
Showing posts from April, 2019

Flat Earth or Round: We Live in a Matrix, a Simulation, the Shape of the Earth Within the Truth of this Context is Irrelevant

Disclaimer Flat earth or round, we live in a simulated reality. Enough said, any thing else is going down rabbit holes. Scientists are not part of some global conspiracy. Scientists like most beings in this world are simply asleep and accept the data that was put in place by that which created this world in order to keep them asleep - and busy doing nothing. 

DNA, Hypercommunication and the Archontic Agenda

  Disclaimer Originally posted on FB 10/26/2016 Notes on DNA, Hyper Communication, and the Archontic Agenda Invisible Prison: The False Matrix, Archon, and the Negative Alien Agenda · Wednesday, 26 October 2016 4 reads Notes takes from the following article: I think this paper is a goldmine - a possible answer to how the archon do what they do, and why they do what they do. The production of stress and fear created by the archon may not be for the purpose of creating negative energy they can feed on; it may be that they are attempting to subevert our DNA in order to distort/retard/alter/invert our collective consciousness: “The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness. This process of hyper-communication is most effective in a state of relaxation. Stress, worries or a hyperactive intellect prevent successful hyper-communication or the information will be to...

The Evil Archon and DNA modifications

  Disclaimer Originally posted on FB 10/26/2016 If it is true that DNA can be manipulated by words and frequencies, then it is extremely Important to keep in mind two of the most prominent forms of archontic attack - low vibrational states and the subversion of thought and language (will, intent, syntax). Based on my experience, I believe epigenetics plays an important role in the archon's agenda. An articles such as this one only confirms my belief. [Addition: "Evil therefore is the deliberate modification.., perpetuatio n.., and-or exogenous ¨steering¨ of ¨Inertial Consciousness through DNA modification and mutation to stulify and therefore impead the evolutionary consciousness potential of Humanity.., and THIS IS WHAT THE FUCK EVIL IS!!!" For more on this idea read the Psychology of Evil The following excerpts from John Lash's essay, Karma is a Rigged Game explain methods of archontic interference, which become all the...

The Pineal Gland: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix (SRM)

  Disclaimer Originally posted on FB 11/8/2016 From Introduction to Gnosis by Samael Aun Weor “We have an authentic wireless system in our organism. The pineal gland, situated in the inferior part of the brain, is the thought=transmitting center and the solar plexus, situated in the umbilical region, is the receptive antenna. The pineal gland is the seat of the soul, the window of Brahma through which the soul enters and leaves the body. The pineal gland is a small reddish-gray organ. This gland secretes a hormone that regulates the development of the sexual organs. After maturity, this gland degenerates into a non-secreting, fibrous tissue.” “The pineal gland is intimately related to the sexual organs. The strength of the pineal gland depends on sexual strength. The man or woman who foolishly wastes his or her sexual energy fails in business because their pineal gland becomes atrophied. A weakened pineal gland cannot forcefully radiate mental waves. The r...

A Very Sad Truth About the World We Live In

  Disclaimer Originally posted on FB 11/14/2016 A Very Sad Truth About the World We Live In: In the following excerpted statements, Tom Montalk nails the truth about the “reality” we actually live in, and how others in our life, mostly those we are closest to, can alter this reality and negatively influence the ways in which events unfold in our daily lives. It is not something the unawakened can ever be made to understand or be convinced of. However, for those who are awakening and beginning to intuit the existence of such phenomena in their lives but are yet are unable to make sense of what they are experiencing, it is something that must be understood, and the knowledge of this understanding be put to use in one's daily life. Sad as it is, it is the full-on truth. I speak from direct experience. Synchronicity is a fact, and it is a key to understanding the following excerpts. Please take heed: The following exceprt is taken out of context to highlight the exc...

Discerning Archon and Alien Disinformation

  Disclaimer Originally posted on FB 11/18/2016 I was just reading the below referenced article by Tom Montalk. Although I’ve yet to write a full account of my ongoing experience with what I call archontic entities, I post the following article and excerpts because it accords with what I have experienced in my contact with these entities, on an almost daily basis for the past year. Of particular note is the author’s mention of a vertical treactor beam, and one’s ability to fight it, if awake, during an abduction experience. I post this for those who already know the truth, and to corroborate the evidence of such experiences, especially for those of us being targeted and subjected to the kinds of experiences discussed in the article. The excerpts follow; the full article is posted below. "Abductees may experience a sudden cessation of natural outside noises (like the chirping of crickets) during the onset of an abduction. They may also notice a change in air ...

The Archon - Love Bite Connection: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix

  Disclaimer Originally posted 11/20/2016 The following excerpt from an article entitled Organic Portals - Souless Humans succinctly identifies the role of the archon in our world and their direct connection with the love-bite as a means to achieve the aims of their mission and agenda. It is my opinion, based on experience, that the existence of organic portals serves as a kind of proof that the love-bite may not be the exception in human matchmaking but the rule. One set by these parasitic alien entities to maintain control over our reality, and keep those of us who would sooner awaken asleep. [See my posted story A Job for the Digital Age for an account of archontic activity coupled with the alien love-bite prior to my awakening. In story-form it illustrates what the following excerpts illuminate. It was written prior to my awakening, and so presumes no knowledge achontic interference or orchestrated love-bites. The precognative, synchronistic...

How to Know If You're an Empath: 30 Traits: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix

  Disclaimer Originally posted on 11/20/2016 The Aspie, empath and artist generally tend to overlap as a type. Whether these traits/types come together singularly or collectively, they are because of their nature the most conspicuous targets for archontic attack. Here is a great article on empaths: What I might add to the article is that many of those aches and pains can (maybe should) be attributed to entity attachements, cords, energy siphoning, and the like. This article has also given me new insight on soul mirrori ng and the love-bite, in that, it is not only the sociopath who is capable of these kinds of behaviors, not when empathic abilities are considered in light of archontic inversion, and the ways in which these entities employ the love-bite to thwart human awakening, especially in the case of empathic individuals.  New food for thought: soulless/spiritless matrix agents vs. inverted empaths - though the difference may mean little, if acco...

All About Empathy and Empaths: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix (SRM)

Disclaimer  Originally published on FB 11/23/16 Another great aticle on what it means to be an empath. I’m posting it because if you are an empath, you are a target of the archon and the false matrix, whether you realize it or not. What everyone involved in the whole dissemination of the existence of the archon field, if you will, fail to realize, and what I’ve come to understand from my own experience, the observations – let’s call them intentional displays on the part of these entities – is that they are parasitizing, if not the entire human population, the greater majority of it. However, it is my belief that the level of influence they have over us varies, from the ability to hide in the background, producing subtle subconscious suggestion (which I believe is their default level of control), to full-on possession. That is to say, even if you are a “aware” of these parasitic entities, meaning you believe in their existence, unless you have made contact with ...

All You Probably Never Want To Know About Astral Projection

  Disclaimer I can vouch for pretty much everything written in this article, having seen and experienced things that go beyond even what is mentioned here. I post now for having gone just gone through a lengthy two hour attack, one among hundreds of various kinds I endured over the past year. Demon, alien, whatnot, in my opinion, what we encounter on these planes can be equated to one thing - the archon. Astral Projection Unveiled: The Demonic 'Astral' Realm

RIP Max Spiers an Unsung Hero

  Disclaimer Originally posted 12/11/2016 RIP Max Spiers Max Spiers knew the power of sexual union, hiero gamos; he knew how the archon use inversion of this power to subvert our reality; he knew the reason why the archon seek to divide the sexes, and why a major component of the archon agenda is to alter sexual orientation. Hiero gamos is the key to understanding why the archon seek to subvert human sexuality, and human creativity, as it can be manifested through the power of sexual union. Max was on point in all he said about how the archon seek to destroy the human heart, i.e. love. They achieve this first and foremost by dividing the sexes. But this is only one component of the negative alien agenda which Max Spiers risked his life to reveal to a sleeping world that doesn't yet realize it's at war with pernicious parasitic predators that orchestrate and feed on human suffering.

Archontic Attack: Fear and Uncertainty: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix

  Disclaimer Originally posted on FB 12/13/2016 I'm a targeted individual, and empath. I’m all alone out here with an unprecedented level of access to these fucking parasitic entities. I can't continue to fight them alone, in isolation. I need help. The archontic attacks against me have been ramped up to an unprecedented level. My love-bite girlfriend is in complete denial over our shared experience, unaware of the manner in which she is being hosted. I’m without resources. I’m trying to get my truth out to the world des pite being stuck in archontically engineered isolation and enforced poverty. I don't know how to continue fighting this alone. It is hard enough to have to stand the attacks against my sanity, let alone archontic attacks, astrally and "real-world". I don't know what to do. I need help from those who truly know what it means to be awakened, who understand exactly what it is I'm saying.

Hyperdimensional Warfare and Archontic Interference: Empowerment through Disclosure and Information

Disclaimer Originally posted on FB 12/14/2016 People, We Need To Begin Communicating Wow! I just discovered Mark Passio through the following discussion today. He tells it like it is - a real truth teller: "We are not here to be popular or liked. We are here to free this planet from slavery. That is all of our jobs collectively, as a species. We are here to free ourselves from slavery." "Knowing is not enough. Knowing is the beginning of the awakening process. Communicating it to others is what the real great work is, and we need many many more enlightened teachers to ge involved in that great work." Passio speaks the truth. We need to begin communicating people. The archontic agenda aims to pollute the collective consciousness.The agenda seeks to instill in humanity enforced silence, division, envy, ignorance, apathy, suspicion, and indoctrinating these thought-forms into our children. Speak the truth of your inner knowing without fear. Th...

Hyperdimensional Warfare: Crucified by the Archon & First Encounters with Hostile Hyperdimensional Entities

  Disclaimer 4\30\2019: This shit is the real deal, no fucking around. As I repost it I'm only skimming it because it's still too much for me to deal with at present given my ordeals haven't ended though the nature - and my fucking nature - has changed. I hope that this post and the others I have made will help those of you out there dealing with this shit. Remember, even though you might feel helpless and completely alone in what you're going through know that there are and have been others that have gone through similar experiences. Don't give up, stay strong, and above all: know thyself! [As I post this, Hatework by Morbid Angel comes on. How apropo. It might be something best avoided by most, especially if your programming is heavily influenced by religion. However, my posting here what I have while listening to what I do should give some of you some necessary insight in how to deal with whatever ceases upon you.] Originally posted on FB 12\15\2016 My Arc...

Hyperdimensional Warfare: Archon Attacks in the Astral - Multiple Descriptions: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix (SRM)

  Disclaimer Originally posted on FB 12/16/2016 4/30/2016: Shit, reading back [kind of, just skimming] on these older posts, I fucking feel sorry for myself. Probably good, since nobody else did or does. That's not me feeling sorry for myself. It's me saying that now that I've gone through this shit and I'm finally able to share here with others, the time for people having to suffer this shit in silence is fast coming to end. Disclosure does make a difference. And I don't buy into the idea that talking about this shit is a catalyst to manifesting it. That's archontic propaganda as far as I'm concerned. These mother-fuckers control and direct this shit, so there ain't no manifesting taking place in the way some would suggest. That said... No, fuck it: no exceptions! This shit originates with the archon, we don't manifest it, at least not this. Astral Attack Related Question: I realize, in re: my previous post (archontic interference is preve...