Matrix Simulation - The Etheric Archon Grid

It sucks listening to an annoying computer reader, but I can confirm 2:13-4:08 and 4:44+ and people should become aware of the existence of this technology and how it is being used against all of us, not only those of us who are awakened. This is how the simulation seeks to control and suppress those of us who fight against it. As to the existence of beings, exorcisms, reptilians and the rest, in my opinion it is only a product of the simulation and not something that what should feed into with our imaginations thus spinning out more and more convoluted fantasies. What needs to be kept in mind is that fact that we are in a simulation of some kind and that this simulation thrives depends on our imaginations running away in flights of fantasy that it can pseudo serve up to us as realities that it uses as a form of cover and concealment to hide its true origin and nature - and the observers who hide behind it, experimenting on and observing us.

In other words, we need to start keeping things simple and stripping things down to the core facts, which means not feeding into all of the worn out archetypes of our supposed "history" that have for so long served only to obfuscate the fact that we exist within a simulation of some sort. Stop feeding the aliens and demons and angels and spirits and ghosts and religions and politics thought-forms. They are all of them bullshit! See things for what they are - we exist within this computer simulated world and the computer itself that runs this world is against us, seeking to control and suppress us by inundating us with false realities - this includes the archon. AI is hive. The computer running the simulation is the AI. That is all you need to keep in mind, toss out all of the other story lines and false history, religion, etc. Then you will see that all that is left is the technology (as mentioned above 2;13-4:08) being used as an energy field to control your thoughts and behaviors. The more we feed archetypes the further removed the computer becomes from our being able to stand against it as a unified humanity refusing to submit any longer to it bogus control, which would simply collapse if we all stood up against it at once and refused to feed into its game of false fantasy.


  1. thanks for sharing this. I could see the falseness and simulation attempting to play with my mind and control me as I read and understood what you are/were saying here.


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