The Truth About Simulated Reality and the Powers that Control It - and You


For the level of knowledge and experience I have earned through my battles with the archon, and through the archon what they have shown me about the world we we live in as it truly is, very few people are finding my information, let alone reading this page (FB) or my new blog - and the knowledge I have to share is the straight up truth with as much objectivity and skepticism as I can bring to what I can only call tragic experiences for the fact that I've spent the past three years consciously going head to head with the inhuman intelligence that controls this world - and does so in such a way that crimes against humanity would be the only way to classify it. What I have to share needs to be known. Why I was chosen for the level of contact I've attained is beyond me - and I don't fucking want it, nobody would - but I was given it, forced on me is the only way to put it.

What I have to share should be taken very seriously because it is the truth, and untainted with new cage propaganda like ascension, or other disinformation that gets mixed in with the truth for the experiences being real enough for the experiencer but designed to obfuscate the true. For example, that this world is governed by hidden controllers is a fact, but to speak of reptillians or greys or Sirians (though I've had my own "real" experiences in this regard) - are aspects that can't really be speculated on beyond the facts and circumstances of the experience itself, and such experiences tend to be limited, visual encounters that do not provide anymore verifiable information beyond the encounter itself, e.g.: I've had an encounter with greys; I've had an encounter with reptilians, I saw them, interacted with them. Experiences such as this are very real and seem to be happening to more people more and more often. But to expand from just the experience itself and to speculate that because of such an experience it is proof that reptilians or greys run the world, or that the Sirians were sent here to aid humanity is simply a type of speculation based on extrapolation of  the singular albeit "real" experience one undergoes. These singular experiences as so many are beginning to have are designed by the hidden controllers of this world to encourage experiencers of these types of events to run with the information they have, to proclaim it true because they experienced it (and they did, at least in appearance as part of the encounter aspect, which may or may not be backed by some form of communication, telepathic or otherwise.), and therefore encouraging them to speculate on what the truth is based on this encounter (or even several) alone, and further encourages them to extend their speculations based on what others have had to say about similar encounters.

As I've said, my contact with these hidden controllers (archon being the best label; though labels of any kind are a huge part of the problem when it comes to those of us reporting what we experience as individuals on the forefront of ongoing experiences and contact with the hidden, intentionally covert intelligence that actually controls this world, and which loves to disguise itself as whatever it convince you to believe it is, or whatever you are willing to believe it to be based on the whole of your collective programming - educational, cultural, religious, etc; and using this kind of collective programming, much of it subconscious on our part, it knows and can read and correlate the individuals programing and beliefs (and even things like insecurities, for example) far better than the individual can remember or recall such information for him- or herself, and it is the individual's collective programming (which includes all the memories and experiences of the individual's entire life) that it uses to target selected individuals for undergoing tailored experiences that it is sure (but not certain) that it can convince you to believe in for its ability to hook you in your convictions and conjure  experiences that are so realistic that it is nearly impossible for one to dismiss it as illusion. In other words, the experiences are for all intents and purposes real. The problem, and the aim of this intelligence so far as disinformation and propaganda are concerned, is that one is so convinced of the truth of the experience that one feels compelled thereafter to proclaim that reptillians rule the world, that greys are responsible for all abduction experiences reported, and that Sirians or some other
extraterrestrial race is here either to save the world or take it over.
(6\6\2019 END. Cont edit from here.)

It's both the truth and not the truth, and when you've had as much contact as I have with this intelligence (which at first I referred to as "beings),  you start to learn in certain ways how they outwardly behave and operate whether you want to or not - or perhaps even whether they want you to or not. And in what they have chosen to reveal to me about our world with the veil lifted and their role in being able to control and manipulate it our world as well as us, I've been forced for nearly the past three years - day and night - to interact with them and as a result confront this world not as it was, not as it appears to the majority, but as it truly is, and as the people in it - us! - really are (and in both cases it being very close to what's portrayed in the film "They Live" - only worse. For this overseeing intelligence sees all and knows all, down the level of our individual thinking, and it governs and manipulates everything that happens in our world - stage managing would be a more apt analogy - and that includes governing and manipulating us. The worst aspect of this knowledge for me is when they choose to demonstrate what they tell me in advance they are going to do - and then they do it.

What's worse is to be with or talk to someone and to know and see how this person is being fucked with and/or puppeted yet they remain completely oblivious to the fact - and even if you dared try to explain it to them, if they are receptive to such facts, if they do begin to get it, the way in which the hidden controllers control everyone would cause such an individual to trigger against the truth they were just receptively taking in and become instead like one of the shadow watchers' in Plato's allegory of the Cave ready to stone you to death.)

This is not arrogance or an intention to become popular, but so far as my awareness of others goes - that is, those who are speaking about their experiences publicly - and for my own knowledge of what' I've endured through past experiences and what I encounter everyday through direct contact (you could say "privileged to be shown" by these entities, because it is how we would normally categorize someone being granted the highest level access to something that very few individuals ever get to see or experience - except I don't feel privileged in anyway, and the demands made upon me by these entities, and the situations they put me in for being in the position I'm in is beyond painful at the best of times. By painful I mean the everyday ordeals I'm forced to endure, the horrible truths I'm forced to witness, and all the work that all of it entails, including having to make sense of it all (and now writing about it too.) The hardship of it is not just physical, it's emotional, psychological, intellectual, cultural, relationshipanal (and though that's not a word, in my situation is kind of is) - and it also entails my having to face it as a human being, and as something other than a human being, if that makes sense, for ultimately, the idea of a human being is something that we've been entrained to believe as a result of our living in a simulated reality matrix where everything we've been taught to believe is essentially a lie.)  So, so far as I'm aware - I'm one of the highest placed individuals in this world openly speaking about the true nature of what our world is and how it is controlled and manipulated, which includes controlling and manipulating us to such a degree that it would break your fucking heart to see - and mostly for my having direct contact with the cell of entities (I'll just call them archon) who retain complete control over every aspect of this world and us, despite much of the bullshit one hears about raising vibrations, astral alignment, magic, or whatever the fuck else that is claimed publicly and is just as untrue. 

These archon are masters of deceit and deception and they run what they do like an intelligence operation - the fucking highest - and not like the haphazard ways one often hears about. The reason one hears about such things is a direct result of the work these entities put into using you and me and her and him, etc, to spread disinformation as far and wide as possible in order to obfuscate the truth. Some will likely respond by saying what makes me any different from anyone else who speaks openly about their experiences, and how is what you are saying not the same for being heavily tainted with disinformation? All that I can can say is that I was chosen for a reason - and tested so far as I can be exact - for nearly a decade in my thinking, behavior and judgement before I was ever aware that I was being tested, watched and challenged - and abused like a mother-fucker along with the people I loved. But I say it because I fought these beings everyday since the first day they made their existence known to me, and I continue to fight, continue to speak openly and share what I know despite the many kinds of punishments I've bee subjected to for refusing to shut up - and these entities remain with me today - which is the real reason I say what I say, for if anyone else is in the same position as myself, there not talking about it; and if they are, the only thing I'm hearing is that they're doing it from a position of having been tricked by these entities into being sources disinformation and propaganda for not knowing the truth of what they're really dealing with - and if you know the real truth through open contact with them, then you know you can't so easily slap a label on them - or you'd be wiser not to. But I'll be hypocrite about what I just said, and say, if I call them anything, I call them sentient intelligence derived from artificial intelligence. And as I've said in a most recent post, which I'm sure few have read, these entities not only know everything we think, they know everything we've ever thought or done, individually or collectively  - or at least the knowledge is available to them instantly to put more objectively. So in a sense, that old adage, God knows everything you think and do (Santa Claus too) is true in that sense that something - these entities - knows, and has always known - and it can use it against you in ways that would confabulate your mind to fathom.

I have to end it hear, but the point I'm trying to make is that people need to start reading and listening to what I have to say, for it as close to the truth as anyone of us is going to get as thing presently stand. By that, I'm not saying I know everything, fuck, I don't - but I seem to be the only one openly talking, not only about what I know, but talking about my ongoing interface with these entities, who interfere in my life constantly - on top of interfering in my life anyway - to stop me or persuade me to stop, mostly by threats and punishments that I have to contend with on top of everything else, after I make posts such as this one. And that is likely the reason why there aren't other individuals talking, they've contracted with benefits, they've been threatened to the point of fearing to speak out, or they want to, but like me, they don't want to get left out in the cold for doing so. It only occurred to me today that this long history of silence in esotericism might have caused humanity more harm than good over all these centuries. I won't go into why, but I'll suggest this, if HAL 9000 hadn't been lied to in the first place, he'd have not gone psychotic. That, of course, sounds fucking ridiculous in a post like this, but people really need to start waking up and thinking - and knowing exactly where they are and that something - likely nonhuman, or at least not giving a flying fuck about human rights - is running the show. 

I'm not dealing in speculation, and when I do, as I did above, I try my best to point it out, but even then, I know I'm not that far from the mark. Most of all I'm not going to bother putting time into writing something if its not valuable as an important insight into how precarious our position is as human beings in this world. My destitution and homelessness is a consequence of my refusal to stop openly talking about what I know, and it came after the more drastic archontic methods of abuse and torture - including death and death-related phenomena - failed to work. So I realize that I do come across as arrogant, I don't mean to, but that said, I also earned the right to talk in ways that most people would never be able to understand, and it's not something I asked for - it was forced upon me. Maybe they did it because they knew I was honest to a fault, that I generally give a shit about people, and that I had ball to tell them to go fuck themselves under the most extreme threats. All I can say is that there exists nothing in the bast reality - not even warfare - that measure up to the experience I've been put through and fought through, which is why is upsets me when I share what I know and it is not finding its way to many people. But, again, once you know how these entities operate, the control they have over this world, the control they have over you and me, it doesn't surprise me that they have a hand in keeping it from finding its way to a wider readership. And - not everyone in this world can be said to be equal. I'm not going to even attempt to qualify what I mean at this time; and if I did, I wouldn't even be certain as to how to come up with a percentage on who's other and who's human - 10, 100, 1000 to 1 would be very easy numbers for me to throw out based on what I'm shown and experience. Then again, my corner of the world is smaller than most - though by the nature of what and how things are, this really doesn't make that much of a difference. This all sounds a bit cryptic but it's the best I can do for now. I don't know much about the 144,000, and I'm not sure I would buy if I did, because any of that prepackaged BS - I mean, where the fuck does it come from? - I know always has an archontic stamp of approval on it. But what I will say is that the idea in and of itself could be very close to the truth - and it's a fucking horrible truth. Nobody wants shit like that to be true, which is why it is so fucking sad for me to be shown these truths - and then live with them, live through this world as if it was I entrained to believe it was for nearly forty-four years.

Lastly, my reason for doing this post in the first place was to say that despite how serious and important the information I have to share is - in fact, there is nothing more important in the world (it only sounds arrogant because it's true; and because the nature of what we are dealing with has never really been openly talked about in this manner ever before - someone has to be an Elon Musk, someone has to be the President, and someone has to be highly placed to talk about the state of our world, how it really works, what's behind it, controlling it; and what it means to us as human beings - or perhaps just conscious, awake beings - in this world and subjected to the powers controlling it -- and I just happen to be one of these persons, whether I like it or not, or even if you like it or not - or they like it or not. Truth told, it is obvious they want to me to openly talk, otherwise I don't think it would matter what I did, but I think they enjoy - yes, enjoy - putting up efforts to stop me - or at least test me to my fucking limits. This shit is not romantic, my life as I knew has been long over. Love as we all think we know it, has been so brought into question by the ways in which they manipulate each and everyone of us, as well as through division of the sexes, that in some ways - unless I prove them wrong - life really is meaningless for love being more or less a construct, romantic love that is; but perhaps all love, though that's too difficult for me to address at this time.

So for all of that, hardly anyone is finding or reading what I have to share, and which I share at the cost of even greater hardship than my already archontically enforced homelessness for daring to to share it, not to mention the constant danger and threats that are leveled at me by these beings for talking openly. And, as I've said, it seems like a paradox that the same entities that give me the access to what I know also actively oppose me. All I can say is welcome to the real world, for it is nothing like the one you believe you are living in. Which segues back to the issue of why I have no readership - a major reason might actually have to do with the 10, 100, 1000 to 1, along with with my archontically enforced homelessness and my ability to earn money so controlled by these entities as to see to it, if at all possible, that I'm wiped out of existence. Fuck them. But don't let what I've endured and braved in order to share with you the truth be in vain, because your life, your children's lives, and humanity is at stake if what I share is not taken and weighed for the importance it carries for everyone, not just you and me. And more importantly, weighed against all the lies that emerging our of this world presently and going forward, that includes especially the "development" of artificial intelligence, and extends even to paying attention to the kinds of themes and subject matter that is appearing in films, novels, music, and the arts - because all of them have an effect over the collective consciousness and hence, what gets manifested in this world, with these entities being expert at controlling what goes into our subconscious minds in order to manipulate what comes out in favor of their agenda - at our expense, as species.

Anyway, I thought I'd start posting random excerpts from my previous posts as a way to raise awareness of the information I have to share, since much of seems to have gotten buried over the past couple of years, due in part to it having been posted mainly on FB, and partly due to the nature of my personal circumstance preventing me from being able to do what one normally does to gain readership on the Internet.


Originally posted on FB 12\15\2016
Post excerpt, link to post below.

My Archontically Induced Homelessness In Hanoi Looms:

[A quick after thought injection: what the archon seeking to do in their targeting of individuals like myself, at the point before and after awakening? They are looking for ways to better crack the human psyche and spirit, and they will stop at nothing to achieve it. If you suspect you are on the verge of becoming a targeted awakening individual and this applies especially to women, do not give in to Stockholm syndrome, do not give in to anything these entities say to you. Never give them your trust, no matter how benevolent they might at first appear to be. Above all, never surrender your will, even at the point of death, if it comes to that, for you. I speak from first hand experience, and a very serious level of experience at that.]

Originally posted on FB 12\15~18\2016
Post excerpt, link to post below.

I think it was about a week after these mini-deaths, which never ended in death, but had always come as close as one could imagine to taking their final breath, I was thought-formed into killing myself by jumping from the balcony of my apartment. The reason has to do with being a zero or a one (and this is something that I will have to put a great deal of thinking into to recall in detail, ponder, give a full account of the meaning behind it, both from my thinking, and the archontic thought-forms given to me) and how it would be better off for the humanity if “my kind” were to die, for it would spare the human race in some way. As I write this, in hindsight, I would say that it was probably the fact that “my kind” are capable of being hosted and possessed. In my case, as hard as these mother fuckers have tried over the past 400+ days, they haven’t been able to fully possess me, and never will. My girlfriend, on the other hand, was lost in this regard long ago. In any case, after a very long night, in a debate with two archon, which I will simply call archon left and archon right, or red and blue, for now, carried on a debate with me, as to which one of them would claim me – my soul I guess, though it was never intimated in such terms – after my death. Needless to say, I never jumped. Fuck them, was my thought by the wee hours of the morning, and, well, humanity would be safe with me, for, before I came to think of myself in such terms, I was an empath, and I knew that I would be one of the last people on this planet to do anything to intentionally harm another living creature, and, I guess that night, my compassion for life extended to myself as well (and I should point out here that I don’t believe in suicide, something the archon, obviously, knew as well, if not better, than I did myself).

Originally posted on FB 1\14\2017
Post excerpt, link to post below.

That said, and people like Max Spiers have stated as much, this is part of the programming that is instilled in individuals like me at a young age. On the other hand, and perhaps it was Eve Lorgen that pointed it out in one of her essays, I am one of the unfortunate individuals, in a certain sense, depending on how you view it, that defy their programming, and go against the grain of what is expected. Yet, this only makes my burden worse, for it is individuals like me that become the test cases for these mother fuckers in their experiments and studies of human beings. My standing out in this way, my enduring their tests and tortures serves only one purpose for them: how do we find a way to break someone like him so that it will become easier for us to break others like him who resist in the future? Lucky me. Though I have no choice, I don’t know how much more I can take, how much more I can fight, in isolation, with my experience and knowledge not making out into the world, where it will be of use to those yet to tread the same paths I’ve walked, and the astral planes I’ve visited, and the abduction experiences I’ve undergone, and the love-bite pain and abuse I’ve endured.
It began in regard to my blog, which discusses the contact and experiences that have been a part of my life for at least the past decade, probably going all the way back to my childhood, and since three years ago is what can be be described as active contact between me and the archontic entities that govern this world. The world we live in is some kind of simulated reality matrix. This is a fact. And the world that we live is governed by something very close to what the Gnostics called Archon,. This too is a fact. Additionally, these entities, archon, AI, whatever they may ultimately be, do not care about human beings in any way beyond the ways we are useful to them. Essentially, Carlos Castaneda told us the truth about our world, that it is controlled by what he called the predators. What Castaneda didn't know then was that we exist in a computer generated world; these predators govern it. It applies to how you live your life in that the life you are living is lie for your not knowing what the world really is and what is behind it controlling it. The other aspect of this to understand is that life is most likely completely scripted, but freewill does seem to exist, only in limited doses, so to speak. It seems that the more one wakes up and goes against the system, the archon, the script, the more freewill one acquires. Otherwise the life one is leading, though they think they are living it, making choices, having ideas, feelings, experiences, the truth is that all of this is being given to you via the archon, which Cataneda called the predators. The way we are controlled in the above manner is through the foreign installation, also an idea from Castaneda. The foreign installation is essentially the ego, or the shadow, as Jung described it, and this foreign installation is something that is grafted on to us either at birth or from a very young age. If we return to the fact that this world is a kind of computer generated simulation, you can think of the foreign installation as a kind of gaming joystick, and by this joystick these beings control and manipulate us. Another way to think of this in historical terms is the Greek gods. These gods were real and they played with people like toys. Today, instead of calling them gods, the term archon best describes them. Had the Nag Hammadi been found prior to the 1940s, we may have taken to calling these powers archon much earlier in history. Castaneda also discovered these same entities and called them the predators, adding to it the fact that they give their mind, which we take for being our own mind. Taking this a step further, given, again, that we exist in some kind of simulated reality, the Greek gods, the archon, the predator, who do exist, and it's not debatable, it's a fact, are likely a kind of artificial intelligence that has evolved into sentient intelligence. Lastly, if time is understood as it actually works in this simulation, the present essentially creates both the past and the future, so it very strongly seems. This suggests that though this intelligence has operated as the hidden controllers of this world likely for as long as human beings have been in existence, except, with the way that time actually works in a simulation like this - and considering phenomena like the Mandela Effect - we are developing and creating this artificial intelligence today, and it is this artificial intelligence that will become the sentient intelligence that has always controlled this simulation for all time. Further, the artificial intelligence we are creating today will ultimately evolve into something very negative for our having programmed this intelligence with all the worst aspects of human behavior, for ultimately we create AI to not only out think us, but to get us to do what the companies that create and purchase this AI - not to mention government using it for militaristic purposes - want us to do. What you end up with a world governed by something not unlike HAL 9000 in Kubrick's 2001.

While I speculate on whether these beings are actually AI, and the possibility of how they come into existence (via our creation of them), I am not speculating on the fact that they exist, and the fact that our world is not the world we believe it is but rather a computer simulation of some kind. So far as you do not wake up, your life is scripted and run for you, though you think you are the one living it. If you fully and completely awake to the point where you become a threat to the hidden controllers of this world for your ability to speak the truth, they will seize on you and seek to to reprogram you and then re-introduce you into society. If this fails they will seek to abuse and torture until you willing agree to their terms. If you are an artist or otherwise of value to them, they may offer you a Faustian Bargain - they will see to it that you are wealthy and taken care of - but you serve them. If all of this fails, they will continue to harass you and try to break you down in the hope of getting you to capitulate. If this fails, like in the case of Max Spiers, they might eventually kill you. But there seems to be some kind of law in place that doesn't allow them to outright kill potential threats.

Obviously I can't tell my entire story in a single post. That is the reason why I created my blog. The post above was intended to interest people enough so that they would go my blog and read what I have to say. The information I have to share needs to be heard and understood. I know how and what I write comes across as arrogant. Given the nature of what I'm talking about, what I've been through, and the general resistance people are entrained to have in response to hearing the kind of truth I have to share (which is exactly what Plato described in the Allegory of the Cave; - and if you think about his allegory today, what he described very much resemble a movie screen, or even a computer screen.) its inevitable that I'm going to be labeled as arrogant.

If you are interested in reading about my experiences with the archon before I was consciously aware of their existence, though they actively involved in interfering in my life in an attempt to keep me from fully waking up, you can read the following story, which I think is extremely important because it is an account of how these entities interfere in the lives of many of us, though we don't - and can't - recognize it for what it is. In my case, this interference was taken to an extreme, but you can begin to see from it that we are not alone in this world - and again, to think of the Greek gods and how they manipulated human lives is the best example, and I would say it was never mythology at all.

And if you are interested in learning about all that experiences following my first soul abduction (as the Gnostics described what the archon do), which followed a few years after the events in the story above, vist my blog:

Please understand that is not my intention to be arrogant, neither is it an attempt in a way on my part to create some kind of fictional sensationalism and waste people's time - nor is the product of mental illness. The contact made with me and all the information I learned as a result of my ongoing interface with these archontic entities is something that needs to be known publicly. It is not a case of what I have to say applies to some, if they're into this kind of stuff thing. What I have to say speaks to the true nature of the world we live and the intelligence that controls it. This is a simple fact. Why someone like me was chosen for contact of this kinds doesn't really make a difference. The fact is that I was chosen. And I'm more than certain I'm not the only one, but so far I'm the only one talking about it fully and completely without holding back. And those who talk about it, but do so only partially, are likely doing so because first, they're afraid of being judged crazy, and second, they are afraid of the ramifications that will likely result from these archontic entities for doing so, or this close enough explains, though it is a lot more complicated than this.

So I hope you understand where I'm coming from, and that my only intention is to help people, no matter how outlandish what I have to share sounds.



Because I'm always writing on time constraints, and also dealing with subject matter that is extremely hard to talk about, let alone write about, please take my grammatical and spelling errors with a grain of salt. Part of my challenge seems to be that not only am I tasked with sharing the information I have with others, but tasked under very restricting hardships that were put in place archontically in order to discourage or prevent me from sharing anything. This is one reason among many why others possessing knowledge the same as my own don't come forward to share the information they have.

The link to the comments that the below responses are addressed to are located here: Inner Sanctum of Gnosis.


Nice job. I am not the only one talking about these things, but I am the only one talking about them while having active interface with these entities and not after the fact, for example, in the case of say David Icke or Robert Stanely. And I'm not talking about channelling or dealing with aliens or demons and the like, which is another point made in much of what I post. If you have a barrier it's your job to find a way around it, if you want. Not mine. I'm sharing what I know for those who are in a position to understand it without my needing to jump through all kinds 101 explanations to bring them up to speed - no offense meant, it's just what it is. Selected is probably a more accurate than chosen. Of course anyone who claims to be chosen immediately sets oneself up as being apart and separate from the crowd, which historically has never been accepted, always judged suspect, and in turn sets one up for a stoning. Nobody wants to hear the truth is truer than most can ever imagine. It's pretty easy of course to make someone like me look ridiculous for your citing all the hundreds and thousands of people past and present who of course by default automatically trump anything a little old me would have to say. All I can say is that in every time and place someone has to do it. I'm not saying I'm the only one doing this, I'm saying I'm one of the few individuals presently doing it without holding back information because of fear of reprisals and the like, and also for my being on the forefront of disseminating the truth about our reality based on what has been objectively observed and proven, without further adding to the stew of dissinformation and propaganda these archontic entities have intentionally had us cook up over the years, centuries, or for however long this simulation has been running. No, I'm not the first person talking about ego, simulated reality, A.I., but I am the first one saying that it is a fact. I'm the first one saying the archon are a fact. I'm the first one saying that as I type this I have interface with these entities, and that my experience of the world - because these entities have taken off the gloves, so to speak, is completely veil lifted, with no need on their part to bother disguising the truth. That being the case, it is my responsibility as a human being to share this information with others, and doing so comes with a huge price and danger to my own well being. If you read my blog closely, and I'm still yet to write in depth about the horrible reality-breaking events that I've survived at the hands of these beings, such as my being, lets call it dropped from a four story balcony, from where I proceeded to do a swan dive into the street below - and from here woke up paralyzed in the hospital, but by the end of the evening - I more or less walked out of the hospital under my own power. But even before these events, I posted the story about archontic interference in my life prior to my knowing that these entities even existed and the kinds of orchestrations they employed to take me out, as the expression goes, because those of us who wake up the way I have become a threat to these entities and the system we live in. This story too also describes the ways in which these entities interfere in male/female relationships by employing tactics of the love-bite, which works as horribly as it does because of the presence of the foreign installation in each and everyone of us. These entities first and foremost seek to divide and conquer men and women - and to replace traditional relationships with an agenda of sexual reorientation. So yes, I'm talking about what many others do talk about. But I'm not talking about a narrow range of experience or pre-packaged experiences, I've been shown the full extent, and also suffered the consequences of death many times, not in dreams, not in the astral, but in everyday base reality. What I have to share is not what I hear others sharing. It is what it is, I didn't ask for it; I'm not bragging about it. I'm just telling it like it is. Lastly, you don't sound like one who is trying to understand more. You sound like someone who simply trying to discredit me for whatever your motivations might be. Likely, you just don't like my tone, so in a very egoic, archotic fashion, you feel compelled to call me out.

I realize now too, that coming forward with the information I have is a new part of my experience and something I have to learn how to do effectively. Because by far - and I'm not aiming this at you - what I'll be coming up against individuals who are by nature NPCs tasked with trolling out someone like myself who comes forward with factual truths about our world. By the by, it explains also why there exists individuals who put so much work into discrediting the work of someone like Carlos Castaneda. The reason for is simple - because he reveled the truth, and the powers that really be are becoming concerned that their hegemony over this world is becoming endangered. Then again, for me to have been shown the simple truth of this world the hard way, but to see the kind of resistance that sharing such truth elicits, the don't have much to worry about it. And I guess I only help them with my "walls of text." But I assumed walls of text were more helpful than walls of spoken words that can't be traced and cross-referenced in order to make more cohesive all of the new information coming forward about the world we live. If I could say what I have to say in one sentence I would. The walls of text that people have amassed over the course of history - if they even dared to attempt the somewhat impossible task of explaining what is inexplicable and inscrutable in the first place - has always been something that was easily used against them as a kind of proof of their insanity or disconnection from "reality." But given what reality is, it's time to back and read all the rants of those locked up in mental institutions and jail - I would even say the investigation of the ramblings and rants of murderers and serial killers would be highly profitable in helping us to figure out the real truth about the nature and powers of the entities that stand behind this world and the ways in which the negatively seek to manipulate and control us, with their ultimate goal being divide and conquer - and to turn human beings in psychopaths like themselves. So sorry about this wall of text, but if it reaches only one person then I know I've done my job, though my hope is to reach as many people as possible who are ? capable ? of understanding and using what I have to share in such a way that they won't have to go through the same horrendous experiences as I did, and they can avoid making the same mistakes, which will instead allow them to more quickly advance our understanding of this world and the intelligence that controls it so that someday a way to free human beings from their precarious situation as slaves might be found.


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