My Thoughts on Non Player Characters (NPCs) Inside Our Matrix Realm! with Randy Maugans


The following are some of my off-the-cuff thoughts in response to the following very important discussion.


Excellent discussion, Randy.

NPC is linked to Castaneda's foreign installation. It's the means by which the archon joystick individuals. Possession is the word, but not the best choice because, by design, it elicits religious programming, specifically demons, rather than what it really is - the employment of technology to command and control human beings. In my experience it's been shown that the foreign installation is with us from birth or early childhood - that means this is installation is given to all of us. Those who let it rule them become your NPC/sociopath. Those who resist it tend toward more freewill based empaths. When an individuals eyes go black - this is possession - joystick mode switched on, with the archon doing or saying what needs to be said through the "possessed" individual. Once what needs to be said or done is complete, joystick mode is switched off and the person returns to their normal self, not remembering what just took place - which is why you can't argue with such people about what they just said or did to you a moment earlier.

Below the NPC is what is best described as holograms. I know how strange this might sound to most, but holograms are very real and near impossible to discern between "real" and hologram in appearance. Their actions are limited and looped, and they cannot respond to difficult challenges of any kind. Holograms include cars, houses, or any other "thing" in general, moving or otherwise.

What I speak of is not conjecture on my part. These facts were show to me at first by the archon as demonstrations of their level of control over us. Both my ex-wife and even more so my ex-girlfriend were demonstrated to me by the archon in joystick mode, and they were cycled through their alters - to my horror and disbelief. These alters are essentially made as we understand through MK Ultra accept that MK Ultra is only an archetype of the system and methodology that the archon use to program us. By this I mean that the system the archon use - which I call MKulture - is employed worldwide, the extents of its capabilities, and the means by which its trauma based programming is conducted exceeds anything we are capable of understanding as possible in "reality;" therefore what can be done to traumatize the human being, and the ways in which the human being can be joysticked and employed, exceeds everything we've learned so far of MK Ultra.

For me, once the veil was lifted - and at first I refused to want to believe how horrible the circumstances of our existence truly is - I'm shown exactly how the world is and our place in it, meaning at this time in my three years of active archon contact, in person, I have not come into contact with what I would call a true human being; this painful realization coming only after it was proved to me that who I believed to be human in the end weren't. But for obvious reasons this is very dangerous thing to say despite what I would call irrefutable objective proof. This does not mean that there aren't real human beings, it means that in the many people and friends and even family that I have known - none could I call human. To lesson the severity of what I just said, for I don't in anyway want it to be so, and I have done all in my possible to prove the reality otherwise, it might be better to say that all of the individuals that I once took to be true humans among NPCs/organic portals/holograms, etc turned out be individuals overruled by their foreign installation to the point that I can no longer consider them real human beings.

What are the ratios of so called true human beings to everyone else? I can't give an estimate. I can say so far as my current belief goes, that it would not surprise me in the least if one lived an entire lifetime without ever meeting in person another human being. This of course would be know to and by design of the hidden controllers - the archon.

The following two translations from Plato that I pose I won't comment on for it speaks for itself to those who understand what is being said above. Again, everything I mention in this post is not based on my beliefs - and it goes against everything that I wish I could still believe otherwise - but what has been shown to me, told to me, demonstrated to me, employed against me, employed against those I loved, employed against us, one against the other, etc, by the archon, with whom I've had ongoing contact with directly for the past three years, and who do nothing to hide from me the means by which they operate in our world, which is to the majority of us covert to the extreme, yet at the same time in our faces, hidden in plain sight, and extending to auditorily.

What Randy discuss near the end of the video about abduction I will characterize like this: UFO abduction as we understand it isn't real. The way to think about it is that we are removed from the simulation for various purposes - reprogramming chief among them for those who wake up and become a threat, but it extends to the purposes behind our being experimented on and studied. In this case, it's still abduction, but not as we've historically been deceived to think of it. Another main interest in our being studied is to determine what it is that makes us truly human - and I assume the reason we are studied is an attempt on their part to locate what exactly it is that makes a true human being and how they can replicate this in what they (the archon) might in themselves be - highly advanced artificial/sentient technology. This also brings me the point of theorizing that and NPC is really the same as a hybrid. Where, as I stated earlier, those who we think NPC are really individuals who are joysticked/possessed via their foreign installation.

Lastly, I wish I could agree with Randy that we control our own reality. We don't. For those who experience at such, it's being permitted so long as the hidden controllers deem it profitable or otherwise unthreatening to their overall agenda.

Here are the passages from Plato's Republic - the Nobel Lie:

Plato. The Republic. Chapter X – The Nobel Lie. Thomas Taylor translation.

“What fiction, said I, may we contrive in the way of those lies, which are made on occasion, and of which we were lately speaking, saying that it is an ingenious task, in making lies, to persuade the governors themselves; or, if not these, the rest of the state ? What sort do you mean ? Nothing new, said I, but a Phoenician story, which has frequently happened heretofore, as the poets tell us, and have persuaded men, but which has not happened in our times, nor do I know if ever it shall happen : and to obtain credit for it requires a subtile persuasion. How like you are, said he, to one who is averse to speak ! I shall appear, said I, to be averse with very good reason, after I tell it. Speak, said he, and do not fear. I speak, then, though I know not with what courage, and using what expressions, I shall tell it. I shall attempt, first of all, to persuade the governors themselves, and the soldiers, and afterwards the rest of the state, that, whatever we educated and instructed them in, all these particulars seemed to happen to them and to befall them as dreams; and that they were in truth at that time being formed and educated within the earth ; they themselves, and their armour and their other utensils being there likewise fabricated And after they were completely fashioned, that the earth, who is their mother, brought them forth ; and now they ought to be affected towards the country where they are, as to their mother and nurse ; to defend her, if any invade her; and to consider the rest of the citizens as being their brothers, and sprung from their mother earth. It was not without reason, said he, that some time since you were ashamed to tell this falsehood. I had truly reason, said I. But hear, however, the rest of the fable. All of you now in the state are brothers (as we shall tell them in way of fable); but the God, when he formed you, mixed gold in the formation of such of you as are able to govern; therefore are they the most honourable. And silver, in such as are auxiliaries ; and iron and brass in the husbandmen and other handicrafts. Therefore, as you are all of the same kind, you for the most part resemble one another: yet it sometimes happens, that of a gold parent is generated a silver child, and of a silver parent a golden descendant ; and thus in every different way are they generated of one another. The governors then receive this in charge, first and above all, from the Gods, that of nothing are they to be so good guardians, nor are they so strongly to keep watch over anything, as over their children ; to know which of those principles is mixed in their souls ; and if a descendant of theirs shall be of the brazen or iron kind, they shall by no means have compassion ; but assigning him honour proportioned to his natural temper they shall push him down to the craftsmen or husbandmen. And if again any from among these shall be born of a golden or silver kind, they shall pay them honour, and refer them; those to the guardianship, and these to the auxiliary rank : it being pronounced by an oracle, that the state to perish when iron or brass shall have the guardianship of it.

Have you now any contrivance to persuade them of this fable ? None, said he, to persuade the present race of men ; but I can contrive how that their sons and posterity, and all mankind afterwards, shall believe it. Even this, said I, would do well towards making them more concerned about the state, and one another ; for I think I understand what you say. Still we will let the fiction go the same way as the oracle.

But let us, having armed these earth-born sons, lead them forwards under their leaders ; and when they are come to the city, let them consider where it is best to place their camp, so as best to keep in order those who are within, if any one should want to disobey the laws; and likewise defend against those without, if any enemy, as a wolf, should come upon the fold.”

Plato. The Republic. Chapter X – The Nobel Lie - Comford Francis Macdonald translation.

You seem rather shy of telling this story of yours.
With good reason, as you will see when I have told it.
Out with it; don’t be afraid.
Well, here it is; though I hardly know how to find the courage or the words to express it. I shall try to convince, first the Rulers and the soldiers, and then the whole community, that all that nurture and education which we gave them was only something they seemed to experience as it were in a dream. In reality they were the whole time down inside the earth, being moulded and fostered while their arms and all their equipment were being fashioned also; and at last, when they were complete, the earth sent them up from her womb into the light of day. So now they must think of the land they dwell in as a mother and nurse, whom they must take thought for and defend against any attack, and of their fellow citizens as brothers born of the same soil.
You might well be bashful about coming out with your fiction.

No doubt; but still you must hear the rest of the story. It is true, we shall tell our people in this fable, that all of you in this land are brothers; but the god who fashioned you mixed gold in the composition of those among you who are fit to rule, so that they are of the most precious quality; and he put silver in the Auxiliaries, and iron and brass in the farmers and crafts- men. Now, since you are all of one stock, although your children will generally be like their parents, sometimes a golden parent may have a silver child or a silver parent a golden one, and so on with all the other combinations. So the first and chief injunction laid by heaven upon the Rulers is that, among all the things of which they must show themselves good guardians, there is none that needs to be so carefully watched as the mixture of metals in the souls of the children. If a child of their own is born with an alloy of iron or brass, they must, without the smallest pity, assign him the station proper to his nature and thrust him out among the craftsmen or the farmers. If, on the contrary, these classes produce a child with gold or silver in his composition, they will promote him, according to his value, to be a Guardian or an Auxiliary. They will appeal to a prophecy that ruin will come upon the state when it passes into the keeping of a man of iron or brass. Such is the story; can you think of any device to make them believe it?

(Note that the Guardians themselves are to accept this allegory, if possible. It is not propaganda’ foisted on the masses by the Rulers.)

Not in the first generation; but their sons and descendants
might believe it, and finally the rest of mankind.

Well, said I, even so it might have a good effect in making
them care more for the commonwealth and for one another;
for I think I see what you mean.

So, I continued, we will leave the success of our story to the
care of popular tradition….”

What I forgot to address and should... The time and effort going into flat earth theories should be channeled into finding a true estimate for the world's population. If this can can be done with any factual accuracy and the numbers come in at anything but the 7.5 billion number we're being given today, then many important answers will come from it, and many new questions will become of immediate importance.



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