All About Empathy and Empaths: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix (SRM)


 Originally published on FB 11/23/16

Another great aticle on what it means to be an empath. I’m posting it because if you are an empath, you are a target of the archon and the false matrix, whether you realize it or not.
What everyone involved in the whole dissemination of the existence of the archon field, if you will, fail to realize, and what I’ve come to understand from my own experience, the observations – let’s call them intentional displays on the part of these entities – is that they are parasitizing, if not the entire human population, the greater majority of it. However, it is my belief that the level of influence they have over us varies, from the ability to hide in the background, producing subtle subconscious suggestion (which I believe is their default level of control), to full-on possession. That is to say, even if you are a “aware” of these parasitic entities, meaning you believe in their existence, unless you have made contact with these entities, that is, if they have chosen to make contact with you, it is safest to assume that all of your subconscious influences, that nagging, monkey-mind, as the Buddhists call it, does not really belong to you – it belongs to them. Essentially, it is the foreign installation at work, as described by Carlos Castenada.
The problem for humanity, that is, the power the archon hold over us, is that we do not collectively realize that they exist, let alone existing operating through each and everyone of us (or a very high percentage of the world’s population), at a minimum, at the subconscious level, using us to pass off their own thought-forms through us and against us for one purpose: to maintain control and direction over us, collectively. The greatest tactic in the archon aresnal is that they use our ignorance of their existence as way to play us all against one another from the middle; by doing so, it becomes a simple matter for them to hide in the background, manipulating each and everyone of us, without anyone being the wiser.

Also, by using us to police ourselves, it becomes the cast that individuals like myself, who seek to disseminate the truth about the existence of these sociopathic parasitic entities that get ostracized for being “crazy.” When those of us who awaken to the truth rise above concern for the opinions of family, friends, culture, and society – that is when the archon and the matrix move in to target us as individuals. The empaths are usually the first among the worlds’ population to be targeted. First, because they come to see at some point in their life that all is not right in this world. They intuit the inversion that exists but can’t put a finger on it. As soon as they begin to do so, that is when they are targeted, outright. Secondly, they are targeted because of the high degree of so called “loosh” that empath is capable of producing for the “matrix” over other individuals. The following article explains why empaths make good targets, and why for those of who do get targeted, fighting the archon and the matrix outright is so fucking demoralizing and disconcerting. What makes it all worse, is that those of us involved in this battle are all alone; we are something like the one percent of the one percent. The wider world needs to awaken quickly because we empaths need help.
by Christel Broederlow Empathy is the ability to read and understand…


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