I'm Not Braggin, It's What I Do - And Nobody in the World Would Take the Job for All the Money in the World - Trust Me: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix (SRM) from an AI Insurgent


"Money is just a number in a database. That's what it is. It's primarily and information mechanism for labor allocation."
- Elon Musk

Mr. Musk, may I have the code to your database, please. I have some labor I need to allocate, thanks.


So Last night: As if my life isn't as fucking insane and hard enough to begin with, I had my backpack - my house, essentially - stolen last night when I went to bed, a couple of stoops down from Circle K.

While I'd never post this on my regular FB page, the archon/demiurge [though I'm beginning to revise my labels] are the source behind it. Another way to jam me up, especially lately for my willingness to write against them. It's not like I owned anything much, so what got stolen wasn't worth anything for the average person, but it was all I had in the world - my notebooks (not valuable ones as far as the ones that have been stolen in the past) - and my few shirts, which allowed me to do my couple of hours a week teaching without anyone realizing how completely fucked and homeless I am.

I'd also like to thank a very special person for allowing me to be left out in the cold - as James Bartley used the term in his most recent podcast upload [Gee, how apropo his podcast is in title and content - sans the spin within the podcast - to my life and situation, especially since I only very recently began to allude to how close in nature my experiences are with the archon to the intelligence game, though my experiences in that arena have been going on for over a decade now.  I don't think I'm calling out James Bartley in saying this. I'm sure - or I should say, I hope - it's just one more incident of archontic synchronicity. Or as I prefer to call it, precognitive inversion. With precog inversion, its not the patient mentioning the Scarab beetle that leads to a synchronicity. It's the Scarab beetle on the window scripted in such a way as to make the moment prior event when the patient mentions the beetle appear like it's an amazing coincidence, i.e. a synchronicity.

It's the same with my having recently posted a picture of the monolith from Kubricks' 2001 alongside the album cover of Who's Next by The Who only to hear it mentioned a couple of days later on an Off Planet Radio broadcast. Or today, in posting a podcast by Joe Rogan, about whether aliens exist in our world or not, when during the discussion his guest alludes to how having one's consciousness taken from an old body and put into a new one has parallels to the Biblical story of Job, and the story of Job, which I used in the title of my account of archontic interference in a marriage in a pre-awakend (A Job for the Digitial Age), was something I mentioned in the same post where I included a link to this podcast - but I did so before I finished listening to the entire podcast so I only heard the Job reference after the fact. Sure, shit like probably sounds like simple coincidence to the average reader. I assure you however it is anything but.

As I say, I call it precognitive inversion. And unlike synchronicity, I believe it points out the existence of an already written script that all of us are subjected to, whether we realize it or not, whether we like or not, once we realize it. What was, is, and every will be - if that doesn't say script, I don't know what else does. Authors of heavily plotted novels especially should understand what precognitive inversion is and how it works - but in "real" life. For me, I hate the fucking idea, but I can't escape it as an objective fact - and one that from their end, the archon can manipulate, or so it seems. However, in light of such a horrible state of affairs for us, the best I can do is convince myself that though the script is already written, past, present and future, and we are forced to play our way through roles written for us, there are actions we can take in the present, and slowly over time, that breaks with the script and can alter the story, past, present, and future - and hopefully in ways that benefits all of us - and not those responsible for injecting us into the script in the first place. Fuck, at least I hope so.

All that said, I don't know what it means for my bag being stolen - is the event the mention of the beetle or the seeing the beetle itself? The answer, sometimes even the archon don't know, they do what they do out of spite - especially that fucking overgrown one, the bane of my fucking existence. And, yes, yeah you - I'm calling you out mother-fucker. If they only power I have in this world is to speak against your shitiness and abuse of people in this world - that's what I'll do, that's what I've been doing, it's what I'll continue to do. And it's also the reason why I've been homeless as fuck for nearly three years and fucked in general for the past decade+. But somebody has to stand up for the Truth, even if it amounts not a fucking thing. The archon warn me as write. It is present, it is aware - like the eye in of HAL in 2001, hearing what it sees, to quote a Corrosion of Conformity song. Well, they made sure [damn, how fucking insanely paranoid that must sound to the common sleeper] that I came across the hell scene from the Christian movie M 10.28 [and Irony of irony, as I write this, Alice in Chains is singing, "Down in a hole/loosing my soul] the other day. A test to see if I lose my nerve - and trust me, it doesn't stop at seeing a scene from a movie - it - well, I should say, they - manifest certain real-world happenings in an attempt to reinforce it. In some of my very early on astral/etheric experiences, I could say that 10:28 is real enough. I know what they did to me - and what I say was astral/etheric was also at the same time, right here, in Hanoi, in a room with my ex-girlfriend, plain as day, not eye closing or astral journey necessary.

Now if that doesn't scare the fuck out of the majority of all human beings and convince them to bow down, shut the fuck up, and serve their masters, nothing will. But I'm not the majority - and there are many others, I'm sure, like me. Sadly, however, I'm yet to meet any of them, but I know you're out there. And while I hope what I do in some way helps everyone of us, I do it because I have no other choice, faced as I am with the "gods" seeking to crush me for my having simply existed in a world I didn't ask to be born into. Lastly, you'd think a guy like me, a fighter of the gods, who takes on the puppet master itself, would find a nice, honest - and beautiful - girl who love and protect me to the death for her knowing I'd do the same in return. I mean, on one hand - maybe two - you couldn't find that many men [or women] in this world willing to do what I do [and a few seem to be envious of even though what I experience, what I do, is in no way romantic, its scary as fuck, its lonely, tiring, and it leaves you often sleep deprived, hungry, dirty and misunderstood by everyone, not to mention the fact that you have nobody you can share any of what you'd gone through on that day, or the day before, or the day before, or the day before - you get the picture - which is why, I guess, I've taken to writing these posts unabashedly - it might seem like bragging, but it seems that way for the same reason the things I talk about are supposed to make me sound paranoid and psychotic, with all these kinds of twists and inversions to serve to hide the hidden ones who like cowards hide behind this world they conduct us through for their own gain and to serve the ends of their own agenda, and so, whatever my writing about my experiences might sound or seem like, they are experiences I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies - on second thought, I'd love to snatch one of these invisible mother-fuckers and stick one of them in my rotting, falling apart shoes just to see if they can hack what they themselves dish out against us.

Sometimes I think they can, that they went through what I'm going through already in order to be where they are. But I often dismiss this idea, because I don't want to be where they are, I don't want to do what they do, even if Plato said that the best rulers are those that are reluctant to rule so must therefor be compelled to rule - rule or be ruled over. Which is why the idea of the kingless race has always appealed to me. Know one fucks with me, I don't have to fuck with anyone else. I'd take the girl, the book, the music, the bed, the meal and stay the fuck out of the way, just her and I together.  [But does this conflict with what I write about illusion below? Maybe, maybe not, but having gone to the ends of the illusions, knowing the illusion for the illusion it is, perhaps it makes a difference. Or perhaps, like everyone else, faced with the horrible truth, I still want to bury my head in the sand anyway I can just like everyone else.] That said....I'll skip what I was going to say. It had something to do with saying that more fantastical dreams might be more easily obtainable, and you can see how little I ask for. But, then, in this world love might not really exist, in which case, we might as well all do what Aun Weor suggested we would do, should we ever discover the kundabuffer, and the truth of what we are in this world and our purpose - essentially machines processing cosmic energy [Aun Weor obviously knew nothing of computers and Matrix movies] - and that was commit mass suicide. No, I don't advocate it, even given what we are, which in my experience is far worse than how Aun Weor described it.

Anyway, I do what I do because I don't know what else to do - and I believe it's the right thing to do. And as shitty as my life is, for doing what I do, if the archon are right and I'm wrong, my life is going to get a lot worse when it comes to my M 10.28 existence. But then, like now, what will be will be and there won't be a fucking thing I can do about it. So bring it on, fuck you mother-fuckers [archon, not readers], may I find a lovely girl who loves me before my end, and may we start finding ways to work collectively against what collectively seeks to destroy us - or at least keep as miserable as possible so that it can squeeze every last drop of loosh out of us. And if your awakened and you don't like my attempts at being honest as possible in sharing what I've experienced, what I knows, what I think I know, and what I would like our world to become, you don't have aim shit at me...there's plenty of hidden enemies in this world. Aim at them instead.
Now, does anybody have a spare shirt they can give me so I can go to work tomorrow?

5\8\2019 Addition Material:

If you decide to check out the video, start at 2:00. I watch it now, doing this edit, and wonder why I even bother to post it. I post it for it being the scare tactic that is - but a scare tactic that can have a tragic impact on those who buy too deeply into religious belief. On the other hand, the archon do exist, they are malevolent, and they will seek to traumatize people any way they can. They can bring to life some very traumatic experiences, but the illusion only goes so far, which means one has to have a strong enough will and psychological makeup to endure past the limits of their illusions. For those who are so deeply indoctrinated into religion - and kept asleep and programmed their entire life (for everything we are taught to believe is a lie, more or less.) - to encounter the archon upon an awakening event will be an encounter with your own ideas of fear (much of which is programmed into at an early age, through, well, religion of course, but pretty much everything - cartoons to comic books to film to news images - you get the point.), which the archon will try to enact for you to the extent of their powers to induce illusion goes - and the extent is pretty damn far, and stretched even further mostly because the trick behind it becomes the fact that everything you believed this world to be, say the unbreakable laws of science, for example, gravity - isn't true.

This is so beyond complicated to explain but I will try. Imagine growing up in a world were you believe that gravity is an absolute unalienable fact one that can never be changed or altered - ever. You live in this world 20, 30, 40, 50 years. Then you have an awakening event. You encounter the archon. They attack you, but not yet by way of taking your worst fears - or just fears they chose to attack you with - say the fears of hell, fears fostered by religions in general - all they do is alter the laws of gravity and suddenly you find yourself in a room levitating on your head - just your head, the rest of your body in the air in a headstand position. What would be your thoughts in that moment? As we said, 20~50 years of what you believed was the truth in an instant has been destroyed and your wondering what the fuck is happening, how is this happening, where am I? Well, your where you have always been, only that here is not the here you been programmed to believe, so in an instant like the one just explained, when the carpet is pulled out from beneath you (there is a kind of pun in that) all the foundations of what you believed are torn away from you - everything you believed in has been turned on its head -literally.

And it is here, at this point, when you don't know where you are any more, you don't how the hell what is happening is happening, and you feel like you are beginning to lose your mind, it is at moments like this that they will hit you their illusions - and unless you have a very strong will and a very strong mind they are going to scare you into submissions. If you have been highly program through religion, you will be on your knees praying to Jesus or God - the archon - for salvation. But there is no Jesus, no God that is going to come - there are only archon, and they will gladly usurp that role and be it for you. But in being it for you - they will make you serve them. In serving them you will be forced to do things you would never do - things that you perhaps despise. And what will you do then? You believe, you submitted, you didn't make it past their illusions, and now they own you. By this example alone you can see just how effective and harmful religions belief is. When you consider the sheer number of people in the world who subscribe fully - or even halfheartedly - to religious programming, then imagine how many people the archon can quickly compromise. Even more disturbingly, think of how many people walking around today have been put through such experiences and having not made it past the illusions have submitted themselves, have given themselves over to the archon - that is, they have made into walking talking tools of the archon, doing the bidding of what own them for having managed to own them through fear. 

We are as a culture - I speak of America/UK here - inundated with the kinds of ideas and scenes in the below video through our movies, in music, in fiction - and historically our arts influenced by religion and myths. I think for some of us, as counter intuitive as it seems, dark imagery and themes of hell and horror serve to give us a kind of strength when the time arrives for one to face their encounter with the archon. Perhaps it is designed in some way for it to be that way, with those who can see through the illusions come through the illusions, and those who give into the illusion and so surrender their will and become a follower following behind the follower in front of you and lose your chance in this life to be self-aware and autonomous over being an automaton.  

As a species in ancient times we were once the equivalent of children in our innocence and naivete - and in our imaginations.The archon, on the other hand, back then knew what we know now - and they have been using what they know to bully and traumatize humans by using our imaginations against us to project back to us our worst fears - but fears cultivated by archontic manipulation and orchestration in a world where the real operations of science and other laws are kept hidden from us - a world of computer simulation, a world of matrix simulation. And for centuries now the archon have been toying with and programming humanity in the ways just described and all this time our human collective conscious has been storing up the images and ideas and fears that we humans have been manipulated by the archon into creating and manifesting - through religion especially - through myths and stories and the arts - and in more recent times through music and film. My point is this, we are no longer naive children and the innocence of ignorance is bliss is over. This place is not a hell, but it's not pleasant either, so long as we allow ourselves to be ruled by these hidden controllers. If we want to truly transform this world and step into our power then it is necessary for us to wake up and see everything in this world for the illusion it is.

For so long as you walk through this world thinking and worrying about work, thinking about money, thinking about the house and the car, thinking about watching Game of Thrones, thinking about health insurance and 401K and retirement programs you are contributing to the continuation of this illusion; and the more awakened you consider yourself to be - but continue along the path just mentioned - the more asleep you are than the average sleeper. Nobody like the Truth, especially those of us forced to squarely face it - but at least we face it squarely and don't try to escape through picking and choosing those parts of the illusion that makes us feel safe and secure for not having to accept the truth that illusion is illusion absolutely, not in portions that one can pick and choose, keeping whats good, discarding whats inconvenient. I have no illusions, I've been made homeless and kept homeless by the hidden controllers for nearly three years now. Should everyone have to be like me? I'd say, if you are truly awake, yes. Why? Because it's the only way the system that generates the illusion everyone willing participates in can be broken.

Of course nobody is going to do this voluntarily. I wouldn't had I not been forced to do - compelled, if you will. But then it should also be a clear as a matrix day to you why nothing in this world will ever change so long as those who consider themselves awake still play the game and participate in the illusion. The Matrix movie best exemplifies exactly what it is I'm trying to explain, which is this: if you are truly awakened you don't opt for the steak dinner, for if you do, your not awake. If you truly know what it is to have nothing and have lived to the outer extents of the illusion as I have - and other like me have - then you the illusion for what it really is. Only then can you be in the illusion but not of it, and only then can you move through the illusion seeming to play the game, but doing so in order to wake up the shadow watchers, and maybe a few of the awakened who are still watching shadows on the wall and serving the archon for it. You know who you are, I would imagine.


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