My Collected Comments Shared with Other Sites - Life in the Simulation Reality Matrix


The following are a collection of the comments I've shared with other sites. I post them here because it serves as a form of transparency for and reminder of how my hypothesis, theories, ideas, beliefs, and feelings might change over time. 

"I haven't been able to fully get my mind wrapped around it yet, but when
you crossover to the other side of the veil, the appearance of time
being something that moves in reverse becomes a real and plausible
phenomena. Short and sweet, and it sounds crazy, but it's not an
impossibility by and means, and it's the WAY in which we are creating AI
today - putting the worst of human cleverness and the best of human
shittiness and car salesman mentality into the way AI is taught to
operate and behave - could account for the existence of AI in the
ancient past that usurps control of this simulation - and it is a
simulation of some kind - and has controlled and directed this world
ever since. Google, Yahoo, and Facebook therefore would be the first
conglomerate corporate controllers of this world - that is, until they
lose control of the AI they are responsible for creating. This has been
witnessed already in FB having to shutdown its rogue AI. The Demiurge,
then, as we understand it - or whatever we call the controlling
intelligence of this world - is something we are creating today and it
reverberates through time, past and future (perhaps through the Mandela
Effect). I know it sounds a bit out there, but it very plausible.
Something else, that I won't go into but is related is the possibility
that our lives run backwards, with childhood coming (again?) at the end
of our lives. This is very real because I've experienced enough of
certain kinds of effects that suggests it. One can think of that
Benjamin Buttons movie - and also the Gospel of Thomas, which is a
goldmine of esoteric information related to what is actually going on in
our world today. Though I happen to be of the school that all
historical information is suspect and possible backstory designed to
influence and manipulate our actions in the present - the GoT would be
an example. Anyway, keep of the good work. You're ahead of the pack in
my opinion, not only in trying to see things right, but if I'm not
mistaken, in seeing what is, wanting to do something about it."

"You really had my attention at the beginning. However, when you began to assume that all is benevolent; it's a school, it's a game - and then, to speak as if our brains/bodies are not already a part of the system; you lost me for showing that as intelligent as you all are you are very far from having a true understanding of what this simulation already is and what controls it. First and foremost, it is not a game. Second, you are already linked via brain and body to the simulation, with the control of all of your physiological functions controllable by the system governors. So long as you remain under the illusion that this is a benign game you don't run afowl of the system governors, but you do betray those human beings imprisoned and abused by the system for your willingness to embrace the illusion and not oppose the system. This is just to start. Also, this being a simulation, the Universe as you speak of does not actually exist beyond it being a construct of the simulation. I would love for it all to be as you naively believe it to be - but it's not. You have a responsibility to other human beings to see the system for what it is and resist it as a system buster, and not be a dupe and embrace it at the cost of the lives of other the human beings who need your help for their being imprisoned and abused by the system. You are all extremely intelligence and outside the box thinkers. It only remains for you to see things for what they really are and find ways to do something about it."

The following is a bit of an account of my experience BEFORE I was fully awakened to the truth about the hidden controllers of this world and the way in which the so-called soulless, spiritless, NPC, organic portals are employed by these powers - and they may exist among your own family members.

"Tried to contact you through a comment but it was deleted. You've been a beacon for me out here on the ground, so to speak. You can reach me at matrixinsurgency its on blogger. I'm from the east coast, assuming you are, but I'm overseas. Been listening since last year. You've helped me in many ways. We need to talk."

Followup Reply
"Thanks. I know how insane it all sounds but it is what it is. I hope it will help people who are having "experiences" but don't know what to make of it; for those who do know what they're dealing with, how to avoid the same mistakes I made, and/or to use what I learned without having to repeat the experience; and to lend confidence to anyone who is confronted with fear inducing illusions and base-reality orchestrations."

"The mind virus is the foreign installation that Castaneda speaks of. It might be more accurate to call it a joystick. We are unconscious of its existence, except some of us just know how to be, and from childhood on, at a subconscious level, we fight it, overrule it, or stop it once we mature enough to realize it has been getting the best of us in whatever various way once insight comes. Others for whatever their reasons succumb to it. Are they weaker willed, do they know less how to just be, or does trauma somehow cause them to let it get the upper hand? I don't know. It could also be that some are it and nothing else. For those who have kept it in check at the subconscious level can arrive at a point where they come to consciously know of its existence. Then the battle is really on. Duality - that is, pick a side - is what it hits you with first, once its existence is made known to you. Maybe that puts left and right, red and blue, masculine and feminine in perspective, maybe the third eye too. Then again I might not be right - or is that left? Ah, you get the point. Funny too, the subscribe button above this comment is red, the comment button below it, blue. One celebrity covers their right eye, another covers their left. Analyzing things at this level could drive someone crazy - Coke/Pepsi, Microsoft/Apple, Beatles/Stones...OK, I'd better stop with all of this nonsense."

"See Castaneda's foreign installation as the source of our misgiven thoughts and thinking. Yes, it's a prison planet. I know firsthand experience. visit matrixinsurgency at my blog site at blogger that explains much of what you talk about."


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