Plagairism Not Plagairism but Occult Synchronicity - or Something Like This - Simulated Reality Matrix


Note 6\7\2019 - See Arthur Koestler's idea of the holon (Ghost in the Machine, 1967); and the Logos connection. [both is/isn't] Don't have time to read about it in detail, but I think it might in some way to explain the existence of the is/isn't.

From the Wiki extending on the holon idea:

"A holarchy is a connection between holons, where a holon is both a part and a whole. The term was coined in Arthur Koestler's 1967 book The Ghost in the Machine.

Holarchy is commonly referred to as a form of hierarchy;[1] however, hierarchy, by its definition, has both an absolute top and bottom. But this is not logically possible in a holon, as it is both a whole and a part. The "hierarchical relationship" between holons at different levels can just as meaningfully be described with terms like "in and out", as they can with "up and down" or "left and right"; perhaps more generally, one can say that holons at one level are "made up of, or make up" the holons or parts of another level. This can be demonstrated in the holarchic relationship (subatomic particles ↔ atoms ↔ molecules ↔ macromolecules ↔ organelles ↔ cells ↔ tissues ↔ organs ↔ organisms ↔ communities ↔ societies) where each holon is a "level" of organization, and all are ultimately descriptive of the same set (e.g., a particular collection of matter). The top can be a bottom, a bottom can be a top, and, like a fractal, the patterns evident at one level can be similar to those at another."

Maybe holarchon would be more apt?

The Original Post:

I just found the following on Read it. It applies to something you figured out a long time ago about the nothing new under the sun idea and/or how there is a place where everything already exists (timelines within the simulation?) and so more than one person can and does find the same bits and use them. With the advent of the internet this is revealed to us in a way it never could have before, or was it something anyone had reason to give much thought to - even if one intentionally plagiarized, as many must have. But I also believe that many cases of plagiarism were actually this synchronstic coincidence effect from the melting pot timeline, or whatever we call it. I think of authors too who never want to right for being afraid that what they write isn't original enough (Miller does this with Cronstadt); I think of Blavatsky who was accused of plagiarism; I think too of the hidden controller knowing about this "effect" or the inspiraiton component of where this info comes from also being a hand means to discredit certain individuals. Jimmy Page - I don't think everything (maybe even much) was intentionally plagiarized - I think it part of this, lets call it, occult coinciedence effect. Also when fans write letters to writers, etc claiming their ideas were stolen - screen plays, etc - is also a product of this effect.

The invention of the radio. This all came out of Condon's work - and this article now suggests he plagiarized Robert Graves in the Manchurian Candidate. But also Condon use of "You are me...I am you...and we..." also reminds me of the Beatles song; but I don't think it was ripped off - and I don't think the explanation we usually get that we did it subconsciously is exactly it either - but it must be related. Also reminds me of the Master and Margharita with Jagger being said to have taken "please to me you, hope you guessed my name" from this novel.

"Has a local software engineer unmasked 'The Manchurian Candidate'? Menlo Park woman says author Richard Condon plagiarized", by Adair Lara, in the San Francisco Chronicle, October 4, 2003"

"According to Olsson, "As plagiarists go, Condon is quite creative, he does not confine himself to one source and is prepared to throw other ingredients into the pot. He clearly knows the meaning of words, e.g. 'immutably constant' for 'faithful.' Note that in Roget's Thesaurus of 1911, which may have been something Condon used or had available, constant is listed as a synonym for faithful and immutable is listed as a synonym for constant.
"This kind of plagiarism I would term thesaurus-plagiarism, where it seems the plagiarist was looking for a synonym for faithful, came across 'constant,' then found 'immutable' and put the two together as 'immutably constant.' This is what I mean by Condon being perhaps more creative than the usual plagiarist."

ALSO I think the internet age - the younger generations - have no concept of plagiarism. This started with music with the Napster/Metallica lawsuite; it also somehow has to do with our rights to privacy being something eroded, where anyone can just photograph and video and it's excepted as normal - don't have the time to think right now - but somehow the answer lies in this. Also - the development of AI and AI being programmed by humans - the cleverness, shittiness, car salesman aspect - also has a connection to my belief that plagiarism is no longer recognized - or that because of the occult effect (whatever I'm going to call it) has something to do with it too, and so is connected. Maybe even in the archon stealing our thoughts and insecurites and giving it back to us through orechestarations is connected here, as an AI issue. The idea that the archon are clever but devoid of creativity - all of this I think has a connection to plagiarism, and it has a connection to AI development by us and AI evolution for them.

Now I need the money, place and time to start doing all of this work - and my writing - in earnest, and with my woman by my side. Fulcanelli lives!

Also the Mandela Effect must be considered in all of this too, with changes reverting backwards and forwards in time to change whatever changes in all instances of existence.

What else?  Seems Denzel Washington has become the new black MK Ultra poster boy for remakes of 70s classic in a new round of generational programming and/or reprogramming. Pelham 1,2,3 and such like. Maybe not so much all 70s films, but something about Denzel as fitting this model seems to me to be true, for whatever the reason. Part of the reason being the shift from white to black in culture. This is obviously been underway since the 90s and is part of the archon agenda, part of divide and conquer, and has little to do with either white or black people - though both are the recipients of this new programming and the sources of loosh that comes out of it. I know what I mean - just need the money, time and place to sit down and thing and begin to do this kind of work in earnest, as I just said before. Can also consider all the Chelsea stuff here - and the way the archon aimed it at me - as a form of loosh production by trying to conjure up race related jealousy, envy and hate, which they haven't done. Mostly because in all they do - I know it comes from them and not us - so it always comes out a fail. But they must obviously know this too, which makes it all examples for revealing the agenda, I guess. Have seen it too with Vietnamese in relation to westerners with women here, and seems a natural new adjustment to how things are now that the west has come in. Interesting on many fronts, for it shows me today examples of how it must have been in the past for say countries like Japan, not really just for the women but for all things - the invasion of a culture by another, but with all the other minuatiae that goes into it. This racial theme not new either, if you think about it. Archon kind of obsessed with this racial cross pollunation theme. Had Cindy with Indian dudes; Thao with French; the whole fucking German thing - Cindy? Europe? - Chelsea "loving her some Vietnamese guys" or however Mike put it - and of course what she said was her favorite color when I asked her after teaching a class - black! So again I can't really think and work here. Need to get a notebook for these kinds of ideas. But much of what has been psychically driven into me over these past years my be yielding some intellectual fruit here as it relates to agenda, AI, things of this nature. Damn, really wish I had my own place, all my affairs, passport, visa, settled, money in hand for bills, rents, and the like so that I can sit down and spend my time working on this kind of stuff - along with my writing my novels, and writing about my experiences, including the Love Bite Letters, and similar. Oh yes, and building my library. I can see it now, a beautiful spring day here in Hanoi, the trees, the birds, the windows thrown open, me sitting in the room, my library growing steadily as my work begins to mount. She in the kitchen whipping up lunch or a snack for us. I could see us owning the house, something in the Puku style, with wide beamed wood floors, French architecture, historical, ornamental on the outside, Hanoi yellow - again the floor to ceiling doors (this time) thrown open to the balcony (like when they first came - Hoang Hoa Tham, but that horrible memory in the past - this time for the good) - my Apple computer on a huge table desk, like Rainbow road, my papers and notebooks stacked around, the library being the main purpose for this room of the house, along with it being my office too, with many Vietnamese pieces of antiques around, Tibetan works, carpet, some paintings, candles, things of this nature - the trees in spring bloom, the birds singing, the street below - a great street in Hanoi, in full swing - my knowing my neighbors, knowing my neighborhood, and being wealthy enough to give benefit and derive benefit from all of it, derived also from all of the time I spend here on the streets, in my condition, where I was unable to participate in this kind of way - but I am now. And she and I taking full advantage of it all, appreciating it all, and being able to treasure the special things like the library, our home, our love, our bed which we spend much in together making love - and my work as a literary writer, and as a theorist of a special kind I guess you can call it. Yes, the life that I will now have, revised from its earlier incomplete conception for my not knowing then what I know now. Also of value in it all is my relationship to Ha Noi herself, a city. And lets not forget my love of the Vietnamese language and the study and time I put into chu nom as well as Vietnamese literature, poetry and the study of the use of Chinese characters in ancient Vietnamese writing. Also in my library office - my Kendo bogu (kendo helmet) and my shinai for the Kendo club I practice at. And the Japanese language which I have also learned and continue to study because it's possible to study it and also improve at the same time in my Vietnamese and understanding of chu nom. On a different floor of the house, my Les Paul and half-stack tube amp on an oriental carpet. My life has after all of the tragedies and traumas I have survived and weathered has finally come to exist properly as the kind of life that always befit someone like me to live, with my tastes and interests and intellect and all the rest having these kinds of qualities of mine having a proper place for being cultivated, expressed and represented. And life as it was drained of all meaning now being something it and I have come to terms with that is suitable enough for me, given that what is is, for I have her and her love and support for me, and I have work and things that I can do that require my effort to do them, so that what I do does not feel empty, without purpose, and things of this nature, for despite what is, the things I produce even if they help another to get through their life with a moment of enjoyment or in some way their intellectual curiosity fulfilled, then I am doing something that has value despite the other things that I know.

Rise Of The Plagiarist In The Digital Age By Abney And Associates


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