The Pineal Gland: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix (SRM)


Originally posted on FB 11/8/2016

From Introduction to Gnosis by Samael Aun Weor

“We have an authentic wireless system in our organism. The pineal gland, situated in the inferior part of the brain, is the thought=transmitting center and the solar plexus, situated in the umbilical region, is the receptive antenna. The pineal gland is the seat of the soul, the window of Brahma through which the soul enters and leaves the body. The pineal gland is a small reddish-gray organ. This gland secretes a hormone that regulates the development of the sexual organs. After maturity, this gland degenerates into a non-secreting, fibrous tissue.”

“The pineal gland is intimately related to the sexual organs. The strength of the pineal gland depends on sexual strength. The man or woman who foolishly wastes his or her sexual energy fails in business because their pineal gland becomes atrophied. A weakened pineal gland cannot forcefully radiate mental waves. The result is failure.”

“Be prudent: do not waste your sexual energies foolishly. your sexual energies and in this way you will fortify your pineal gland and inevitably succeed. In this manner, you will be able to radiate your mental waves with strength power and glory. These mental waves, after having arrived at the receptive center (the solar plexus) of other people who come in contact with you, will give you the success that you seek. Be triumphant, always smile full of sincerity, live happily, work with pleasure and the world will be yours; luck will smile on you from everywhere.”


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