Archon Programming & Control Methodologies - Bullbating - Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix


"Bullbaiting" as I just heard of it if for the first time as a practice of Scientology is a method of archontic control as it is exercised over the individuals it targets directly, that is, those individuals it opens up lines of communication with during the targeting and conditioning phase - reprogramming, is more accurate - except it is done mostly with the archon disguising their true identity behind any number of covers, be it a benevolent channeling alien, a demon or ghost, or the spirit of your long dead dog, Rover. Whatever they can get you bite on based on your past conditioning and programming, in other words. 

It has dawned on me several times in the past, and it's only become more apparent since, but Hubbard - and cults and religions of all kinds - obviously took what he learned from the archon (directly or indirectly, because there are degrees) and used it to create Scientology. I guess in a similar manner I could take what I've been shown and subjected to by the arcon and use it to do the same. I prefer instead to share what I know with others, though it ain't doing a damn thing for improving my ability to live above the poverty line. In fact, it seems to be doing more in the way of keeping me here. Maybe yes, maybe no. Either way, I still prefer my course.

To understand what I'm getting at here is to understand what MK Ultra really is and how it pales in comparison to the highly advanced (both technologically and psychologically) and far more sinister version of it as it is employed against humanity on the whole by the hidden controllers. When it comes to the archon everything always seems to come down to archetypes, and MK Ultra as we understand it is simply an archetype of a large more complex system. To understand what I'm getting at is also to understand where the "inspiration" come from in all that we create; it is to understand where much of what filters down into our arts as hidden truths originates from - and much of it employed against us in mocking ways too! - not to mention where the bulk of our science and technology come from, some of it highly advanced, but much of it designed to be crippling for keeping us in the dark and asleep as to what is truly going on and how deep in the stone age we are still living so far as it comes to our understanding of what we are, where we are - and when we are.

We are raised in this world to believe that we are the top of the food chain, that everything begins and ends with us. That's the reason why we've been duped for so fucking long. To waste even a moment trying to fix anything in this world so long as the hidden controllers remain in power is futile. We either focus all of our energies collectively on the intelligence that enslaves us and in doing so rob it of its power over us, or we just sit back, shut our mouths and accept what ever lot we are given in life, as we enjoy the fucking scripted illusion the best we can, knowing that no matter who we are not a single thing we do or say aimed at changing this world will ever amount to a goddamned thing. If you think I'm wrong, look at our track record for all of recorded history. But we have an advantage today that didn't exist in the past. We know what our ancestors didn't. We know technology (well enough) and our ancestors didn't.

As to the true nature of this world, the illusion, and keeping in mind what I said about MK Ultra above, don't waste your breath with politics, changing the environment, feeding the poor, or even human rights. All of it is bullshit (well, not all, but...). If you understand the concept of fake news than you understand exactly what I mean. Can anyone give me - and prove it! - an exact and accurate number for the worlds' population? Do you really believe it's in the billions? What if it were in the millions, thousands, even hundreds? If you can understand what I'm saying you might finally be thinking accurately enough to know how to change this world - or at least not contribute to its problems. Even it this world's population is in the billions, the many are going to need to rely on the few, even if they are incapable of knowing it. So don't waste your breath or time in places where it does nothing but fuel the loosh tanks - and feed the script.

And take this for what is worth from one who is truly destitute and bonafide homeless - the homeless destitute person you encounter, either in the gutter or on the news might not be - at all. Sharing information like this will certainly do nothing to help those in situations like my own, but it might help those of you who know you are really here to do the work understand better the kinds of things worth doing and the illusions that prevail to prevent you from doing them.

It takes the highest level of discernment to be able to do what we do. Above all, and because of the nature of how things in this world really are, it shows why there can be no place for prejudice of any kind. So when you throw out the bathwater, which you will be forced to do, don't send the babies to the slaughter as lesser minds would. See things for what they are knowing what needs to be known - and work around things by necessity. Be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove.


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