Discerning Archon and Alien Disinformation


Originally posted on FB 11/18/2016

I was just reading the below referenced article by Tom Montalk. Although I’ve yet to write a full account of my ongoing experience with what I call archontic entities, I post the following article and excerpts because it accords with what I have experienced in my contact with these entities, on an almost daily basis for the past year.

Of particular note is the author’s mention of a vertical treactor beam, and one’s ability to fight it, if awake, during an abduction experience. I post this for those who already know the truth, and to corroborate the evidence of such experiences, especially for those of us being targeted and subjected to the kinds of experiences discussed in the article.

The excerpts follow; the full article is posted below.

"Abductees may experience a sudden cessation of natural outside noises (like the chirping of crickets) during the onset of an abduction. They may also notice a change in air pressure, an unsettling alteration in the contrast level of light and shadows in the room, an amber tint to the air, and a feeling like a heavy veil or bell jar is descending over themselves or the immediate area8. These indicate that the local area is being dimensionally isolated from the surrounding space and disconnected from the surrounding time stream so that, for potential witnesses outside the bubble, the abduction takes place in a single moment and thereby escapes their observation. Otherwise abductions would be impossible in busy urban areas. The bubble also produces a shifted environment that is easier for incoming abductors to operate within since it meets them halfway.

Abductors also have physiological and psychological control over their targets. Roadside abductions involve a driver getting the sudden irresistible urge to pull over. Abductees at home who are not yet asleep may feel a strong pressure to quickly lie down and go to sleep, or feel their willpower and self-control slipping away as a veil of heaviness descends over them. Greys have telepathic ability to subdue abductees, induce or remove fear, and cause temporary paralysis.

Not all abductions are physical. Some take not the body but the soul, more specifically the etheric and astral bodies, which during sleep separate naturally from the physical body and hover over it. The soul is whisked away by a vortical tractor beam and taken dimensionally upwards where abductors perform various scans and manipulations upon it before returning it to the body. The abductee is rarely aware of any of this, unless accidentally awakening while out of body, in which case it’s possible to fight the tractor beam and avoid the soul abduction through sheer willpower to return to the body and awaken. Thus, interdimensional aliens are capable of directly manipulating the nonphysical components of human beings, not just the physical."

Important Note Additional Note:

Curiously enough, after posting the above, I came across the following detail from an article on the psychomantium, also from montalk.net. The effect spoken of below, called "morph", is what I called pixilation in my own experience. When I'm in this phase of contact, usually happening late at night, this pixilated air effect is always accompanies the tractor beam effect, and it is something that I recognized as being most prominently seen around windows and mirrors, or wherever light seems to penetrate from lighter spaces into bordered darker spaces, though there have been many other experiences where this pixilation effect has occurred without the tractor beam. When this occurs, the “air” in a room or other space takes on a pixilated heaviness, almost as if the air is saturated with pixilated dew. Of note, this pixilation or “morph” can be better seen through the use of one's peripheral vision.

I’m certain this pixilation I see is the same thing that Montalk mentions below; this it is the first time I’ve encountered such a description by someone else, hence my reason for noting it. This arctilce can be found here: http://montalk.net/notes/psychomantium

“Interestingly, clairvoyants like Stuart Wilde claimed to see the “morph” just by lying on his bed and staring up at the ceiling. He said the morph looks like a layer of undulatory static about an arm’s length away. Well, I think that static noise is just phosphene noise in the retina perceived to be some distance away for the same reason that white noise played in each ear creates a wide stereo effect. However staring into this nebulous visual void can induce a scrying effect and allow dreaming with the eyes open. Wilde’s method is even simpler then, since it just uses the ceiling. Though again, whether it’s merely a Ganzfeld effect, or whether Wilde created an etheric screen above him that he was peering into, remains to be known.”

Introduction to Greys, Reptilians, Mantids, Nordics, and the general capabilities of aliens.


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