On Being Homeless through Archontic Enforcement in the Simulated Reality Matrix


I don't know yet how best to handle sharing my experiences with enforced homelessness. The biggest reason is that people don't want to hear about the homelessness of others for being programmed to avoid it and to understand it improperly, for we all know that to solve being homeless one simply needs to just keep trying until you get a job. The problem is that jobs, gainful employment, money and the making of it, are archontically enforced illusions that we are programmed to understand in ways that are not real once the veil of this world is lifted. In other words, the work you do, the money you make, the money itself, is not yours, nor is your hard work the actual reason beneath it all for the work you do and the money you earn. You are simply allowed it via the script. This of course is a far too simplified and cryptic explanation of how the world really woks - but it is true. You are allowed to do what you do, and earn what you earn, when and until the intelligences that govern this world as our hidden controllers decide otherwise. If you do not believe this, understand it, or doubt, you are not even close to being able to call yourself truly awake. It's that simple.

In any case, the following comment speaks to the above. Take it for what's it worth or dismiss it. It's up to you. But I hope people will begin waking up to how this world really works and what is in store for humanity going forward as this showdown between humans and archon (and Demiurge) begins to heat up. For some of the specifics of the most recent hardships I've had to undergo in my situation of enforced (barley) working homelessness (which is an upgrade from almost two years of enforced archontic homelessness with no work (i.e. money) see my new diary entry page. For the reason explained above most people are not going to want to read anything about my own homelessness for the simple fact of their being programmed to not care and not want to hear about such things - and for the callousness that is entailed within this programming at the subconscious level. In any case in my experiences of being homeless for over two years now is not something I wrote about in any concentrated way but rather became more like asides in whatever information I was seeking to share with others as I wrote about my past experiences. It is only recently that I've begun trying to write about experiences of homelessness in some kind of centralized manner so that others going through it will find that they are not alone, and in order to attempt to shed some light on showing what homelessness is and can mean for those of us who are awakened, almost as if the experience is an archetype that can be assigned to the individual in order to keep them sandboxed for the knowledge they have being a threat to the archon. If understood in this way, homelessness become an entirely different thing than we've classically been programmed to think about it. It becomes a specific means by which individuals are targeted and taken out rather then it being the classic lie of an individual having bad luck, ruining their life, and consciously or otherwise choosing the path that leads them to skidrow. This classic conception of homelessness is complete bullshit - even though all the classic elements that lead people to such a life are often always in place.

But until one understand the deeper nature of this world works behind the veil and how things both are and are not at the same time, one can't even begin to wrap their head around the idea of how someone who from all apparent objective observations has done this that or the other in order to land themselves in the homeless situation they are in BUT ALSO at the same time they didn't do any of these things in the way that they are perceived by others as objectively apparent will continue to remain a mystery,  the painful truth of which for the most awakened undergoing their ordeals alone and in silence do so because the ignorance of others - even the majority of the awakened (for their not having reached the highest state of existence for being able to the workings behind what it is I'm trying to explain) - prevents the change and assistance that would be necessary in this world for their to be a major improvement in how humanity works and cooperates for the collective good of everyone over working for oneself as a slave belonging to the archon (consciously or otherwise - and most of the time, again, even with the awakened, unconsciously) and therefore serving to perpetuate the continuation of this illusory system of our living in a workaday world, where to the end of one's life the goal is to work and provide for the family and try to make as much money as possible while doing so. This from beginning to end of course being an absolute 100% lie.).

Like I say, until a few individuals in positions to make a difference (say, a few individuals fully awakened and in a situation of complete antithesis to that of the archontically targeted homeless awakened individual) begin to actually put thought into action and begin to take steps to help those in positions like my own, and once that happens, both parties then working to devise ways to create a system where more and more can be lifted out, and others prevented from falling in (for our having devised a way to head off such attempts by the archon), nothing in this world will ever change. This I am certain of. We can wake up millions of individuals, and wake them to a very high level, but until what I am talking about is understood, and people are willing to take action, to suffer, and to do what ever needs to be done in any way shape or form to step out of the illusion at the level that is controlled by how much money they have or don't have, until such a system is put in place to handle this by those who will have to put their own lives at risk for being at the forefront of creating such a system, this world will never change - and can never change for the fact of everyone remaining chained to the workaday illusion feeds and perpetuates it.

To change this world it can only happen one individual at a time (among billions!) - and it requires these individuals to step outside of the workaday illusion and the chains that bind one to it in such a way that they can live and work both within the workaday world (that is work for the betterment of humanity, not for a personal life per se; and artists of course would be working for humanity. That is, true artists as they come to be understood from the perspective of the veil lifted world) and outside of it too (that is by not having it control them or their ability to exist within it, which is by the nature of things a necessity.).

Anyway, here's my comment:   

I was listening to the following Aeon Bytes podcast. It lead to my making the following comment. I think what I have to say about being homeless is something that the "awakened" need to begin understanding so I'm posting it here.

I think what Dr. Herman is trying to find the words for at 23:06 is that what stands behind the fabric of this world in the way it works is beautifully diabolic - so devastatingly brilliant but in the worst most sinister way. Yes, it is sinister beyond sinister, and for whatever the reason I've been given a front seat to the show that is the highest of high. This is not something I brag about it. It is just a fact, and something I think I would prefer not to know if given the choice. Then again, for the sake of humanity, for the position I'm in, I think I'm responsible to others to the extent that I could never in good conscience opt to unknow what I've been shown and in interface with even if I could. Visit my blog at matrixinsurgency.blogspot.c** I go into great detail about the experiences in my life which get the specifics of the kinds of things that Dr. Herman alludes to about how the sinister workings of this world, and how all that we think we learn about the world and our place in it turns out in the end to be far from mattering in the least bit as it relates to how this world really operates and the hidden controllers standing behind it and governing it. What I share I do so at great cost to myself for my daring to even talk about it, so this comes on top of my first having had to suffer through the experiences in the first place. So please don't fail to take advantage of the information I share, and which I share as a way to counter all of the disinformation. And my thanks to Miguel for running this great site. Listening to his podcasts always lends me strength in having to do what I do in a life that few people could ever understand let alone survive.
I should add, because Herman is offering the opportunity directly. My enforced homelessness and lack of funds for the past 2+ years is because I speak the truth of my experiences. I live on the base reality level for the common human individual the same paradigm for how it works in academia when one doesn't tow the line and decides to speak the truth and nothing but the truth. All I can say is that if this world is changeable and we are in a position to change it it is only once people are willing to be "punished" in the way that I am that we are going to be able to begin effecting changes. I understand why of course this will never happen. Nobody would consciously choose to live under the conditions I live under for my being in the position that I am. That said, unless it is the case, it is likely that we won't be able to make even the slightest dent in winning the battle for this world. It is a battle too. But some might see it as something completely personal and solipsistic. I understand why this is. I just can't agree with it. Maybe over the course of years, decades, once there are enough people existing as I exist and under the same kind of conditions leveled upon me by the archon as our hidden controllers this will be enough momentum for other people to bail on their fake lives and join the fight. That said, this is highly unlikely. If we are meant to fight this war on a collective level, we are almost certainly doomed because the 1% that we are essentially will never opt to exist in this world as I do. And to be completely free of archontic influence and control in and over your life in ways that make you as close to incorruptible as possible, given the nature of how our world works (Castaneda's foreign installation as the means by which we are run and controlled, etc.), one would have to exist as I do. The only way this will begin to change in any more acceptable way is once WE begin to figure out ways to take care of our own (e.g. those in positions of knowledge as my own and in positions of enforced hardship because of it, and fund them with the resources necessary in such ways that will override any attempts coming from the archontic level to shut these individuals down at the level of everyday base reality for their not being able to survive by any of the means that we commonly hold as common sense survival in a workaday world. The workaday world is an illusion, one that the archon shutdown for those who pose the highest threat to them. In other words, "Get a job!" becomes a laughable proposition as a solution once you understand the diabolical brilliance of how this world actually works - and how you and I serve as the reason to a greater extent for the ways in which we are subconsciously controlled and manipulated. So even in cases where if someone were to come to the rescue of an individual in a situation such as mine because of the way this world works and the archon control it even such a noble attempt to help with the greatest of intentions can be easily undermined by archontic manipulation.

So what I'm trying to say is, How do we find a way for our most awakened to survive and do their work for humanity (whatever it may be) in such a way that the workaday world - which is pure illusion, something allowed us by the archon - can be transcended in such a way that the base resources necessary to "exist" and "work" are in place for those positioned at the forefront of what is essentially becoming humans vs. archon contest for control of this world. It may not be possible at all, unfortunately. But nobody is talking about this and we should all be talking about it. Which is why I raise the issue here. Do not confuse this with the old illusions of how we are programmed to think about homelessness. This is not the case of some guy (i.e. me) trying to figure out a way to get money without putting serious effort into finding work. All base reality notions we hold in this regard need to be thrown the fuck out because they do not apply to those in my position. This is a simple fact. And I know that I am not the only individual in such a position. I just happen to be the only one who has found a way to start talking about it.


  1. i know of what you speak, I to was caught in the forced homelessness and while in the middle of it, I could tell there was some unseen force causing it to happen. This force is ever present in everyones life. For those that are unaware and live a typical unaware life, this archonic force leaves them to continue living the unaware impoverished lives. For those who've begun to awaken, their lives are interrupted by this force in all sorts of ways, included the forced homelessnes which is the case for you and it was for me. I've encounter other troubles as well. The key is to awaken to whats really going on and learn to know it and work around it. This force is part of conciouness so its a very tall order to overcome but it can be overcomed. The are others fighting against and exposing whats going on. If you want to know more and where to go and what to do to help you to heal complete please get in contact. scmc48@aol.com


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