NOTES: If We Live in a Simulated Reality and We Do, Then the Following Theories Must be Considered


These are just rough working notes. I'm publishing them so as to prevent my ideas from not ever being published, should it come to that. I'll add to and revise this material when and as necessary. 

If we exist within a computer generated simulated reality matrix the following possibilities must be considered as more than likely:

- There is no actual physical earth as we've been taught to believe. The earth, like us, and the world - the "reality" we live in - would be the product of computer generated code. The same would apply to the Universe as we come to conceive of it - an elaborate construct.

- The simulation does exist as a laboratory for the purposes of experiment and study. 

And though within our experience within these bodies, which are also not actually physically existent, we experience an actual sense of physicality. But our bodies would be no more real than the earth.
[get quote from Plato about the world being like a body with everything connected to it, which considering the lack of understanding of technology he would have had then, what he seems actually to be saying, is that the earth is the simulation and everything, including us, is connected to it.

- The idea that time does not exist, as so many of us come to hear, but cannot understand in any real way in terms of our own existence, becomes clearer if considered as follows. Within a program of any kind, take a video game for example, in the game time is simply a convenient construct that allows us to understand the linear flow of data - or in our case - the data that makes up our story in linear fashion. In other words, it would be possible for the computer to play out any segments of the total mass of data comprising its complete program in any random pattern. Essentially you could go from being in middle age one moment, to having just been born, to dying rather than going from birth to childhood to teens to young adulthood, to adulthood, etc. There is no times because everything has been written, or at least the entire skeleton of what was, is, and will be as been written and cannot be altered, though new data can be attached to the skeleton to whatever limits the capacity of the program allows for.

- If we exist within a computer generated simulated reality matrix we cannot be certain of when, as construct physical beings within a construct linear program of time that we call and think of as reality, actually began. In other words, we can't be certain when history actually began for us as construct beings so we can not determine where and at what point in our "existence" the backstory, if any, stops and construct created human history begins. One only needs to understand the nature of a novel, it conception, plotting, overall designs, and the writing process to understand that a large portion of the entirity of human history might not be a complete fabrication to serve as backstory for the point when we human beings enter into the simulation as characters acting upon the conditions this backstory has setup for them at the moment they begin to exist within the program with whatever memories necessary to connect them to the backstory either implanted and/or taught to them by NPC characters and institutions in order to make them the first of the first generation within the simulation, though they  - like us - could never this. In fact, the same could apply for us presently, with everyone we've known and can trace back to our childhoods and of an earlier generation being nothing but NPC constructs designed to bring us up to speed, so to speak, with the point at which we enter into the simulation, which also happens at the same time to be the beginning of the simulation itself.

- If our life is written from beginning to end, say birth to eighty five ears, immortality, or the fact that death doesn't exist, could simply mean that time after time, when we die, and we could die at any age between birth and eighty-five, at the death, we would just continue on from that point in our age until we happen to die again at a different age, and then the process repeating - the only thing being is that between the death and respawn our memories of the death are erased and we continue living on, albeit in a new program, never knowing that we had died. In this case, we all live on never knowing when the end will come, and when it comes, though we experience it, we find ourselves once again living, and wondering when the end will come, this process could on indefinetly, and we would be forever living our lives with the expectation of death, which eventually comes, but is erased each time. In other words, we could die at the age of eight, have that experience, but then respawn again at age eight, new program, same memories, same people, but without our having realized died, nor anyone else in our programmed reality having realized it either. This process could loop indefinetly. Essentially you could die a thousands deaths at a thousand different ages and never know it. In this case, escaping from the wheel of birth and death would be to cycle through your entire life cycle without ever dying again.

- Because we live in a construct reality the law and rules that govern it are also constructs and therefore they are highly mutable to the point of being nonexistent, should certain laws and rules of, so to speak, the game engine, are suspended

- Unlike in the Matrix movie, if we are in a simulation, there is no reason to assume the existence of true base-reality. Moreover, we would not be equipped in any way to even conceive what might exist outside of our conscious existence within the simulation, for everything we believe, we have been programmed to believe. That means the sciences are a construct, with all information and ideas applying only to the world of the simulation and nothing else. Even the idea of numbers might be in truth only a construct designed for the sake of this world. All laws and rules - including mathematics would be construct creations.

- The UFO phenomena alone with alien abduction would likely be a construct by design for the purposes of propaganda and disinformation, and this holds true from my understanding of the nature of this simulation. UFOs and alien species could very well exist, but their existence would be for the purposes of story, so to speak. On the other hand, human abduction is real. It just isn't an abduction from the world to an alien craft but rather an abduction from the simulation to an unknown location, either within or behind the simulation itself. In this case also, then the UFO would likely not be an alien ship from some other world or dimension as we normally think of it, but something more akin to maintenance craft or portals of some kind that employed for the purposes of policing the simulation. I have twice encountered myself something along the line of spherical metal balls reminiscent in some ways to a round gold-plated medieval mace slightly smaller in circumference to basketball, and by the way it hovered, but in such a way that it intended to keeps itself as concealed and covered as possible, it seemed to be functioning as a kind eye in the sky drone to monitor situations, in my case, looking into the room I was in, which occurred on two different occasions, in two different locations, once in America and once in Vietnam, with the occurrences separated by quite a number of years. The object, what ever it was, did not appear to be military in nature for it being too baroque in its appearance.Note: after I finished writing the aforementioned, I did a search on mace-like orbs using the keyword surveillance and ironically I came across as contemporary dome cam product created by a company named MACE. Given my understanding of this world, I find this as more than just a circumstance given the appearance of what I encountered and described here is unmistakably mace-like in appearance. If I were to create a product based on things that I've come to encounter that others who are asleep do not and will not ever know about it, in this case, if I wanted to create a company to manufacture dome cameras based on the technology I've described, likely I would have hit upon calling the company MACE as an archetype of the advanced technology I've had chance to glimpse.

The program calls for thirst, hunger, nourishment, self-preservation of the body and functions, sickness and health, etc - but these are all just arbitrary laws that govern the program so that appears to be operating in keeping with the rules and laws that for the sake of the simulation is called "reality." All of these laws can be changed or even negated completely without effect. For example, the function of thirst for a particular individual within the simulation could simply be suspended. From that point on in the linear time of their storied existence, they would never need to drink again.

The following also needs to be considered:

Given that we do exist within a simulation of some kind, and given we are consciousness operating within the simulation and bound to bodies - and as the ancients thought of it, soma=sema [body as tomb] and/or we are stars bound to bodies [that would be light and light is information] - it could very well be the case that we are ourselves THE AI, or more accurately sentient AI, which equates with disembodied consciousness. My thought being that we are consciousness imprisoned within the simulation in bodies, with the purpose of our imprisoned state being to extract from us the loosh necessary to power this simulation. The other possibility is that as disembodied conscious, in our ability to take on a construct hyperdimensional body, by way of virus or glitch, or even through our generation of history within bodies within the simulation, we become trapped in some manner. However explanations such as a glitch being responsible for keeping us here is too benign, given that a certain disembodied intelligence within this simulation actively seeks to cause us primarily negative experiences for a purpose that seems to be the production and utilization of what's come to be called loosh. However this does not preclude the possibility that it a glitch or something of this nature originally caused our being entrapped within the simulation, with negative consciousness being something that evolved after the fact for whatever the reason. 

- Physicality as we insist on thinking of it ultimately does not apply to anything but human to human interaction because we are in a computer generated simulation. The entities that control the simulation do not need to invent or create physical technologies within the simulation in order to control or manipulate us. The reason we can't see things in such simple terms is because it's almost impossible for us to wrap our heads around and understand the fact that this world is not the world we've been since birth entrained to believe it is - it is computer generated code, or something like computer generated code. Because we are unable to completely come to grips with this fact, we allot something possible to the simulation, but we hold most things we are familiar with in base reality as still necessary and absolutes. To my mind, this can't be the case. The same goes for the idea that we live in a world of lies, which we say because we've come to realize that we live in a simulation (that is, if you agree with this.) We assume many things are a lie, but we don't assume everything is a lie, as we should. The best example here might be history - all of it, from structures, to archeological finds to every scrape of symbol and writing; even Plato, for one example. And until we know more about when the simulation began - if we can ever know it - then the assumption is that everything is a lie, even the history all of us made yesterday, because beneath it all - or behind it all - is control and manipulation that begins and ends with the code that controls and governs this world. I think, for me, it too simple an idea to understand, which is why it is so difficult to understand.  

- Living in a computer simulation, any thoughts, ideas, and theories based in physicality, at least when it comes to what this higher intelligence can and does do to us, as well as this world, would be incorrect. For example, the idea that in harvesting us, these entities are chipping and tracking us. While it does apply to us chipping and tracking ourselves, via government agencies or whatnot, it doesn't apply to us and handled by these entities, because we are a part of the simulation, the world is the simulation, and regardless of whether these entities are part of the simulation or multidimensional to the point of their being outside the simulation, they control the simulation and would not need to employ crude physical technologies like chipping in order to track us. The idea is an absurdity when you think of it. The problem here is that even people who accept the idea that we live in a simulation are yet unable to let go of their belief that physicality is real, that matter as the things of the world, including tools and technologies, is real. It is - for you and me. It is not for those that control the simulation and can alter the code at will.  

I've seen the laws of gravity suspended in this world, I've seen and experienced electricity/electrons as an entity. I don't know much about Tesla and the like, but I do believe this world is in fact electromagnetic in nature, and this corresponds to much of the astral related experiences I've had or have been shown. The point I'm trying to get at here is nuclear energy. One of the long running beliefs/myths in regard to alien races as they relate to humanity is the idea that humans are looked down upon by these other species of aliens for our being immature and violent and how this relates to our possession of nuclear energy. However, if this is an electromagnetic (and I admit I don't know much when it comes scientific knowledge of any kind) world, along with the ideas that we humans are the batteries, Tesla's swept under the rug solutions for energy production, the idea of nuclear energy very curious indeed. To give or allow to have nuclear energy/power in the simulation could make sense for the purpose of some kind of study. If this simulation exists solely to understand a world that does exist on the outside that conforms to all our entrained beliefs about reality, or to study a world that had once upon a time been, then the possession of nuclear power but as a front on surface reality makes sense. But if this simulation is the world, meaning that it's not here to simulate something exists somewhere else or had once existed but instead is the world itself, then on the surface level, as if it is real in relation to what this world actually is, as if it is necessary in relation to how this world actually works, nuclear power makes no sense at all and is unnecessary. My understanding is that if this truly an electromagnetic world that by whatever means (again, I said I have no scientific understanding so base this on what I've read and come across many times) power within this world would be self-sustaining and infinitely available as an energy and power source unlike coal, gas, oil and nuclear power which exist as a kind of necessary construct on the level of surface reality - so therefore nuclear energy or energy from any of the traditional earthly sources is not only unnecessary but an intentionally constructed deceit by which we are to believe is necessary the world to function. This of course makes the idea of any alien species being concerned about humanity misusing nuclear power in the Universe ridiculous. Then again, that we exist in a simulated reality makes the idea, as I've pointed out before, of other alien races in the Universe ridiculous too. The only way these things would make sense is if they were included as part of the surface reality, as I've said already, for the purpose of running a simulation that needs to be studied to determine the outcome of some past event and perhaps how to fix it. After that, the existence of such would just be for the sake of world building at the fiction level in order to have fun with it at the game level - and/or to create the conditions necessary - money, greed, energy, power - and political power - to create a world that is ruled by negative conditions which are driven on the principles of resources and money for the express purpose in the end being to generate loosh. Now, having just said this, that it only makes things even more roundabout and even far more complicated - perhaps even worse the model used for the surface reality - that is, fossil fuels and nuclear power - but perhaps this world actually runs on loosh (I don't know if or how this would dismiss the ideas about electromagnetic energy being something that would be readily available just by the nature of what we are and without needs of their being negative energy, etc) and so the entire surface reality as a construct is designed to make a world that by the way it works - power and greed and money - produces loosh in vast amounts so that the world itself and the actual reality beneath it can be sustained. This seems pretty convoluted though; but at this point nothing is to be discounted. Again, it really seems to depend on whether these ideas about how electromagnetic energy works - that is in the way I've heard it described being almost free for the way we generate without the need for any great exertion or negative means on our part, and available in nonexhaustive infinite supply - are wrong, which wouldn't surprise me, for so many people have jumped on this Tesla bandwagon and are misinformed, likely by intention, by propagenda, so they pass on this faulty information as tools believing such is true. I don't know...but given what this world is, this idea does need to be considered and answered in some satisfactory way. Doing so would answer many other questions and allow us to sweep away many of the lies which we live under for out being able to remove certain former beliefs as just created stories in order to occlude the truth about this world.

- Flat Earth, round Earth - no Earth for it being a simulation of a place we are entrained to call Earth.

- The world population is most likely nowhere near 8 billion, and like fake news, it is the kind of information that the average person can't do anything about to find a conclusive answer. In fact, the flat Earth people would be more productive if they put their time and energy into determing with as much accuracy as possible what the "world" population actually is.


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