Matrix Simulation - How Many "Real" People Actually Exist in this "World'?

About a year ago I created a blog at *matrixinsurgency.blogspot***com. It contains most of the same content as on this site, but with a bit more content, and organized in a way that makes everything far more accessible than on FB. Well, for all of that, and for having all of the pages having titles, keyworded, and indexed in various ways that should make them far more accessible than even FB, here is the result of a month. Granted, because of my personal situation I haven't been able to attend to the page that often, this being the first time I've checked in about 6 months or so, but given the 100s of pages I've created and titled, and given the interest in the topic - it actually being, or should be, the only topic of interest in this world - the result of this pages' existence and effectiveness is as follows:

Pageviews today
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Pageviews all time history

I'd say these paltry numbers suggest that either page is being filtered in such a way so as to not reach the people it should, or perhaps, and this is a bit more disconcerting but something at this time I need to start considering, there just aren't that many "real" souls in existence in the first place to find the content. Ultimately it doesn't matter. I can only do what I can do and hope that somehow it can make a difference for one or a few real individuals.


  1. Thank you for your work. The truth hit home. I didn’t understand what I’ve experienced my whole life until now. I was ‘targeted’ in a Truman show kind of way.

  2. I suspect we have NPC's amongst us, how many, who knows? A good portion of us are probably not even human. You posed a deep question in your title... what are "Real People" anyway, how many of us are influenced or inhabited by "others"? One can only speculate on your question.


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