Archon, Gangstalking, Electronic Harassment and Suicide: a Perspective From a Warrior in the Trenches: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix


4\29\2019 Note:

I still battle this shit today in ways that would make the average person's head spin, with most wanting to put a bullet through their head. Still, when I read back on old posts like this I see how far I've come. I'm not saying anything has become easier, only that I've grown and learned and know how better to deal with this shit - sometimes. And it sounds like I'm trippin' on ego by saying things the way I do, especially about bullets through the head. It not romantic at all, but I say what I say through long-hard experience and the truth of having learned what I know through hard fought struggle. Truth is, I share what I share on this blog so that nobody puts a bullet through their head, so don't get me wrong. Many of us who are in the trenches will never be known. Many will make it and some will not. I want us all to make it. I speak the way I do because I walk the walk so talk the talk. But I also believe that what I go through is not something even close to what most will ever experience, let alone know about. I walk the walk so you don't have to. Again, that said, many do and will go through shit as difficult or more difficult than my own situation. Though I find it a bit hard to imagine, because I've been taken to the brink and beyond many times, and beyond the brink there is no place to go but self-murder. And for me, well I think my experiences are highly exceptional - and while it might sound romantic, the things I've endured over the past decade have been anything but; and in the true spirit of the meaning of a very old cliche, I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy the fucking shit I've been put through by the archon and other hidden controllers of this world. And in my case, because of the nature of everything I've been subjected to and experienced, I'm not willing to say that self-murder doesn't have it's place, meaning, fear of carrying it out could be a kind of trap in and of itself, one designed to keep you imprisoned in this world, though it's not something I'm willing to discuss at present. And I don't believe, unless you have come as far as someone like me, and have been shown a very fucking wide perspective of what this world is with veil lifted, that suicide is anything you should entertain no matter how hard hit your are by - especially - gangstalking, or any of the other psychological mind games, within and without of your head, that the archon the hidden controllers target you with. That is why individuals like myself don't give up. I didn't come as far as I have to want to end things through self-murder. I mean at times, for me, then and now, things become hard hard hard fucking hard to deal with, and by that, I mean fucking insanely difficult. In a way, playing with the idea of self-murder also becomes a kind of psychological tool to help you stay strong, a form of reverse psychology that keeps you fighting and in the game. [And that I've written this, should anyone care, if I were to ever turn up dead, the cause suicide, one should refer back to this post and realize what I'm saying. As far as I've come, self-murder is almost laughable because I'll never give into these mother-fuckers, though for that reason they might one day decide they want me out of the way. I don't think so - but you follow what I'm getting at.] It's just that when you are drawn into warfare with the archon, nobody wants to get out of it through self-murder. Why do you think so many true artists are lost historically? Well, it's not unrelated to what I'm talking about here. But, as I said, I'm not going to get into it. When you've been to the brink many times and return from it, you become determined to never give up and to fight no matter what. That's my point. We all have our own battles to fight, though now it seems many of us are subjected to similar programs that are designed to shut down, feed off, or outright destroy human beings who, not only wake up, but refuse to capitulate and tow a line in order to make their lives easier - and many who do this don't even fucking realize they're doing it.

The following post came after one of many long enforced breaks when the conditions in my life made it impossible for me to live, let alone post anything about my experiences with the archon and the true nature of this world and the life of a targeted individual within it. 

Originally posted on FB 17 January 2017

Everything discussed in this video is true, and what I've been fighting on a 24/7 basis for the past 15 months. Even more specifically, what I'm battling is discussed beginning at ~46:48. As of today, I don't think I can take it anymore, tied as I am to my love bite, as my controller, in the situation of my archon/matrix control system enforced poverty, something that James touches on early in the video, and I can assure exists, though Lynn doesn't give much in the way of explaining it in detail. As I listen, I'm trying to detach a very dense, black goo entity from my root and sacral chakras. I've been battling this entity for the past year, never with any success. It the source and cause of all my grief, as well as the controlling source behind the mutual grief that exists between me and my love bite partner. At this point, because of the many entities and implants I have to deal with, and, in particular, the aforementioned entity, I'm finding it nearly impossible to continue on in my life, in this state of destitution, due to enforced poverty, implants, programming, and matrix control influence over my external employment opportunities, as well as the grief caused me by my love bite relationship, and the programming of my partner, who I can help, because her own entities, programing, and implants trigger her immediately to reject any attempts I make to explain to her the dire circumstances, both in love, and financially, that we are both caught in. These entities know it, and it is one of the reasons why they program partners in a binary manner, with one partner on, in love, in knowledge, and the other partner off, but forcibly tied to the situation, regardless of whatever their true state, regarding love in the relationship, because it takes the awareness of both partners, and the willingness and desire of both partners, to remove and destroy these parasitic entity attachments. But no matter how I try, I cannot bridge this gap without triggering massive abuse hurled at me, archontic in origin, from my partner, who, because of my enforced poverty, unwittingly, also serves as my controller, and financial lifeline, in grand MK Ultra fashion, as we were both put through for months, on a 24/7 basis, at the hands of the archon who invaded our lives, in abduction fashion, at separate times, individually, before putting us through programming together. As of today, I wish I could end my life because of it, but need to fight for 2

Lynn Williams Etheric Implant Removalist


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