive relationships, rejection, co-dependence, physical assault, sexual abuse, partner battery, employment discrimination, police brutality, judicial corruption and misconduct, bullying, paternalism, domestic violence, indoctrination, being the victim of an alcoholic parent, the threat or the witnessing of violence (particularly in childhood), life-threatening medical conditions, and medication-induced trauma. Catastrophic natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, large scale transportation accidents, house or domestic fire, motor vehicle accident, mass interpersonal violence like war, terrorist attacks or other mass victimization like sex trafficking, being taken as a hostage, being kidnapped, causes of psychological trauma, long-term extreme poverty, poverty as a form of abuse, poverty programming, law of attraction, verbal abuse, institutional betryal, intimate partner violence, ipv, control system, matrix control system, organic portals, spiritless humans, npc, non-player character, matrix control system, simulation control system, prison planet control system, spirit guides, laser weapons, soft programming, hard programming, plasma weapons, sonic weapons, Fifth Dimension Operations, trauma based mind control, archontic mind parasite, Anxiety, Borderline personality disorder, Conspiracy theory, Delusions of reference, Distrust, Fusion paranoia, Ideas of reference, Monomania, Narcissistic personality disorder, Paranoid fiction, Paranoid personality disorder, Posttraumatic stress disorder, Pronoia, Religious paranoia, Schizophrenia, Schizotypal personality disorder, Character assassination, CA, electronic harassment, psychotronics, electromagnetic radiation, microwave auditory effect, targeted individuals, TI, T.I., esoteric technologies, gang stalking, The Lilly Wave, psychotronic warfare.


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