Hyperdimensional Worms & Archnotic Attack: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix


The Mind Parasite Revealed; and the Work of Colin Wilson

Originally posted on FB 12/18/2016

I just wrote a long post on the following drawing. It got archontically wiped out. I should know better by now to copy and paste my posts as I'm writing them, since this has happened to me more times than I can remember. Also, whenever it comes to my making posts like this, archontic activity increases, both astrally, that is in my body, and in the environment. This includes, sleepiness, and, this time, nausea. I don't have time to re-write my post. I'm putting it up because there is a very good chance I will be homeless tomorrow, and will lose access to the public computer I use. When I get a chance, hopefully later, I will add comments about this worm-like entity, which I can see in both! eyes, through normal sight, and on the astral. In normal sight, it is translucent. What the drawing doesn't show is that this entity has merged with another one, so it far larger, coiled and conjoined than my rendition here (and not a very good one, but it gives and idea). Also, I've tried to view it now, to assess if the hermit-crab-like eyes are four or five, but it keeps moving, and has become so translucent now that I can hardly make it out clearly. I will try to do a better assessment when I have a chance. The only reason I was able to post this, and the other drawings I posted today (I'm not an artist, and didn't begin drawing until days before my first contact began), which were made in the months following my first abduction experience, is because someone let me borrow their phone. I have no resources, except a public computer, otherwise.

Anyway, what I see in normal sight, as oppossed to the astral - is depicted in the drawing below. What is strange about my ability to see this, is that I can see this worm-entity in either eye, depending on its direction of movement. How this is even possible, I cannot explain. In any case, this translucent worm-entity is somehow overlaid over my normal eyesight, meaning, it's not located in either eye itself, say, as a floater would be. So, in essence, this entity, as it appears in my vision, is one layer beyond the sight of my normal vision, if this makes sense. The drawing shows what I can see, in simplified form; though the drawing doesn't depict the merging/coupling with a second worm-like entity that took place months later.

[Quick note]: The two entwined/merged worm-entities, are partially coiled. My guess is that it might measure maybe 6" or so, maybe more, if elongated. Hard to judge, and obviously, to be able to see something in that way would be impossible, if in the eye itself, which only reinforces that it is somehow overlaid over my normal vision. I have more to say about this, for it might have a connection to my very first abduction experience, where my eyes - this is quite simplified - were scraped out, at the end. I know, cryptic, but I hope to explain more, ASAP. See my earlier posts, I mention both this worm and my ability to see sky fish (I think in several posts), but I'm not sure in which post this information is contained - one of many reasons why being limited to FB to tell my story is less than ideal. Hopefully I'll get access to some better outlet for putting out the full knowledge of my experience in a way that will be accessible to visitors.

The daemon comment is only part of my theory. I'm not sure if I agree with it. I forget who it was - maybe John Lash - who came up with the theory that we might actually be played video game like, by our daemon, an idea that I can't say I disagree with, though I still have reservations. In any case, I do believe the idea of daemon is significant, even in conjunction with the archon. More later - hopefully.


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