Diary Entries - Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix


Because of my living circumstances, especially when my days go as they did these past three days, I just don't have the energy, motivation, and inspiration to write about anything in detail. This also includes the fact that when I come off of days like I just had, the reasons I'm forced to go through these archontically enforced and controlled experiences in the first place is that they - the archon - seek to retaliate against me for daring to share with others what I know. And in the first entry below, through this most recent experience, I've even had to consider the fact that what I share means little to nothing at all for the fact that it will never reach the people it should, and for the fact that I question nowadays just how many of us there are in the first place. So on days like today it seems pointless for me to write and share anything for it not making a difference, and for there being nobody to really reach, with those who need to be reached being so few and far between as to to nearly nonexistent - all the more so if they are not awake. However, since they - the archon - do retaliate against me, then what I share must matter in some way. So these brief diary entries are my way of sharing something on days like today when I'm too destroyed and dejected to want to write or share anything.

Addition: The following is reply to a comment I made. I include it because I think it goes far in explaining gangstalking and the state of our existence in this world in very basic off-the-cuff terms:

Thank you for your kind words. I understand the worst of the worst when it comes to how the targeting of individuals works and what stands behind it. I'm sorry to hear that you are TI too. All I can say is never give into your fear. Paranoia, by the way, is always true, though I won't go into explaining here what I mean. I'll just say that with the feelings of paranoia you just need to find a way while not being in fear to know and realize that you are always being watched in one fashion or another know matters where and what you are doing. If you know this, and you have nothing in your life to hide or be ashamed of (and that also includes ridding yourself of cultural and religious programing that is designed to program you with fear and shame and guilt), live your life and think your thoughts as you do without giving in for the existence of such monitoring, we'll call it here. Also, in terms of gangstalking just realize that anyone anywhere at anytime can become a gangtalker. This would include even your family members and closest friends. This is terrible thing to have to say but it is true. How to deal with it? What I said above. Know that it happens and can happen in all kinds of situations and so don't give into the fear or paranoia of it. What I can promise you is that no government or agency of that type is following you - BUT - the experience of being followed (this assumes you have this experience) is real, it is being done to you. Again, I won't go into detail here about how and why this is the case. Just think of it as a very elaborate illusion that is being run on you to provoke fear and paranoia and to crush your want or ability to socialize or otherwise get on with your life in the way that you would like.

Lastly, yes, it is almost guaranteed that many of us are targeted either from birth or from a very young age. The reasons or many, but primarily include monitoring to ensure that we stay asleep, and the other is very likely for our being part of an experiment where we become the subjects of study based on certain traits for programming that we've taken on from a young age. This is an absolutely horrible thing to have to consider but it is essentially and undismissible truth that we need to start coming to terms with. In terms of targeting from birth/childhood, as I've said many times on this page, it my understanding that all of us - that means every human being in this world - are given the foreign installation that Carlos Castaneda speaks of at birth. In other words, you can think of it like ego, and ego is something that is given to us at very young age, and unbeknownst to all of us until know, the presence of the ego is something more based in technology than it is in anything of psychology or the supernatural. Essentially it's like having AI grafted on to your personality at a very young age. If you've grown up following your intuition more than this other inner voice, chances are you are freeer and truer than most others. A good person essentially. If you grew up listening to this inner voice, making it the source that dictated most anything you did in your life, then I'll just say you are not like the person who listened and followed their intuition and heart. It is by means of this very real technologically implanted foreign installation that this world and we in it is governed by the hidden controllers.

Castaneda characterized the foreign installation thus: “We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so… Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal.” Carlos Castaneda.

Sorry if my thoughts seems to fantastical and crazy and paranoid for some but I speak the truth.

My best to everyone. Stay strong.

Diary Entries:


For a hole that I mistook for an ocean:
Despite wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove... I thought of you yesterday, what you are, what you serve, and what you are to humanity, and six feet under would be too good for the likes of your kind.

"You'll never see me again," never better words have I ever heard from a mouth in human form. If you're a sellout may nothing in this life ever be easy for you again.

If you are something else, it's one of two ways, either you have my deepest sympathies for becoming a lost one before I ever knew you; or you deserve the full brunt of my wraith and hatred for being something that should not be allowed to exist in this world. I'm inclined to believe the latter, as I see in hindsight all that you ever did.

This message is as temporary as you were.

6\19\2019 - Block from Signing In to Youtube via Google

I've been subjected to "THEIR" rules and penalized. It seems that my recent account trouble resulted for the fact of my commenting on the YouTube videos that I watch, and I guess for leaving my blog address with it. In any case I wasn't trolling or being crafty. The information I shared was dead on, and mostly it had to do with artificial intelligence, which specifically went something like this: we are living now in a simulated reality governed by artificial intelligence. That people like Elon Musk know this for a fact. That people should expect this in the future for it being here now.

Makes complete sense why I would get banned from using Youtube via my google account. Here's what I was told when I tried to sign on to Youtube:

"Unable to access a Google product

If you've been redirected to this page from a particular product, it means that your access to this product has been suspended. Read on for more information.

Your access to this Google product has been suspended because of a perceived violation of either the Google Terms of Service or product-specific Terms of Service. For specific product guidelines, please visit the homepage of each Google product you're interested in for a link to its Terms of Service.

Google reserves the right to:

Disable an account for investigation.
Suspend a Google Account user from accessing a particular product or the entire Google Accounts system, if the Terms of Service or product-specific policies are violated.
Terminate an account at any time, for any reason, with or without notice.

Next steps for suspended accounts: If you believe your access to this product was suspended in error, contact us."

Funnily enough, my encounters with the real hidden controllers of this world - the archon - which is most likely if not completely to the greatest degree AI based - has been in and through this world. It is only in recent weeks, once I decided to start making an effort to openly write and share with others what I know despite the hardship of my personal situation, that I am beginning to come up against the hidden controllers and their methods as they are employed through the masses via our use of the Internet. I've just come to it having gone up against the worst case first. That said, it only shows me how much trouble we are really in for the control of the Internet and our data is in their hands completely. That means that all the ignorant people in this world are giving their lives away so far as they exist as data to all of these companies which is only going to end in these people one day finding that they have been shut down and are owned by these companies for having given their lives away via data. Want to see that special family photo from a few years back? No chance. Google says you have violated one of their terms. Now you are suspended from using your account. This of course is only the tip of the iceberg that is about to be revealed when it comes to the lives of people being controlled by the companies that control the Internet.

Good luck everyone.

6\19\2019 - Homelessness and the State of Our Existence in this World

Just came off another extended no food/drink session the past three days. The archon and the demiurge are not lessening any pressures on me but only increasing them. The reason they do so is because I continue to the best of my ability to write and share what I know. As I posted the other day, I'm still locked out of my blog and email. Going to work on that.

I feel really fucking weary. I mean wear of being weary at this point. So far as it's been shown to me and so far as I have to experience this life - that is no more to me than an existence. And yes, like someone posted in a comment below, we are targeted from birth/childhood. My feelings as of late are that I've been put here and condition for one purpose - to be experimented on and studied. But I don't mean in my years waking up. I mean in my post-awakened state. The experiment being something like this - How do crush the soul, will and spirit of human beings so that when we decide to come out of the woodwork they won't resist us.
There is no real love; I hate having to say this. It's been proven, and just because you (reader) have someone on your shoulder and she or he has been there for many years, and you can swear to your grave that love you and will protect you no matter what, that person on your shoulder and the years behind the two of you, despite what you think (and from you perspective and understanding of reality you are right), it is not proof that one of you won't turn against the other and destroy the other under archontic manipulation. The love-bite (if one you understand it) is not the exception, it is the rule. We walk around in relationships and marriages that are essentially sleeper relationships. That right, sleeper relationships, so the same way a Manchurian Candidate is activated and then carries out his/her assignment, many of us - especially those of us in long term relationships that we would never ever ever allow to see our significant other as anything but a rock - are kept under control and minded through our relationships. If you start to wake up, your significant other/spouse will be activated with the purpose being to put you back to sleep - or in some cases, to put both of you back to sleep, if you are truly equal in the relationship without one or the other being a sleeper.
Remember, I hate to say this. I hate to be forced to see it for the truth that been proven to me. I hope that there is someway that despite all that I have been shown that I am not completely and that real love does truly exist. Except it doesn't exist in this inverted piece of shit lie of a world that we are enslaved in.
Anyway, with love taken away as real human truth I'm left with little in this world to believe in or fight for. I've always hated money, but even with nothing left in my life, in trying at least to make money to give me the needed resources to fund my life so that I can fund sharing and writing about what I know with anyone that wants to hear it, these entities are still riding me in such a way as to ensure that I remain in my enforced fundless existence with the all of the orchestrations they pile on top of it intended by them to keep me sharing the truth with others. Yet I have no choice. If I don’t do all in my power to share what I know - as fruitless and unimportant as it all seems, for the majority of what I share is not making to anyone who is “real,” so to speak, but only to those who are nothing but apparitions in this world designed to control those of us who are real – then there is nothing in this world worth doing. And never let it escape your mind as a terrible truth – whatever you do in this world with very few exceptions is something you are being allowed to to do and in your doing it what you unfolds in the way the script allows for it to unfold. You essentially do not do or not do anything, even though it seems as if you do. Until you can truly understand what I mean by this you are not fully awake. If you are not utterly horrified by this world and still think there are good and beautiful things in it, you are still being fooled, and you are not awake.

Leaving it at that…. The best of luck to all of you out there fighting for the right reasons, be it for yourself or others (though the new problem is now, how do we differentiate the real from the other?).


My state of existence simply explained is that I exist under archontic matrial law.
Where then is the support network for those like me who fight our archontic enemies from the trenches?
Answer: There isn't one; and with the exception of those of us already at my level, meaning we have all the knowledge but absolutely no power, no one understands enough to know that there needs to be one.


My state of existence simply explained is that I exist under archontic matrial law.
Where then is the support network for those like me who fight our archontic enemies from the trenches?
Answer: There isn't one; and with the exception of those of us already at my level, meaning we have all the knowledge but absolutely no power, no one understands enough to know that there needs to be one.


Google has locked me out my gmail account and as a result my blogger account too.
Being in the situation I'm in I can't afford a phone, so I don't have a number to give them, and therefore I can't get back into my account.

But more than this, I post this to point out that the reason why "suspicious activity" has been claimed on my account by Google is because I've been blogging, and commenting on Youtube videos - AND - because I'm located in Vietnam.

To the shitass mentality of a company like Google, based in a country like America - and I'm American - Vietnam might as well be a third world country.

Even though they allowed me to open the account without a phone number, by flagging me with suspicious activity so soon after my opening the account, and then locking me out of their account, which in turn locks me out of any other associated accounts, they are forcing me to give them a phone number that will essentially allow them to track me in any way they please, even if it's just intended for basic marketing.
For the same reason, not having a phone and number, I was unable to open a Twitter account from the get go, but at least Twitter was an asshole upfront about its policy. Google on the other hand draws you in by giving you an account knowing that when they shut you down and demand a phone number more than likely you will have no other choice but to provide them with one.

In any case, I'm now locked out of my blog and my primary email account and there isn't much I can do about it since most of the time I'm struggling just to fucking eat, and often even that is something I'm forced to forego.

Is the real problem ultimately a company like Google?

No, not by a long shot. The problem is the archon, the secret controllers behind this world, and until people begin to focus their attention on the true source behind all of the problems and misery in this world nothing is ever going to change. Seen in this way, maybe people can begin to understand that governments are preyed upon by the archon in the same manner as individuals are preyed upon. To realize this is to see directly into the archon agenda of divide and conquer where all of humanity becomes their prey, and they seek to divide and conquer us by having us do it to ourselves from the top down.
In other words, as a global species we need to shift the focus of our attention away from ourselves and place it where it really belongs - on the archon, the hidden cowardly non-human controllers that have been governing this world and enslaving us from the shadows with their technologies, in conjunction with their mastery over manipulating human psychology and physiology from a time - at least - long before we even discovered how to use electricity.

Though they have succeeded generation after generation in turning human against human at every level from the gutter to the highest echelons of any human institution that ever existed. We have been tricked and manipulated into seeing each other as enemies. We humans are not enemies. The archon are our enemies, the enemies of humanity.

Put another way: Yes, the system is completely 100% fucked - corporations, governments, religious institutions, medicine, education all of it; every base reality human institution in existence is flawed beyond repair. The way to solve the problem is not fix what is broken and can't be fixed anyway. The way to solve the problem is to wrest power away from the archon, the hidden controllers, and then to rebuild once - and if - their control over this world and us can be ended.|

As fantasy and fairy tale as such words might sound to those who are still seduced by the lie of base reality, it is the truth. We need on a global (matrix) scale to shift our focus from ourselves to the archon. It is that simple! We live in a simulated reality matrix. This also means we need to shift our focus away from what does not exist, and cannot exist beyond it being something akin to elaborate obfuscating backstory, and focus it on what does - our hidden controllers. They are the masters of this experiment that contains us and enslaves us as the objects of their study.


Thank you Mark Passio for speaking to what I live every day without a modicum of understanding from anyone - about the reality of this world, the hidden controllers that run it, and the ways in which people's willingness to ignorance is contributing to making our very grave existence even graver.

If people don't wake the fuck up soon and stop fucking lying to themselves about what this world really is, how it really works, what their real place in it is, and what stands behind it pulling their fucking strings, then we are going to be doomed as a fucking species.

If they really knew what stands behind this world and what is is capable of they'd shit their pants and die. Not a one would dare by even a wisp to continue acting and behaving as they do, nor would those who think themselves awake continue to spew the shit they do, not realizing that they serve as sources of disinformation and propaganda for the archontic controllers who allow them to exist unmolested inside of safe little bubble boxes so long as their ignorance to the full truth keeps them serving the agenda of the hidden rulers rather than fucking opposing them.

The same goes for the state of male/female relationships in this world. If the true men and women don't soon wake up to the fact that the destruction of male/female relationships, the human heart, and love, is at the top of the negative archontic agenda then their will be no human species left in the future to even be doomed. Men will be bred out of existence, women will become incubators for eugenic breeding programs guided by archontic agenda, the divine male and female will cease to exist, and true human beings and human relationships will be supplanted by psychopathic robotic replacements with no connection one to the other beyond the archontic hive programming that controls them! And this is not something that is soon on the way - it's something that's already here, and it's been here for a long fucking time!

6\10\2019 - Homelessness

Just completed another archon enforced - and understand the importance of that word "enforced" - homeless run with no food or drinks except park fountain water for three days, 100 degrees heat. A bit of a reprieve granted to me this evening.

The saddest part of it all, beside the shit I had to suffer and endure, which includes not the lack of food and drink, but all of the gangstalking and other archon orchestrations leveled at time, is the fact that the more my experiences go on the more fake our world is proven to be. The solipsism factor for me is way high now, higher than ever, and there are many reasons why this is so but with it also not being strictly solipsistic either. But the question I'm forced to deal with, the saddest part, is just how many of us are there in this world for real and that truly matter?

I know how cold this sounds and why, but it's something I can no longer ignore. I've tried for a long time to avoid accepting such an idea as a truth for it being just too terrible a truth to face. But what is, is, and in this most recent experience the archon intentionally set out to reinforce through experiences and encounters that I can't through doubt and the raising of alternate hypothesis find a way of wiggling out of accepting that what is - is. My life and my encounters with the archon have caused me to feel alone enough as it is, but with this reinforcement that those of us who are the ones that "matter" (I don't know a better way to say it in this moment) are so few and far between, with my being in this part of the world, I feel more than ever so far away from others who are like myself in this battle against the archon.


  1. Hello, I've read most of your post and generally speaking you understand that something untoward is going on for yourself and every other human on this planet, eventhough most of them don't know or understand they are being interferred with. He has experienced most of what you speak and has been able to break free of it all and now lives in freedom. Please take a look at his sites and take it very seriously.

  2. Sorry, looks as though I'm being interferred with as I try to reach out to you because some of my message got left out of what I tried to relay to you. I ask that you take a look at Philip Goddards site "clarity of being" to see his working model of all that you speak about so you can better understand what's going on for you, and then began a process of ridding yourself of your problems.


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