How to Know If You're an Empath: 30 Traits: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix


Originally posted on 11/20/2016

The Aspie, empath and artist generally tend to overlap as a type. Whether these traits/types come together singularly or collectively, they are because of their nature the most conspicuous targets for archontic attack. Here is a great article on empaths:

What I might add to the article is that many of those aches and pains can (maybe should) be attributed to entity attachements, cords, energy siphoning, and the like.

This article has also given me new insight on soul mirroring and the love-bite, in that, it is not only the sociopath who is capable of these kinds of behaviors, not when empathic abilities are considered in light of archontic inversion, and the ways in which these entities employ the love-bite to thwart human awakening, especially in the case of empathic individuals. 

New food for thought: soulless/spiritless matrix agents vs. inverted empaths - though the difference may mean little, if accomplished – or worse: more distressing, if one considers empathic emotions being corrupted and exploited to serve negative ends.


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