Welcome to the World of an AI Insurgent: the Simulated Reality Matrix (SRM) and the Artificial-Sentient Intelligence - Archon - that Control it

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I don't know if this is egoistic or not, but given my situation and the experiences and knowledge and ignorance and fears and triumphs I deal with everyday, and have dealt with everyday for the past 3+ years from the streets, against an archon cell [which I've dealt with for over a decade, at first passively, not knowing the source behind the events occurring my life, and later, since Halloween 2014, actively and aggressively] and the posts I share in relation to my experiences and the knowledge I've gained as a result, I thought I'd share a few images of what my world actually looks like.

I share these images also because the visitors to my page are mostly western, American mainly, as I am myself, and so what they bring to their awareness in light of their awakening is likely a world that imagine from the perspective of western eyes, and that includes how they conceive of the existence of the idea of archon/AI and the simulation/matrix from this same western conceived perspective, though my world is surprisingly different from what one might imagine.

Either way, maybe in seeing this other world that I inhabit it might suggest new ways to conceive of how the matrix/simulation and archon/AI exists in the context of the whole wide world.

Lastly, though it might appear to some that I'm trying to glorify my situation or gain attention because of it. The truth is I've only wanted to live and love, which I try to do everyday. I do it wishing like hell that this world could be anything else but what it actually is; that includes what I and others know about how this world really works, what controls it, how it controls it, how it abuses all of us, and the likely fate that's in store for humanity if people don't start waking the fuck up from their fake fucking lives and doing the work necessary to transform it for everyone before it's too late - or they outright destroy us. That said, if I didn't have levity, even in relation to this archon cell, I wouldn't have survived as long as I have.

Hang tough, people. Believe in your dreams, believe in love, believe in others, and never give up no matter how shitty your life may seem. And for those of you entering the path, do not fear death, do not fear them, do not fear yourself, do not fear others, and do not bow down to any throne. Men defend your women. Women defend your men. Defend love above all, for the archon/AI is bent on destroying it and the human heart.

As for myself, since the time I've come under the boot of the archon, I've been locked up in a mental hospital for six weeks for being newly awakened and sane; my father and older brother died of cancer; I've had my life and marriage and son [who by the way was conceived through the donor egg process - my sperm/a donor's egg - and which was archontically controlled and orchestrated just ahead of my awakening to their existence and the control they've had over my entire life] stripped from me, including all finances; after moving to Vietnam following these events, I had this new life in VN stripped from me after two years as the result of a second love-bite relationship [my previous marriage, being the first, and which I eventually came to realize I was being handled long term via MK Ultra protocol] that would end with my being left abandoned in the street; as occurred again only recently for the third time, when a short time love-bite when into mind-control mode and played the same fucking cards against me - despite in this instance her being informed of what I've been through, what was in store for her and me - and her swearing she understood and was above it all; I've been beaten to a pulp three big mother-fuckers on one and put in the hospital for a week; this came as I kind of conclusion to a year+ long period where I was involved not through my own provocation in over a dozen serious and not so serious fights, all of them archonticall orchestrated; I've spent a month in jail during a trip back to the US for another situation where in archontic fashion I was the innocent party in a fight with an in-law, but because of keeping my mouth shut and the way in which the archon have recourse to employing the fogged out mind and betrayal card, especially when it comes to women, against targeted individuals I lost for all intents and proposes the last remaining connection to family; I've been dropped from head first from a five story balcony under archontic orchestration; I've brought to the brink of death dozens of times under archontic orchestration; I've gone to my death and been burned nearly to death on the etheric/astral. I've been physically tortured by the archon on numerous occassions in base-reality but in ways that defy our understanding of "reality." I watched and was subjected to both the woman I loved and myself being subjected to months of continuous subjection to MK Ultra conditioning, abuse, methodology and use. And the list goes on and on and on and fucking on; horrific, crazy and even sometimes surprisingly enough fucking amusing as hell. I've been in the trenches nearly everyday for the past three+ years with the archon calling the shots in my world, and calling the shots, more or less, of those I interact with. This all sounds a bit trite when compared with the entirety of all that I've actually endured and suffered and survived at the hands of this archon cell, with MK Ultra and intelligence methodologies playing a large role in the things I've suffered and experience. The worst of all it was the many betrayals I've suffered at the hands of people I've trusted; and from women I've loved and defended and stuck up for against the archon. Bla bla fucking bla.

I share this to let others know I'm not fucking around when it comes to the things I talk about. I share it too to empower anyone who happens to being dealing with their own shit at the hands of the archon. Hang tough. Don't give up on other people. And when it comes to drag-ass sleeping walking mother-fuckers, I think it's ok for us - now and again - to want to see them burn a bit archontically for their inability to behave better as sleepwalkers - but only just long enough for them to wake the fuck up and get with the program, if you get my point. Anyway, everyone, hang in there. You'll be surprised at what you can an endure - and in the end, own.

Oh yeah, I wanted to add - and this is something you can only write once you've been through the kind of shit I've been put through - and I don't want this, btw, I'd still prefer a chance at living and loving and doing my work to wake this sleeping ass world up - but especially lately, because I am finally beginning to write more openly about my experiences, it could come to pass at anytime that these mother-fuckers just up an off me. Shit, as it is, I've been doing aikido with cars and motorbikes for years, not to mention a shitload of other hazards I daily face. I just say because It's not out of the realm of possibility,. I say it because I know they killed Max Spiers. I say it too because if they do take me out, despite the love-bite shit I went through, I want these women to know what I was put through - and their responsibility for it in their role - consciously or otherwise - as archontic puppets. I know the first two have no working memory on what really went down back then and for this reason I don't hold them responsible. I only wish it was possible for them to wake up and remember, something that perhaps will never happen. As to my latest love-bite.... Well... What can I say that I haven't said already - and I know her memory is fully intact. The archon have tried for a very very very long time to have me condemn all women as being the hand maidens of the demiurge/devil/central computer. And while there is a certain truth to this - at least in regard to the women "assigned" to me. It stands that male or female the majority of the people surrounding anyone currently reading this is as puppet as they come. We all are. That is, until we begin to take back our lives and oust from within us what Carlos Castaneda called the Foreign Installation. FI: the archon fucking mind. It is given to us at birth or at a very young age. Until you know what this is, until you began to fight it, till you begin to discern your own thinking from it's thinking, all are puppets, men and women alike. So wake the fuck up! Thank you.

A soundtracked glimpse into the feeling of the simulation on my end of the world.

 Image may contain: night, outdoor and indoor

 Image may contain: night and outdoor

 Image may contain: people eating, table and food

 Image may contain: night and outdoor

 Image may contain: night and outdoor

 Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people, living room and indoor

Fear Factory - Enhanced Reality


  1. Wow! That was so cool! Even more cool if it is accurate.

    1. Many similar situations in my life. Now realizing or waking up to the fact that all my own personal dreams for my life we’re averted and controlled by something other that my being incompetent to achieve them. Many times I would initiate change and start to make it happen I was stiffeled/prevented.
      Now realizing that the deep state satanic archon leaders have been taken out humanity will not have to deal with this bs harassment. GOD has one!
      Now we as a power of people should stand up and finish them. Our unity is the KEY to there ending once and for all on this planet.


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