The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner - In a Computer Generated and Controlled World

The following song, based on the the short story by Allen Sillitoe, not only befits my life because of the years of training and racing I put into triathlon in my early thirties, becoming a multi-time Iron Man, before all of the shitty events that would unfold in my life, leading up to my first encounter with the "Invisible Ones" and this Mainframe controlled world, but the story itself befits almost perfectly the last three three years of my life living on the streets of Hanoi, Vietnam as a homeless American, relegated to this position by enforcement of these entities and the Computer, which I have sought to break my spirit and bring me to me knees and into the fold of serving them, and in doing so, becoming a shelled out being with a Hive Mind delivered via pulling into my mind their infection via the raising of my Kundalini - or I should say, my allowing them root access to my mind with a tech program called Kundalini in the times before it was known that this world is really technology prison controlled by an invisible observing intelligence that hides behind the Computer warden that controls this world, and targets those of us who began to wake up the fact of this world being no more than a terrible lie that we are tricked into believing is "Real."

For those of you who are targeted individuals, for those of you being gangstalked, for those of you who have been tortured through the love-bite, who have physically tortured by these entities in the "real world" and in the astral, for those of you have been hospitalized for mental illnesses you did not have, who have been jailed for crimes you have not committed, who have been made poor or destitute through no apparent fault of your own - all I can say is that I've been through all of it, and a whole lot fucking more, for 1000s of days everyday, so hold fast, never give up, and despite how it feels, know that you are not alone. Though WE may few and far between in this world, with most of what surrounds us being something Other, know that those of us who are Real, perhaps Human Beings, perhaps not, for it really no longer matters by what label we are called, know that you are not alone. And keeping this story in mind, know that no matter how bad it becomes WE can never give up, and never give on based on the buying in to false fantasies or the possibility that some reward awaits us on the horizon. All that we can do is not allow them to break our spirits, and so far as possible, to keep love and kindness alive despite the fact that we find little in the way of love or kindness in the encounters the program servers up to us. Stay strong!
Here's the Wiki link for the short story:…/The_Loneliness_of_the_Long-Dista…

Iron Maiden: The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner:


  1. Stay strong! You are not alone! We have the poder to attain the freedom of being, conciusness Is Real! We are! They dont! Even if they are the enemy they dont get the jokes, they dont understand love AND our true poder Is that! Never give up! Stay concious! Own your life! There Is no reward! All Is yours! Please dont feel alone! We are on the path to what we trully aré!

    Love Is only given! The More I give the More I have ! Dont give up Bro!



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