Hyperdimensional Warfare: Archon Attacks in the Astral - Multiple Descriptions: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix (SRM)


Originally posted on FB 12/16/2016

4/30/2016: Shit, reading back [kind of, just skimming] on these older posts, I fucking feel sorry for myself. Probably good, since nobody else did or does. That's not me feeling sorry for myself. It's me saying that now that I've gone through this shit and I'm finally able to share here with others, the time for people having to suffer this shit in silence is fast coming to end. Disclosure does make a difference. And I don't buy into the idea that talking about this shit is a catalyst to manifesting it. That's archontic propaganda as far as I'm concerned. These mother-fuckers control and direct this shit, so there ain't no manifesting taking place in the way some would suggest. That said... No, fuck it: no exceptions! This shit originates with the archon, we don't manifest it, at least not this.

Astral Attack Related Question:

I realize, in re: my previous post (archontic interference is preventing me from updating anything I post) that the shadow entity that lodged itself and zapped me in the spine - which is debilitating to the point where I can't stand up - was likely given to me as an incentive to continue in my clearing efforts. I don't know if anybody else has ever encountered this, but when I pull entities, and there is a slew of them, never counted, but upwards of 30 or more, they begin to amass in what appears to be a fireball, or more like molten lava between black lava, and this is tethered to the two entities that are harnessed around my head, right and left, and down my back, or so I assume. Also, another cord comes out of the sacrum and leads to this ball of fire, for lack of a better word. As I attempt to clear entities, and fly backwards, when I can out pull the gravitational pull of the fire ball, the cords will elongate, as if at some point everything will snap off, and I'll be cleared. However, what usually happens is that fireball will overtake me, my body will get metabolically hot, as I get engulfed by the fire ball. Has anybody else experienced this in their encounters? I need to know, since I've been dealing with this for nearly a year, and can't clear myself. If I could, I think it would be a major breakthrough, and I'd be cleared of my partial hosting by these entities.

Originally posted on FB 12/16/2016

Question: When I pull "black goo" shadows in the astral, as I pull them, pen point dots of light come flying out of the goo and try to circle back to my astral body. Does anyone know what these are? Also, though they are fewer, I will also see small blue rectangular objects, which I've taken to calling cars, fly out as well. The ratio of pin point white lights to blue cars is maybe something like 10:2. Are these possibly the AI implants? If anyone knows about this, please inform me, so we can get this information out to others.

Originally posted on FB 12/16/2016

Hit With Major Archontic Attack This Evening - Physically, Which Is Unusual For Their Standard Tactics, But It Seems They Are Getting Desparate In Their Attempts To Break My Spirit

In an entity clearing attack this evening, got hit with debilitating back pain, base of spine, a shadow entity lodging itself in my spinal area, which I can't pull.

It's not the first time the archon have zapped in this manner. It means my latest FB posts are pissing them off. That, and I refuse to submit to what they demand me to do, in exchange for easing up on the screws they have tighted on me, both financially and in daily synchronistic, gang stalking, and other forms of archontic interference. I shouldn't need to add that the demands made on my by the archon are of the perverse, sexually humiliating kind, something that these psychopathic entities are famous for, in their attempts to degrade the human spirit. Fuck them! I’ll let them kill me before I’d submit to them. Anyway, if you’ve read some of my earlier posts, you’ll know that I’ve been tortured and faced death many times, since my first encounter with these parasitic predatory enemies of humanity. To hell with them. But I'm all alone in my fight. My love-bite girlfriend my worst enemy, an archontic mouthpiece - and with no other support to lean on, nobody I can share my encounters with, because their is nobody who can understand. The world needs to wake up faster. Come on people, wake up!

Originally posted on FB 12/16/2016

Hit With Major Archontic Attack This Evening - Physically, Which Is Unusual For Their Standard Tactics, But It Seems They Are Getting Desparate In Their Attempts To Break My Spirit
In an entity clearing attack this evening, got hit with debilitating back pain, base of spine, a shadow entity lodging itself in my spinal area, which I can't pull.

It's not the first time the archon have zapped in this manner. It means my latest FB posts are pissing them off. That, and I refuse to submit to what they demand me to do, in exchange for easing up on the screws they have tighted on me, both financially and in daily synchronistic, gang stalking, and other forms of archontic interference. I shouldn't need to add that the demands made on my by the archon are of the perverse, sexually humiliating kind, something that these psychopathic entities are famous for, in their attempts to degrade the human spirit. Fuck them! I’ll let them kill me before I’d submit to them. Anyway, if you’ve read some of my earlier posts, you’ll know that I’ve been tortured and faced death many times, since my first encounter with these parasitic predatory enemies of humanity. To hell with them. But I'm all alone in my fight. My love-bite girlfriend my worst enemy, an archontic mouthpiece - and with no other support to lean on, nobody I can share my encounters with, because their is nobody who can understand. The world needs to wake up faster. Come on people, wake up!

Originally posted on FB 12/16/2019

A Plea For Help From A Targeted Awakened Individual

This is a message to only the truly awakened, for only the awakened can understand what is I’m fighting and suffering through. I'm a targeted awakened individual, battling a full-on archontic assault in isolation, love-bitten (my only source of support), and being completely locked-down and prevented from fulfilling my life purpose – that is sharing my experience and knowledge of the archon with the wider world – through financial/employment interference and poverty programming. Also, the few hours of work that I am “allowed” involves teaching English to children. I love children, and children enjoy my teaching (though I’m new at it). But my concern over this issue has to do with my proximity to children, in conjunction with the archontic entity attachments and AI programming that I battle with daily. I can’t confirm if the archon work through proximity or not. It may simply be something insinuated by the entities in order further their disinformation campaign and widen to the mythology, so we can’t tell the truth from the lies, when it comes to what these entities actually can and cannot do, and what their actual agenda is. In any case, because of my situation, which is enforced destitution, and because I what I have to share with the world needs to be heard, which means I need the time and resources to get this message out, if anyone is willing to help me with some kind of monetary donation, or even a used computer, web space, or any opportunities to help me tell my story, I promise it will deal a serious fucking blow to these archontic entities, because it will help a targeted individual such as myself to do what these parasitic predatory entities seek to prevent.

Originally posted on FB 12/16/2019

Very Important, in re: the below video: "The New Predator" as soul trapper is 100% correct, based on my experience, pre- and post-contact. This topic can be found around 43:00~ of the video in the previous post. Eve Lorgen is also correct in her point about the egregore, or octopus head idea, in the sense of a many-tentacled AI, branching out to multiple individual at once, in an attempt at soul entrapment and harvesting. This is around 60:00~ of the video.

For more on the new predator idea, see the following article by Eve Lorgen:

The New Predator–Radio Shows Update Posted on July 26, 2016 by eve I have three radio interviews to update on: This Thursday evening, July 28, 2016 at 6 pm Pacific time on Groovie Bean’s new Radio Show:…

Originally posted on FB 12/16/2019

The Archon Not Only Play Humanity From the Middle, They Play Human Creativity From The Middle Too. They Do This In Order To Hide Themselves Behind The Myths They Encourage Us To Create. If The Disease Can't Be Detected, The Disease Can’t Be Eradicated.
The following video is excellent discussion on hyperdimensional interference and the love bite, along with my own comments, based on my own ongoing experience with the source behind all that is disscussed in this video - archontic entities.

While I agree, from a very high level of experience and interaction with archotic entities, with mostly everything that is discussed in this conference, meaning I agree that all the various scenarios they discuss occur, it is my belief that everything begins and ends with archontic entities and the matrix control system. By this, I mean that the archon are the beginning and then end of the predation in all of these situations, and it is the archon, in an attempt to hide and divert attention away from their existence by using our own creativity against us. By this, I mean they put the contactees/abductees they target through highly scripted and orchestrated scenarios, tailored to mesh with the interests and experiences the targeted individual has experienced in their life prior to contact. I also believe that prior to contact, these archontic entities subliminally push or guide targeted individuals towards certain types of information, this would include influencing their reading habits, and preferences for music, movie and other types of entertainment, amongst other things. They archon do this in order to “prepare” the targeted individual for the experience that they will feed them post-contact. The purpose behind all of this is to the get these targeted individuals to feed their creativity, in conjunction with the pre-loaded influences (e.g. intake of entertainment, reading material, etc), into the orchestrated scenarios they will be fed during their tailor-made, game-like, experiences. The purpose for doing this is a simple: to get us to use our own creativity, on behalf of the archon, to create disinformation, propaganda, and various, incongruent new mythologies, conspiracies, etc, that divert attention away from the sole source of the misery behind human existence today: the archon and the false matrix system. This is a very quickly worded expression of my opinion on this matter, based on my experience with archontic entities over the past year, and having been given, for reasons I’m yet to understand, an unprecedented level of access to these entities. I hope to expand on my ideas further when my situation improves, if it improves, and I don’t end up dead, either through poverty or more directly. In any case, as they play humanity from the middle in everything they do, they also play human creativity from the middle, in order to hide themselves between all the orchestrated fiction we disseminate based on what is, on the other had, vary real experiences, subjectively.

At about 26:55 of the below listed video on the love-bite, Eve Lorgen, via a conversations she once had with Barbara Bartholic, mentions what Barbara called the "Breed out the love" program in hybrids. This is true, it is part of my experience, and Eve just nailed what it is my experience, in my love-bite, entails. I'm an empath. Breed out the love is the program I have been being abused and tortured with over the past 400+ days, since my awakeing/first abudction began 10/31/15. Yes, I can attest to the fact that this is a very specific program, with a very specific agenda, and it is used in conjuction with sexual reorientation programming. The purpose, one can take into consideration the myth of Orpheus, where after the death of his beloved, Orpheus turns away from the love of woman. Further, I believe the love-bite is not the exception but the rule, when it comes to male/femal relationships. I believe this myth is a gold mine for understanding the love-bite and how it relates to archontic orchestration. I believe it what Plato who nailed the meaning behind the myth, when he said the "gods" were playing a trick on Orpheus. This myth is the archetype of the love-bite, in my opinion.

Much more to say about the above; and also about the AI-Technology interface Eve mentions at the beginning of the discussion. I believe this technological interface is the same as the foreign installation Carlos Castenada mentions in his work. I believe targeted individuals, hybrids, if you will, are “given” this technological installation, and it the source behind the ability to astral projection, it also serves as direct/indirect link with the matrix control system. I’m certain about this, though I need more time to think it through further. My only question is, how much time do I have left, given my current circumstances?

4\30\2016: The video I had originally included with the above post has since been removed from Youtube. I'm posting the following one as a replacement so that visitors can still find a reliable source of information. The original video was a podcast interview with Eve Lorgen, so the following will serve the same purpose.


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