Hyperdimensional Warfare: Crucified by the Archon & First Encounters with Hostile Hyperdimensional Entities


4\30\2019: This shit is the real deal, no fucking around. As I repost it I'm only skimming it because it's still too much for me to deal with at present given my ordeals haven't ended though the nature - and my fucking nature - has changed. I hope that this post and the others I have made will help those of you out there dealing with this shit. Remember, even though you might feel helpless and completely alone in what you're going through know that there are and have been others that have gone through similar experiences. Don't give up, stay strong, and above all: know thyself! [As I post this, Hatework by Morbid Angel comes on. How apropo. It might be something best avoided by most, especially if your programming is heavily influenced by religion. However, my posting here what I have while listening to what I do should give some of you some necessary insight in how to deal with whatever ceases upon you.]

Originally posted on FB 12\15\2016

My Archontically Induced Homelessness In Hanoi Looms:

[A quick after thought injection: what the archon seeking to do in their targeting of individuals like myself, at the point before and after awakening? They are looking for ways to better crack the human psyche and spirit, and they will stop at nothing to achieve it. If you suspect you are on the verge of becoming a targeted awakening individual and this applies especially to women, do not give in to Stockholm syndrome, do not give in to anything these entities say to you. Never give them your trust, no matter how benevolent they might at first appear to be. Above all, never surrender your will, even at the point of death, if it comes to that, for you. I speak from first hand experience, and a very serious level of experience at that.]

My situation has become that bad... Crucified and burnt on the pyre by my love-bite twin flame for what must be the two hundredth time in the past 400+ days since my awakening. The words that pour fourth from her mouth, if they aren’t archontic, cruel, and situational inversion, are otherwise blanket denial and inability to even hear the truth, let alone consider it. Reading anything that might help clarify the situation for her is archontically forboden to her, and triggers her instantly. A state I now believe the majority of this world suffers from.

I want the fucking archon to kill me, but I know they can’t. I’m not afraid of death; I’ve faced death at least a dozen times since my first contact with these entities. In the day or so after my first out of body soul abduction, they threatened death by slowly stopping my heart to see at what point I would beg them to spare me. I said the only thing I could say in the moment, despite my fear: Fuck you, kill me then. At the time, following my first encounter, I promised them I would not reveal anything they had shown me, so long as they left me and my girlfriend alone. They didn’t, this was when they first put the squeeze on my heart, and I took it. In the days that followed, this challenge went on several more times. And it was the beginning of what would become one of my numerous encounters with death, dying, torture, challenges, training, and a bunch of other events, many of which seemed pointless (though I have my theories).

Also, during this time, in the first week of my encounter with these entities, there were several incidents, and I can only explain it as originating through subliminal thought-forms, where I thought I was in the process of dying through expiration of my final breaths, as if dying peacefully. They always (because this happened at least three or four times) took me to that very final last gulp of air, which, though I had taken all the way to that point, I couldn’t – or my will would not allow – take. On one of these nights, my girlfriend lay sleeping in the bed while I went through one of these dying processes. For whatever the reason, I decided it was best that I didn’t wake her, and I lay down beside her to die. Little did I know then, the reason none of my dying activity had woken her up was because she was in her archontic abduction comas [this is something that will require greater explanation at some other time].

I think it was about a week after these mini-deaths, which never ended in death, but had always come as close as one could imagine to taking their final breath, I was thought-formed into killing myself by jumping from the balcony of my apartment. The reason has to do with being a zero or a one (and this is something that I will have to put a great deal of thinking into to recall in detail, ponder, give a full account of the meaning behind it, both from my thinking, and the archontic thought-forms given to me) and how it would be better off for the humanity if “my kind” were to die, for it would spare the human race in some way. As I write this, in hindsight, I would say that it was probably the fact that “my kind” are capable of being hosted and possessed. In my case, as hard as these mother fuckers have tried over the past 400+ days, they haven’t been able to fully possess me, and never will. My girlfriend, on the other hand, was lost in this regard long ago. In any case, after a very long night, in a debate with two archon, which I will simply call archon left and archon right, or red and blue, for now, carried on a debate with me, as to which one of them would claim me – my soul I guess, though it was never intimated in such terms – after my death. Needless to say, I never jumped. Fuck them, was my thought by the wee hours of the morning, and, well, humanity would be safe with me, for, before I came to think of myself in such terms, I was an empath, and I knew that I would be one of the last people on this planet to do anything to intentionally harm another living creature, and, I guess that night, my compassion for life extended to myself as well (and I should point out here that I don’t believe in suicide, something the archon, obviously, knew as well, if not better, than I did myself).

It was either the next day or a few days after that a thought-form once again came into my mind that I was about to die. I had gone out for a pack of cigarettes in the morning, after my girlfriend had left for work (this was in Hanoi, Vietnam, by the way, where all of my story, post-abduction, takes place), and when I returned to our apartment, I sat down on a mat on the floor, meditation style, legs crossed, like a monk, and proceeded to breath my left breaths, but with the guidance of an archon (which for that point in time, and which would later change, we will call “god.”) who instructed me in how to die properly, expiring the last of my living life force, the breath. How did this archon instruct me? Through the banging of what sounded like a stick, the sound coming from somewhere that sounded like the ceiling of my apartment. But I must add, by this time, my astral abilities were already in place, let us say “installed” following the night of my first abduction. By this time, the entire astral flying was brand new to me, something I could do anytime by simply closing my eyes. In hindsight, I see all of this astral flying, following the “installation” of this super X-Box like ability, as nothing more than a device that allows these entities to twist our brains into knots. That is, by looking left and right and up and down and flying this way and that, they are programming or gaining access to our minds that goes far beyond anything our present science is aware of. In fact, I intuited this even then, and was reluctant to do it, yet I still did, from time to time, and did so on this occasion. [I have a tremendous amount to say on the subject of astral travel, the installation of it, its purpose, according to my speculations, and the experiences I’ve had in doing it over the course of the past 400+ days – and if poverty or the archon don’t kill me first, I will get to it one of these days.] In any case, eyes closed, following “god archon” around in the astral, and with “god archon” mysteriously banging his Moses-like stick (for that was what I imagined, the staff that Moses carried that turned into a serpent. And, if I get to tell my story, I will have much to say about this staff, “god archon”, in the context of MK Ultra scenarios, sexual situations, and all manner of other abduction related events, both alone, by myself, and in situations with my girlfriend) on the ceiling. He beat the cadence in a rhythm I was supposed to follow in the patter I used to exhale my dying breaths, all the while my – and I didn’t know this at the time – the Kundalini, or some kind of energy or ball moved down my spine; though at the time, this felt like it was happening in my windpipe down to my lungs. [This too will take much greater explanation. I’m only giving a very brief summary of it here, just to get my fucking story out to the public, just in case something should happen to me before my entire story becomes public knowledge – and what a fucking story it is. I have yet to read any abduction or milab account that goes into depth with 24/7 archontic contact and communication and revelations – on their part, show to me – as my own story. This includes, perhaps even more importantly, the workings of the matrix world we live in, and includes a quite staggering level of hosted individuals (or at least subconsciously influenced individuals, who can easily be puppeted, and which I know realized accounts for the phenomena we all have come to know as gang-stalking. More on this, as with everything else, in the future – if I ever manage to get to it.)

[Given that I wrote this all in one long knock out sitting, with no editing, I will leave off here. The archon are breaking my back, which is why I started writing this, and the writing itself gave me a needed lift in spirits – but my situation remains grave. I kid not when I say wish these mother-fuckers would just kill me. My love-bite has taken its toll, perhaps the worst toll of all, for had it not been for the love-bite, I don’t think these entities would have gotten as far with me as they have thus far managed. My enforced poverty, archontically controlled, money and employment dolled out according to the whim of these entities…and yes, you better believe it, they do have that much control in this world. Yet, I still say fuck them…which is what my entire trip has been all about anyway. Will I cower and do as they bid, submit, or will I stand up for myself, my love for my girlfriend (despite the love-bite and full possession), and my concern for the rest of humanity, in light of all that has been revealed to me. But here I am, in fucking isolation, my girlfriend an arch antagonist, an archontic mouthpiece, and my sole means of support, with nothing else for me to lean on for support. Where are all the awakened ones when I need them? I read the articles, I can tell that many are talking from direct experience, but where are any of you now, when someone like me really needs the support, and needs the help to get my story out to the public? Anyway, I’ll end it here, for now.]

To not leave anyone hanging, I will add some of the other events that I survived, suffered, and endured, all of it real, or at a minimum during an abduction episode, and never as dream.

I've fallen from a four-story building to wake-up paralyzed in a hospital, only to regain the power of my legs, learn to walk, in excruciating pain, and walk out of the hospital, under my own power, without any drugs, that same night. The doctor being completely unperturbed or concerned about my injuries, and also suggesting to me, while still in my paralyzed state, that move to another hospital, since the one I was taken to was for Vietnamese only. How’s that for archontic puppeting of an individual. In my experience, it should be assumed that each and every one of us are able to be influenced subconsciously by these archontic entities. Following my return to my apartment from the hospital, began the start of both my girlfriend and me in a combination MK-Ultra/Milab scenario, with me shitting and pissing myself, in what became, upon returning home, what I can only describe as a torture/interrogation scenario, with my girlfriend in the role of minder, over me, as lay partially paralyzed on a floor mattress in our apartment, (and in Vietnamese style) a large fluorescent tube on the wall lighting our small, one room apartment. At this point, my girlfriend was no longer herself but rather a very cold, uncaring prison guard, who imparted no sympathy towards me whatsoever. In fact, she blamed me for all the embarrassment I had caused her through my fall, and the $75 hospital bill I caused her to incur. [I have a tremendous amount of information to share about all that had taken place in regard to the start of the MK-Ultra roles she and I would begin to play out from this point on. In fact, she had had immediately taken on this prison guard/interrogator role the moment we arrived at the hospital, with me laying semi-conscious on a hospital table. But to explain this all in coherent fashion and in extensive detail will take me a great deal of time. I can, and will, right a book or a very long dissertation on MK-Ultra, when and if the time comes to me. MK-Ultra does not originate with intelligence agencies. It originates with these alien entities, the archon.]

Following this fall, I would say, about a week later, without going into the detail at this time, I was tortured bodily very much in the manner of this video by Massive Attack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElvLZMsYXlo
The only difference, my head wasn’t smashed again the wall or floor; they seemed to consciously avoid smashing my head on the floor, though my legs were levitated in the air – and recall, my four-story fall had only taken place the previous week, my legs, effectively, were still in semi-paralysis. My girlfriend, who had woken up from one of her archontically induced comas, had come over to me during the time this torture was taking place, but when I told her to go away out of fear, she did – and went right back to sleep. The purpose of this torture I will explain at another time. For those already awakened, I will just say it was connected with ritual child abuse and attempt, on their part, to induce a false confession from me. In other words, it was an attempt on their part to crack the human psyche of an empathic individual. As I’ve stated, the archon are studying us. They are trying to find ways in which to crack the psyches and spirits of the strongest human beings, empaths, in particular.

Following this torture event, again this will require much explanation, but I will give a quick description: I was shot through from mouth to anus that is through the entire intestinal track with what I can best describe as molten red metal shot, the kind of shot one would use for a musket. To make a long story short (for the time being), I had been accused by girlfriend of having committed a number of sins…and for this, I forget the exact amount, but I was shot through with these molten hot balls about ten or twelve times. Each shot took what seemed, perhaps, about a minute to travel the entire length of my body. My body contorted and spasmed in a very protracted fashion, almost as if the shot traveled through my body in slow motion, by body withering on the bed as it did so. The searing heat of the shot only came at the beginning of the first shot and then faded into what I can only describe as etheric overlay. That is, the heat dissipated yet was present, but my body went through very violent contortions with each new round of torture. This my girlfriend oversaw, as if in the role of accuser and witness. This torture event happened on two separate occasions. The first time, in the weeks after the torture previously mentioned, then again, several months later. During this second event, my girlfriend woke up - as I was being tortured in bed in this manner, I had never gone to sleep, dealing with archontic activity the entire night, as I’ve done for the majority of the past 400+ days

[I’ll leave it at this for now. Too much archontic activity and problems for me to deal with…]

Originally posted on FB 12\15\2016

Major archontic attacks past four days, including some heavy external archontic interference regarding work, money, living situation, and the gender orientation agenda.

Now, major internal astral archontic attack - intense headache, internal metabolic combustion effect, energy surges feet, legs; left ear hum, mind float, and all the rest that goes along with it - for those who know.
Fuck these parasites.

I've asking for help from other so called awakened ones, and haven't received anything in way of a helpful connection. Maybe my sneaking suspicion from my own experience that much of what is taking place predestined, freewill non-existent or, at best, extremely limited. In which case, we are all archontically influenced and, therefore, being "awakened" as I myself am, doesn't mean a fucking thing, we are simply powerless, thinking we have power, but really we are just trapped in a game, spinning our wheels, and achieving nothing but spinning the wheels of our ego, thinking ourselves STO. That is how I feel at this moment, when I most need support from the community. And in the words of Trent Reznor, Where is everybody? We are supposed to be awakened, we are supposed to me making these connections, what, synchronicitcly? Well, here is my page, I've sent I don't know how many emails...so where is the help, the connection, the support, from others who claim to be awakened? At best, I've gotten a - I'm really busy making money on my career as an awakened inidividual, so will read your email, if I have time. And here you have a targeted awakened individual under full-blown archontic attack, with unprecedented access from anything of yet to read, for over 400+ days, 24/7, and not a single person has come to my aid, outside of a person I only met locally, and not yet fully awakened.

Maybe, then, this false matrix amounts to nothing more than just a fucking game we are stuck in, thinking we are doing something, but doing absolutely nothing but being moved around the matrix board like fucking pawns.

Fuck being an empath too! These entities are going to fucking destroy me soon. I can't keep fighting this shit alone. If my love-bite twin flame of four years doesn't lead to my destruction, then it will be my archontically enforced poverty that does it, if my body doesn't just give up the ghost from first from over 400 days of astral attacks, milab tests, gang stalking tests, abductions scenarios, gender orientation agenda assaults, no food, body wasting away, will to resist archontic challenges and demands fading for not seeing the point in any of it, or being able to get all of what I've learned through my experiences with these entities out to the wider public.... Humanity dissapoints me even more today; I see the archon as having complete fucking control over everything today too. It seems, at best, those of us who are awakened are even more useless than those still asleep, for what the fuck is that we achieve, if we aren't even helping one another out?

And here is the best part, when one is at their worst is when the archon attack and hit their hardest. A human life doesn't mean a fucking thing to them. And I call them archon, not Archons, because they are singularity, of the hive, despite their ability to act parts.

Rant over. Fuck the archon.



Morbid Angel: Hatework posted 4/30/2016. If you're particularly sensitive and dealing with any kind hyperdimensional or spiritual attack it better that you avoid material of this kind. I post for those who are better equipped to use such as a form of empowerment - but even then, unless you really really understand what it is you're going through its better avoided. 

It should be kept in mind by everyone that whatever one ingests, so to speak, be it film, literature, music, the fucking new media, shitty thinking, other people's bullshit, etc, etc. finds its way into subconsconscious thought. That means, until you really come to understand the process that is taking place - and I'm not claiming to have perfected it, but I've been at for a very very long time in ways that most people will never be in a position to experience - everything you see and hear and smell gets logged in your subconscious without your ever realizing it, and often charged with emotions and insecurities you don't even know you have. The archon operating as the parasites they are can and will use this material in your subconscious/unconscious mind to attack you with it in ways that can be highly distressful - and not only in the etheric/astral. It of course is far more complicated than this, including the likelihood that you could be attacked with material you've never encountered or even material you've gone out of your way to avoid in life. I'm simply doing my best to inform the generally uninformed. The archon prey on paranoia and fear and exploit both to the max, so generally speaking, forewarned is forearmed. But if you think you are undergoing any kind of unusual attack, spiritual or otherwise, please be cautious. I'll leave it at this because sometimes things are better left unsaid. Stay strong!  


Morbid Angel: Nothing but Fear:


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