NOTES: Miscellaneous Notes and Yet Written Post Topics for Public Reading: Archon, Aliens, Matrix, Simulation, MK Ultra


5\31\2019 Notes on: the possible ironic coincidence/synchronicity between the several shows Robert Stanley put up on YouTube this week and the very specific connection they have to some of the more prominent subjects and experiences that are showcased on this blog since I first started only a few week ago. A similar kind of incident occurred a couple of weeks ago with a show Jame Bartley did entitled something like the Spy who was Left Out in the Cold which was also to sharply coincidental with subject matter I intended make a focal   point. To a lesser degree a couple of smaller incidents also occurred between this blog and Off Planet Radio right after we made a connection. This does not suggest anything intentional on the part of Stanley or Bartley, for the whole overtone of content specific coincidence and the kind of message it sends is perfectly within the nature of how what is unintentional becomes intentional in appearance as a result of the simulation influencing all the events and the coincidence-like outcomes in such a manner as to transmute everything into orchestration. On the other hand, its all possible that the starting of my blog and some of its content did overtly influence the choice of material and content delivered by these other sites in recent weeks. This note is not intended as a judgement or accusation, but because of my understanding of the nature of the simulation at this point, and because of my intention to record and study the simulation to the best of my ability (not unlike the ways in which the simulation is used to experiment on and study us), it my record of an observation that in simulation fashion found a way to make itself known to me.  

All of this material is way off the charts so far as verbiage and snaking and walls of text, but it's the best I can do for now until I begin to get a better handle on dealing with explaining subject matter that has little to no precedent before now for me to follow and apply the experience and knowledge I've gained thus far. For now these monster notes will have to due. The curious thing, and this dates back even to when I first began to write about anything having to do with my awakening, is that trying to write clearly and to the point about anything experienced is so extremely difficult that often I don't even want to attempt trying for knowing how difficult or even impossible doing so is. But by this point I know if I don't make the effort to write no matter how difficult the effort or poor the result, then nothing of value will ever get written, nor will I ever improve enough to the point where I learn to handled with ease what is generally unprecedented and difficult in the extreme because of it.

I open to the public unfinished pages like these, and which I will generally entitle notes, so that a minimum the rough sense of certain kinds of information that I've gained is available should anyone else find themselves actively dealing with the simulation or archon in such a way that this information as incomplete or scattered as it may be can still prove potentially helpful for others, and in case I'm unable to publish for any reason that I put out as much information as possible whenever the opportunity is available to me. Also in doing this, it will serve as reminder for me as a "to do" list; and it also comes in handy, since my personal situation presently doesn't allow for me to keep notebooks, as a way to quickly compile any new information or thoughts in once place as quickly as possible. Lastly, in reading my rough notes, visitors might hit upon some new insight that will help us to better understand the nature of this simulation and the hidden controllers behind it. 

5\31\2019 I find it curious that Robert Stanley who a generally listen to on a regular basis whenever he puts out new material has put up anything for the entire month of May but suddenly within only the past week he put out no less than 5 different broadcasts, which is unusual. and it seems to be that much of what he addresses has a too close for comfort connection to all I have posted since putting up this blog near the beginning of May - especially given my Job for the Digital Age novella, his putting out a show on the demonic, psychiatric - mental health. Had I not gone through the experiences I had, listening to this show would have scared the shit out of me, would have made me feel uneasily paranoid for the somewhat strange overtones this show seems to have, as do the other shows. But, as I said, had I not gone through my other experiences...and of course, one must factor in the archontic interference/orchestration element and how it ca works in cases like this one, with the synchronistic element and the Ideas of Reference methodology that appears as both that and not that, as per the express purpose of this particular methodology. Some the broadcast titles just this week include "JEDI TALK, Unmasking some Mysteries of the Matrix" [1 week ago]; "Demonic, Psychiatric - Mental Health" [1 week ago]; "The Unicus Radio Hour with Robert Stanley - Episode #17: Covert Alien Mind Control [2 days ago]; The Divine Blessing of First Light Calendar and UNISCOPE" [1 week ago]; repost of "Are we all Souls or are some people projections of the Matrix Program? Robert Stanley - Greek Subs" [5 days ago]


That this methodology can be used at all depends on the dualistic nature of the simulation - the both is and isn't factor [explained elsewhere in this blog, I think - otherwise it was recorded in one of my lost notebooks], the fact of the simulation generally being script (or at least scripted in very specific cases of orchestration where the archon take an active interest in influencing the outcome of a given situation or event - or to influence the content of information delivered to a larger group of individuals, an audience, or the general public; and also required to make it works is the ability to alter/manipulate the orchestration - in this case "dialogue" - from their end, that is, from outside of our dimension and therefore outside of the time chronology constraints that we are governed by; and finally by employing the foreign installation as the means to shape/influence/manipulate the "designer rhetoric" (for lack of a better term) intended to be delivered in order to sends the message or make the very specific point the demiurge/archon want the recipient to receive and under conditions that for the recipient are of a gaslighting fashion and designed to illicit a very specific and intentional sense of paranoia, coupled with the fear of the individual - and in some cases, as per the gaslighting element, the individual is aware of what is taking place - knowing they have nobody to turn to, first for knowing (only in some cases) what is going on and how it is being used against them but being unable to explain it in any sensible way [and even when one can, as in this case, it takes an extreme amount of verbiage to even get close to touching on a clear enough explanation of what is by design intended to be convoluted and not easily explained, if explainable at all.], and second, for knowing that whether they attempt and explanation or not, that they are going to come out looking suspicious, paranoid, or anything but rational and sane, even though one is, which only makes the effect of the methodology all the more distressing for the individual it is being employed against.

On the opposite end of this, set up against the victim, and being verbally puppeted by the archon employing the methodology, is the person through which this "designer rhetroic" filters through for delivery, and in some case doing so consciously, but more often than doing so unconsciously in keeping with their puppeted nature in the moment or for the duration of the event. Essentially what is taking place, though the majority of whatever talking is being done is generally being done by them [as to percentages or any other kind of breakdown goes in regards to how much of anything any of say is scripted and how much spontaneous speech - or natural speech, as we will likely call it in the future when the precedent for how and what we communicate within the simulation is known to be scripted/shaped/directed/fully manipulated - is not something that at this time I can't even guess at. It would not be far fetched to say that everything we speak is the result of the script, but this possibility is too horrible for me to even permit myself to acknowledge it as a possibility, even though I just did [in and of itself what I just wrote is telling of a script.] Also, to assume that everything we communicate is scripted, the methodology that I'm trying to explain here, and is unmistakable for what it is when it is employed, wouldn't exist for it not being necessary to exist in the first place. 

In any case, not only is the speaker not conscious of their being used in medium-like fashion, the deeper message imbedded in what they are saying as an unconscious medium is also unknown to them, and the words said - and archontic in nature and by design - are intended to be understood by the recipient as a gaslighting version of something approaching an inside joke, in this case between the archon and the targeted individual - with the joke being on the targeted individual, with the speaker unaware of how painful or frightening the effect of the words they just uttered have on the targeted individual, and worse, should the hearer display anger, paranoia or other some other heated emotion at what was just said, would be right to respond in such a manner because by archontic design the words were chosen to illicit such a response in the individual. But the problem for both parties remains with the speaker, for if they remain unconscious as to the meaning hidden in the words they just uttered, there is no basis in reality for them to understand the irrational behavior that their words provoked in the hearer, nor anyway for them to dismiss what they will have no choice but to perceive the hearer's response as hostile towards them, wholly unjustified, and more than likely a crazy, paranoid or suspicious reaction from the hearer that is so irrational that one is left no choice but to judge the hearer mentally disturbed or intoxicated to an extreme degree - and to such a degree that a relationship could in some case be ended on the spot without a means for either party to ever come to understand the cause of the event, let alone that archontic interference lies behind it. But as individuals like myself begin to bring light to the existence of such methodologies on the part of the archon, the wider publicly will in time become aware that such disturbing kinds of interference are possible in human communication and that an agenda lies behind it, and in time we will begin to devise new methods of how to communicate more effectively and clearly with the intention of rooting out the possibility of archontic interference in the way we communicate with one another, in no matter what form that communication takes.

[BREAKING OFF HERE. Way too tired to keeping working, publishing as is for now.]

This methodology is employed all the time, and even the majority of the awakened still remain unaware how this works via the foreign installation. It is genius methodology, though diabolical, and also does much to explain the ways in which the cleverness of artificial intelligence outstrips human cleverness for the ability to create such methodology in the first place, but of course not otherwise possible in base-reality but only under the conditions of a simulation and a realm or control point outside of the simulation. Anyway, didn't intend to stretch this far, but this will serves as note enough to write up in step by step detail how this methodology works and the various examples of it that have been demonstrated to me by archontic intention as well as examples of how its been employed against me and others, whether to further the complications within a love bite, or simply to create confusion, mislayed planes, disagreements, arguments in friendships, business situations, or any other situations where such disruption is beneficial to the archon - and which often includes a component of misheard/misspoken speech along with "ghost speech."  

Just a few throwaway notes:

- Curious, listening to Stanley at the ~55:00 point of the Jedi podcast, though he states himself we are in a simulation matrix he continuously weaves right back into the fact that we're on a planet and it has always been a planet, that we live in a Universe, etc., and the way he seems to deal with it is as if the simulation matrix is something like an energy overlay or grid over reality, over the earth. This was something for perhaps a year I tried to convince myself of too. But it's not possible, and the objective evidence that is constantly shown me proves it. This seems to be the issue with most people. They have no problem calling it a simulation matrix but then they just continue on thinking and treating everything as if reality continues a normal. This is clearly a case of cognitive dissonance. It is a simulation matrix so one has to let go of the lie of the previously entrained belief that we lived in reality. This is also the issue with those arguing flat earth, round earth. There is no earth, so there is nothing to be flat or round except in situations where round has reason to be rendered by the computer, say in televised rocket launch or view from space or I guess for all military related capacities where the earth is to be thought of as being seen from space. EVERYTHING is simulation matrix - it is computer generated. There is no material world as we once believed - there is world, no universe, no start system, nothing - there is only our existence within this simulation, and anywhere there exists no eyes or living being to occupy the space, the space is unrendered. What's most depressing to me is that there are no real oceans.

He says now that all physical matter is coming from nonphysical space - yet he still sidelines this to speak of the earth as if it actually exists out in space. [Note: rereading this it sounds like I'm bashing Mr. Stanley. I'm not, I'm just responding to a few of his comments that I strongly disagree with in light of my own experiences. In fact, Mr. Stanley was the first of those publicly speaking about the state of our world that accorded with my own experiences when I first started looking online for information that might help me figure out what the hell was happening to me. Hence my early email to him above which for whatever reason - very likely archontic - I never received a reply.]

NO, we didn't agree to anything, I certainly didn't. And their control over our souls is not control over our souls per se. It's the foreign installation within us that has control over us and through which they manipulate us - joystick us is more appropriate; and there ability to manipulate us extends to physiological control of our bodies. Remember you read it here first. See *** below for my thoughts about this new order of programming designed to convince us that we have  voluntarily chosen to be prisoners within this system in order to learn and simply to experience being abused human beings and prisoners. Bullshit. And if you say, "Well, that's not how I experience things. Everything is interesting and fun and I embrace everything that's thrown at me, even hardships and setbacks." If that's what you believe, it means you have not done anything to cause the system to view you as a threat, that you are towing the line, so to speak; and what you might think are hardships and setbacks are nothing compared to what you will face if/when the system does flag you as a problem. To this you might think that if that's the case it's better to stay on the good side of the system and live in such a way as to not get yourself flagged. All I can say to that is that if you are living in such a way consciously, not only are you living and inauthentic life, you are endangering the lives every human that is being targeted and abused by the system for your being an enabler of the system and acquiescent of the power and control it has over the world and us.     

6\2\2019 I recently adopted the name Tay for my online username. It's Vietnamese for westerner/foreigner. Today by accident I came across the following news item. What an uncanny and apropos synchronicity.

Microsoft’s Disastrous Tay Experiment Shows the Hidden Dangers of AI

4\2\2019 "Microsoft’s disastrous Tay was meant to be a clever experiment in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The bot would speak like millennials, learning from the people it interacted with on Twitter and the messaging apps Kik and GroupMe. But it took less than 24 hours for Tay’s cheery greeting of “Humans are super cool!” to morph into the decidedly less bubbly “Hitler was right.” Microsoft quickly took the bot offline for “some adjustments.” Upon seeing what their code had wrought, one wonders if those Microsoft engineers had the words of J. Robert Oppenheimer ringing in their ears: “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

*** "I wish so called awakened individuals would stop telling others that they chose to be here when we didn't. It just one more example of how the hidden controllers use naive awakened individuals to spread propaganda on their behalf by force feeding people rhetoric that isn't true, especially to the young.

When one got into an argument in the past with their parents the argument went like this - "I didn't ask to be here."

Now all of a sudden this viral rhetoric of the new agenda is trying to brainwash people into believing that they chose to come here and are responsible for being here.

I didn't choose to come here, I didn't choose to be abused, I didn't choose to be saddled with a life of misery and no love. And fuck you to anyone who dares tell me or anyone else that we chose to be here. First of all, how the fuck can you know what I chose? If you knew the things I've had to fight, all of you spreading this bullshit lie would be swallowing your words with fear.

Stop spreading disinformation that serves only the interest of the hidden controllers by rendering people powerless for thinking they belong here, and they deserve the abuse and horrible treatment that is visited upon if they dare awaken beyond the acceptable boundaries. Rhetoric like that only serves to handicap humanity by rendering it docile and complacent against an enemy that seeks to render weak and psychopathic."


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