Hyperdimensional Warfare and Archontic Interference: Empowerment through Disclosure and Information


Originally posted on FB 12/14/2016

People, We Need To Begin Communicating

Wow! I just discovered Mark Passio through the following discussion today. He tells it like it is - a real truth teller:

"We are not here to be popular or liked. We are here to free this planet from slavery. That is all of our jobs collectively, as a species. We are here to free ourselves from slavery."
"Knowing is not enough. Knowing is the beginning of the awakening process. Communicating it to others is what the real great work is, and we need many many more enlightened teachers to ge involved in that great work."

Passio speaks the truth. We need to begin communicating people. The archontic agenda aims to pollute the collective consciousness.The agenda seeks to instill in humanity enforced silence, division, envy, ignorance, apathy, suspicion, and indoctrinating these thought-forms into our children.
Speak the truth of your inner knowing without fear.

This discussion will help you along the path:


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