The Archon - Love Bite Connection: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix


Originally posted 11/20/2016

The following excerpt from an article entitled Organic Portals - Souless Humans succinctly identifies the role of the archon in our world and their direct connection with the love-bite as a means to achieve the aims of their mission and agenda. It is my opinion, based on experience, that the existence of organic portals serves as a kind of proof that the love-bite may not be the exception in human matchmaking but the rule. One set by these parasitic alien entities to maintain control over our reality, and keep those of us who would sooner awaken asleep. [See my posted story A Job for the Digital Age for an account of archontic activity coupled with the alien love-bite prior to my awakening. In story-form it illustrates what the following excerpts illuminate. It was written prior to my awakening, and so presumes no knowledge achontic interference or orchestrated love-bites. The precognative, synchronistic nature of the story speaks for itself.]

[It also just occurred to me: another way to compare pre-Adamic humanity to Adamic humanity in relation to the existence of a negative matrix reality is to consider the possibility that, as machines, it was pre-Adamic humanity that acquired consciousness first, that is, prior to the machines Adamic humanity builds that will come to acquire consciousness. And here, one could keep in mind Stephen Hawking’s warning: "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."]

The complete article is linked below. The excerpt follows:

Now this is a highly significant point by the C’s which we can find in Mouravieff’s “Gnosis” as well. The “Control System” relates to the “General Law” and forces acting upon the seeker who tries to “escape” or transcend it by entering “The Way” of esoteric work:

“Economy of energies too is a must, as the walk to and on the Way demands their total mobilization. Any unjustified expenditure can lead in the end to failure. We must always keep this in mind. In general, the reaction of those around towards someone who begins to search for the Way is negative. This negative attitude is the result of the action of the General Law, which, as we know, tends to keep man in his place. Not being able to do this directly by the action of Illusion, the General Law, when it loses its dominion over the man who ‘moves’, acts indirectly by the mediation of those around him.”

On the other hand, if man just lives along without any efforts of waking up or is no threat to the “General Law” or Matrix Control System, he will be left alone and he can even make a brilliant career, be successful, have family, kids, be “happy” in his illusion, yet he will not have progressed esoterically as he feeds the General Law by following “A” influences.

“We are not aware of how much we are bound by the action of the General Law. Acting on us as it does on our cells, this law immobilizes us or constantly tends to bring us back to our place. Its strength leaves us little freedom of action outside the limits of its direction and scope. It acts in various ways. One can say that if man lives ‘like everyone else’, if he does not venture off the beaten track, he will never perceive the existence of this force, or rather this force will ignore him.”

If man spends his life without distinguishing between ‘A’ and ‘B’ influences, he will end it as he started, one could say mechanically, driven by the Law of Accident. However, according to the nature and the intensity of the resultant forces to which he is subjected, it can happen to him to make a brilliant career, in the meaning the world gives to this expression. Yet he will come to the end of his days without having either learned or understood anything of Reality. And earth returns to Earth.”

That can be seen very clearly in our world. Everyone who just goes along with the masses and “accepted” reality has not much struggle in the world. Birth, school, choose a career, get a job, watch TV, consume, reproduce, entertain, be nationalistic or religious, follow your desires and impulses unexamined, etc…
Not knowing himself, but a slave to the outside world, full on under the control of the General Law/Matrix, the common man has no free will, although he thinks he does.

However, whenever someone awakens, steps up and tries to “escape” The General Law/Matrix by speaking and seeing truth, forces are put on to him to put him back in line, back to sleep. He will be ridiculed or even silenced. His only chance of protection is to apply esoteric Knowledge and fuse the centers, so he doesn’t fall back to sleep. Anything that is not a threat to the MCS (Matrix Control System) or General Law will be ignored or even promoted heavily, be it through religion, politics, entertainment or popular new age ideas.
“But if his enterprises are out of the ordinary, no matter what field they are in, but especially in esotericism, this force begins to act, and stirs up all sorts of obstacles in order to bring him back to the point where — according to the General Law — he must reside. Even without knowing this force, we have an intuition of its existence and of the many forms which clothe it. The Holy Scriptures speak of it more than once, especially where esoteric work is concerned.

Thus, if this conservative force, which is the servant of the General Law, does not succeed in ‘calming’ man by acting directly upon him, it tries to reach him indirectly through the people of his household, either through the feelings they invoke or the coolness and contempt they openly show him.”

“This conservative force, the Servant of the General Law” acts through pred-adamic man, the Organic Portals. It’s not that the person him/herself is the cause. Pre-adamic man is being used literally as a portal through which the Matrix works and tries to keep man in his place through hyperdimenstional forces (4D STS). Think of Agent Smith being able to inject himself into any charakter in “The Matrix” trying to stop Neo from awakening. Hence, blind people, people who are asleep, plugged into the Matrix, the grand illusion, become “tools” of the Matrix to make sure no one jumps out of line. It’s how the sheep control the sheep."

“A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are…


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