The Evil Archon and DNA modifications


Originally posted on FB 10/26/2016

If it is true that DNA can be manipulated by words and frequencies, then it is extremely Important to keep in mind two of the most prominent forms of archontic attack - low vibrational states and the subversion of thought and language (will, intent, syntax). Based on my experience, I believe epigenetics plays an important role in the archon's agenda. An articles such as this one only confirms my belief.
[Addition: "Evil therefore is the deliberate modification.., perpetuation.., and-or exogenous ¨steering¨ of ¨Inertial Consciousness through DNA modification and mutation to stulify and therefore impead the evolutionary consciousness potential of Humanity.., and THIS IS WHAT THE FUCK EVIL IS!!!" For more on this idea read the Psychology of Evil

The following excerpts from John Lash's essay, Karma is a Rigged Game explain methods of archontic interference, which become all the more important, if we consider the possibility that words and frequencies (e.g. thought-forms) can reprogram our DNA.

"Clear enough, perhaps, but how does archontic input "adulterate" human potential? The additive (equivalent to corn syrup in honey) is a tendency to trance, to self-hypnosis or auto-suggestion, as the text clearly indicates. That tendency is purely archontic. In effect, Sophia allows the archons to induce a trancing factor into human minds, as if you would handicap the mechanism of the inner ear to keep someone slightly dizzy, off-balance. What is handicapped is perception, due to the blurring of suggestion: merely suggest that something be seen in a certain way, and humans will tend to see it that way. Hence, the magic of advertising. Hence, the impact of psi-ops using simulation technology. Sophia does so, so that, by detecting the spin of auto-suggestion, we can arrest delusion at its root and rise to our true potential, using imagination to merge into the sublime reality of terrestrial designs, rather than for fantasy and evasion."
"Fine, so far. This is halfway to the full exegesis of the passage on hiemarmene. The Apocryphon of John suggests that the delusional bias is not merely left to operate as a mental disposition, but is actually, functionally "installed" in the mechanism of human behavior, corporeally active. The blind compulsion of fate is due to the way behavior repeats itself through imprinting itself on the human organism, NLP-style Our bondage to karma resides in this: behaviorally, we imitate ourselves."
We came across this article today and thought that it would be a great read for our viewers. It’s awesome information showing the true nature of our reality and how science is changing everyday, opening up to the…


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