On an Experience in the Early Days of my First Encounters with the Archon


The following is a repost of something I put up on FB.

I'm posting the following picture to see if anyone has any kind of insight into its meaning. For me it highly significant in the most extreme of unusual ways, and the ways it has existed in my life is like a kind of uncanny foreboding omen of things that were to come. For starters, this image is a plaque that was embedded in the wall of an apartment that I used to rent. I say embedded because that in and of itself hit me as so strange when I first moved it. Why wasn't just hung as everything else in this furnished place was? Second, I live in Vietnam, my landlord who owned the building never really got around to explaining how she had come by it, but I'm certain that she knew little to nothing about it beyond perhaps just liking it. Subject matter of this kind - even objects depicting such subjects, especially now going back a few years, in Vietnam are far from common, making this plaque hanging in the room over the bed as it did highly unusual to say the least. So I move into this apartment with my then girlfriend and live their about a year, give or take, with this plaque overhanging our bed, which was a mattress on the floor - and it was here in this apartment about a year after we moved in that my experiences with the archon would begin in earnest and in such a way that everything that broke into my reality as it existed for me for nearly 40+ years did so in such a way that the reality I knew and lived by, and that most live by today and for all time, because that's how the system is programmed to work, went away forever and now exists for me as something I can only recall by the recollection of memories from before this time. So it was in this apartment that I lived and went through with my then partner the first of many horrendous experiences that subjected us both to every facet of the love-bite, so far as most who know what it is and have come to understand it can; and MK-Ultra, not as a program of mind-control employed by the CIA, but as it is used and employed against human beings by the archon who created it.

What I mean here is that our understanding of MK-Ultra as a system of mind-control, including the means by which its victims are subjected to its programming and methodology, created and run by the CIA, is simply a watered down and erroneous understanding of a more elaborate and sinister program of mind-control created by the archon as means to control and manipulate all of human society, with the many and various ways that humanity has organized itself on the grounds of nationality, culture, religion, mythology, and the like being the direct manifested byproduct of this system as it has been employed against humanity over the course of many generations, if not going all the way back to a time before recorded human history began. In any case, the way in which this system works so defies reality as we commonly understand it that our understanding of it at the level of the CIA is mere child’s play and the tip of the iceberg so far as what its true capabilities are. I understand how ridiculous this might sound to some. That’s unfortunate. What I’m saying is the truth.
To go into details about all the happened to me after this initial contact is too difficult to begin addressing here and to a certain extent unnecessary. I’ve touched on bits and pieces of it in the past through diary-like entries that I first posted to my FB page, and since posted on my blog. In any case, for my life having been as difficult as it has been over the past several years, mostly due to my personal circumstances, and this in direct connection to my contact and interface with the archon, I’ve yet to write a full account of my experiences, which is something I need to do, for the experiences I’ve undergone are experiences that need to be shared with the wider public, and so I’m hoping that at some not too distant point I’ll be able to write a book recounting my experiences in as much detail as possible. Until then, my blog, and posts like this one will have to do.

Essentially my contact with the archon began in this room, beneath this plaque, and the horrible experiences my ex- and I would be put through – and without her making it all the way through, meaning that the person she was when things began for us is not the person she would be by the time she abandoned me on the street, never to be seen again; and this includes her memories of what we had been subjected to erased, wiped from her memory – and initially she was in a position more elevated than my own in regards to her knowledge of the archon and what we were undergoing under archontic control – or else, anything that she does remember, and I’m certain she does retain certain key memories, if not the full extent of everything, for various reasons that should be obvious, even under pain of death I believe she would deny knowledge of everything regardless of the resulting consequences, to herself, to me, or to anyone else for that matter. And so, as I was saying, with conditions eventually morphing into the kind of scenario just explained, - everything started here in this room, beneath this plaque, and expanded outward from here over the course of nearly two years – with she and I both together in love and at the same time pitted against one another by the archon in many sinister ways – with it all still continuing for me in different ways in the time since she and I tragically parted a couple of years ago.
Curiously too, when I moved in, the plaque being as unusual as it is, the subject matter being fairly compelling to my tastes and interests even at that time, I really took little interest in it, to the point of my more or less dismissing it as an item of curiosity completely. And even after all of the experiences in this room began - and the many strange ways that these experiences had connections to the this plaque in obvious mythological ways, most of which remained lost to me then and now - it wasn't until after we were forced to leave this apartment and relocate to a new one that I began to reflect on the ways in which this plaque seemed to stand in some direct way - almost as if overseeing the events, or better yet, standing as a kind of signature for what stood behind the events - for what we were put through together in that room by the archon.

Lastly, at some point in our strange master/slave and mutual victims, along with much of the cruel male/female archetypal things we were both subject to, roles she in a cryptic way at some time toward the end of our time in this apartment made a cryptic comment that I can't recall but for the gist of it which essentially suggested how she as woman had ties to these birds - and me, for being a man, I was someone excluded from this cultish connection of hers. Off the top of my head, that's the best way I can describe at this moment. On top of this, I just very recently existed another very extreme and bizarre love-bite, and in this relationship at some point, also near the end of it, the girl I was with, and said in such a way that for the most part defied her background and ability to speak of such things than anything else, cryptically made some kind of allusion that made direct reference to her believing she had some direct link to the existence of birds, as if such connections were matter of fact common knowledge that anyone of us would easily understand. Of course I was tempted to raise the issue of this plaque with her, for she by this already knew most of what I had experienced in my life up this point in regard to the archon and the veil lifted world, and tell her about how this plaque hung over my bed in all that I had gone through with my previous girlfriend, most all of which she was more or less fluent about – but I didn’t for some reason.

Oh yeah, I should add that all of the photos I had from the time when I lived in this apartment have since been lost, likely never to be seen again. This makes it all the more curious that I happened to find this photo on a whim; and in searching on this whim, out of everything I did expect to find, I certainly never expected to find this photo. I will also add a second photo simply because it also showed up with my search – and a most curious photo for the way in which it was taken. I can only imagine that it was my landlord that took the picture, and given the nature of the event that I lived through, and which caused my girlfriend and I to have to leave the apartment, it is more than extremely strange that my landlord would take such a photo at the angel she did.

This second photo shows the place – the balcony - from which I fell not more than about a week or so following my first contact experience with the archon, contact that which, once it began, only escalated in the level of interface, with each passing day, most it it being highly unpleasant, life threatening (to say the least) – not to mention my fall! - and frightening beyond any of the accounts I’ve yet to hear recounted by others in their experiences with the archon, and most of it taking place in base reality, which was for it being base reality more threatening and frightening to that which I would go on to encounter at the astral/etheric level. I can say that from almost the very first moment I encountered the archon, they not only proceeded to threaten my life but went about ending it many times physiologically just the point before death – and they would do it repeatedly over the course of this first week – and even much later in my experiences. So when I talk about people not in the least understanding what our world really is what stands behind it, despite how awake they believe themselves to be, I mean it. If I sound arrogant that’s too bad. I speak with authority from real and dangerous experiences, many of which took or threatened to take my life, but by means and in ways that the average person would never understand. In any case, I hope one day to be able to share my experiences to the fullest extent possible.

That said, I won’t go into detail about it here but to say it was in this fall – that is, my fall from this balcony, which was in no way, not even in the slightest, suicidal – that I wound up paralyzed from the waist down in the hospital, and probably should have been killed, or at the least suffering from serious internal injuries to my organs – or a major head injury (and there is much more to this, in regard to the archon’s take on it in relation to what happened to me – and what could have otherwise happened, had they thought differently, which much later was made plainly clear to me by them), but by the end of the night, despite being paralyzed when I woke up in the middle of a hospital room on silver gurney with a room full of poor Vietnamese people starring at me, my pants stripped down to my knees, no sheet covering me, and a catheter hanging out of my dick, I left the hospital - though it was more the equivalent of being thrown out, since the hospital was for Vietnamese citizens only – under my own power, after I learned to make my legs work again, and without having been administered any pain medication despite the excruciating pain that I would endure and undergo as a result of this fall.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to any insights you guys might have about the subject matter of the plaque, or even if the subject matter shares some kind of correspondence to Gnosticism in general.


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