Notes: My Lifelong MK Ultra [MKulture] Programming Sources & Relationship to Early Trauma [e.g. The Exorcist]


Rough Notes


These notes will serve for the writing of a post that will cover as extensively as possible all the elements that were a part of my lifelong MK Ultra/Montauk Project programming which began in childhood. This includes, films, music, books, toys, etc. It should also touch on the possibilities of my very real connection to the Montauk Project. Do not forget to include all the elements form your early school years, including the Plato computer system, the helicopter memories, many movies and school changes, and the many gaps in your memory from this period. Also account for your theory that empaths are programmed - or at least empathy can be reinforced for abusive purposes in order to use this oversensitivity as something to be exploited for loosh. Also include the possibility that the steps you took early on to back through your history with the aid of the internet might have in a large part been responsible for you breaking your programming, something that would not have been possible had it not been for the internet and sights like ebay. You were able to go back in time and verify and a large number of your memories, even giving dates and times to things you remember doing, places you were at, through television shows, movies, music released, and the like.

Watching Rob Ager's analysis on the Exorcist and the importance of the excavation scenes as a whole. These scenes I recall, but for reasons I couldn't articulate then, did more to disturb me in some ways that more frightening scenes of the movie. Now, with simulation and orchestration facts, it is no coincidence that dad was an expat in this same part of the world at the time I was subjected to the traumas of this movie - by intention of programming. This includes the many items he shipped home from Iran in and around 1977, which was likely the time you were taken to the see the movie. For it was the movie and these opening excavation scenes along with the items scent home by dad - including a faux jewel encrusted Arabian knife/letter opener, and the carved olive wood head of Jesus - that specifically fueled - or was supposed to fuel - deep traumas in association with this film and yourself as a young boy. This kind of trauma is not out of keeping with the kinds of traumas that are said to be needed to be inflicted on young children before a certain age in order to active them in ways necessary to that they be exploited for you in MK Ultra programs - or even, in my case, the Montauk Project.

I'm watching the Ager analysis now.

General notes and impressions as I watch it.

First, the intro scene as it cuts from Georgetown to Iraq is Islamic chanting. As a kid, though I obviously could not have had any idea of it as I do now, I do recall now how much Islamic terrorism and themes permeated news, newspaper covers, film, mostly with terrorism, of course. The intro reminded me of this straightaway. As a kid, too, I was always drawn to this type of information along with my very early on having what I would call an awareness of spying and intelligence related matters. This would include, latter on, in the sixth grade, my interest in the Vietnam war and the huge amount of books far exceeding my intellectual capacity that I borrowed from the library in order to write what I conceived of in my mind as a dissertation on the war but without my having any idea that such things as dissertations existed. I think we were asked to write a short essay of some kind as a homework project and took upon myself to want to write this all out massive research paper. Films like All the Presidents Man - not to mention the many spy films I watched and loved, again, with the level of some of these films intellectually being far outside anything a kid of my age should have been interested in, yet I was - likely influenced me in this way.

-Pazzu demon of film and of artifact found is said to be the personification of the southwest wind and according to Ager, winds are emphasized in the novel for this reason, and in the scene where the relic found, the film emphasis the sound of the wind gust that blows dust off of the just unearthed relic. No need to to go into detail here about what the wind has since become in your own experiences. How far I should openly speak about this I'm not yet certain. Facts about Pazuzu according to Ager. He was a demon of the winds.

See the following link. Extremely important details - especially in relation to your experiences and what happened to both C****** and T****** Also mentions Pazuzu in a Howard the Duck comic, also a cultural influence of yours from childhood (actually HD was pretty dark now that I see it)
The descriptions here given of how Pazuzu likes to operate, by corrupting the pure, and by granting mercy and help to those who beg for it and afterwards turning on them matches exactly with my experiences and what is said of the Demiurge, especially on sites like Energetic Systems (I think it's called). He would then use these individuals to spread his cults. This is all in keeping with T***** and also the Israeli girl/FB group with the demonic pictures you later came across that she was hanging out with in secret to which her reaction to be challenged were beyond her normal behavior.
He mention the fly that happened to land on the actors hand. Flies have a long history in my experience, going all the way back to Rainbow. My friends seems to be taking pleasure in my notes here because I'm getting hit with induced hard swallows. [Not to mention getting pissed by my situation here in this hot cramped little icafe room and the fact that I'll be out of money and back on the street by morning.] Pazzu also represents sickness and disease - in keeping with my many rashes.
Right -blind eye imagery. Matches earlier scene Ager mentioned of blind, mouth-gagged, man with cane being led by figure dressed in green.
-scene of praying man showing asses to Merrin thought to be insult from Pazuzu. Also says, vulgarity and obscenity a "key psychological weapon used by Pazzu when he possess Regan," and in the film in general.  It demon asses/groins are common in demon depictions.
As I watch - and confirmed - film taking on a too specific sense of orchestrated synchronicity (including the two gravel voiced aholes behind me that won't shut the fuck up. All of this common to me. The uncanny aspects of what's being analyzed in the film in relation to certain aspects of my own experiences - ongoing included - is for me at this point no longer uncanny at all. It is in fact these kinds of incidents that I will need to give much time to in the future in order to explain how these archontic tactics are employed against us, and the way in our world when veil lifted takes on the aspect of both being something and nothing | one thing (reality) and another (the other reality) at the same time needs to be explained in great detail, though the ability to explain such phenomena will be quite difficult to explain and even harder for the non-initiated to understand.
- bird depictions frequent. Also ties to many references made by C***** to birds and of being a bird of a kind.
- I was witness to very real possessions, not to mention all that I was subjected to myself.
- Shit, it's set on Halloween on return from Iraq to Georgetown
- Her drawings include a winged lion. Scene in living room depicts many animals, including two ceramic lions (no wings) - one peeking out from behind a plant. Though above, not quite between, the two lions is a framed image depicting angelic figures with wings. It may even be at the bottom a depiction like in a study of wings. This would tie the wings to the lions.
- Curious things Ager says, talking about the scene in the doctors office, the doctor's daughter depicted in a picture on his desk with a few animal figures placed before believed to have been made by his daughter [as I write, some guy is sleeping on chairs in the middle of the room - he breaks out into really disgusting grinding snores. All in keeping....]. Ager says, "does Regan represent a generation of kids possessed or something along those lines?" Then hes says, more about this in a bit. [And how perfect, when I entitled this post and the notes my intention to tie my childhood and all arts - films, books, etc. - to MK Ultra [or as I call it, coming as it does from the archon level, MKulture].
- from here he goes into all the eye imagery depicted in the film. Also white eyes (rolled back), eye of god, and green eyes.
- All the very harsh banging noises - metal work, scan given Regan, the horse and carriage almost running Merrin over - and - wow! a subway speeding by.
- St. Joseph pendant shows up many times in film - also strong personal connection.
- Ager depicts it Merin to Pazuzu as a battle; being summoned for battle and other similar kinds of references.
- OK. THE KEY. A motorcycle pulls up in scene behind the mother in shot of her walking up the street on a the sidewalk. Ager makes specific mention of the way in which the motorcycle growls (hard swallow given while writing; whistle) - the motorcycle not an accident. At this point nothing uncanny anymore. I would even go so far as to say that this is very original specific source programming for a generation, as Ager just pointed out and says he has more to mention soon. So many were exposed to this movie, and seen now as a potential source of programming, what has been veil lifted for me to see as both is/is not would serve perfectly as subliminal programming that years later for those of my generation can be triggered at will - especially now that I see how it's done. For some it would be overt panic depending on how conscious they become of it; for others, where the programming remains unconscious, it would trigger a sense of panic and fear but for reasons unknown. It should be noted too that this motorcycle scene with engine growl is combined with the Tubular Bells soundtrack motif. Ager says "I wonder if that motorbike was deliberately arranged to be in the shot? Certainly the sound effect was added" Guess I should shoot him an email with answer. 
- Just got an email from my cousin. He will find try to locate the picture of me in front of the lighthouse at Montauk lighthouse c. 1976-78
-Wow! Not the first time overhead airline sound used in film and pointed out by Ager. This time - it being an extension of the scene of the mother walking after the motorcycle shot - the overhead jet flight sound nearly drowns out the priests speaking, but the level of the sound is exceptionally over loud. Curious for his analysis. Not curious for programming. Not curious for JFK. And curious when considering all of the many fakes airlines flights that have been turning up on YouTube in recent years. Again, this could very well be a means for mass programming. In any case, there is a point to it. Sound is vibration. Sound is a means for programming, switching, triggering alters, and probably a lot more, some things that I know about and aren't coming to mind, some that I'm yet to figure out. What is known is that in this Epicot like world, all kinds of programming means of this nature permeate all levels of experience outside in the environment. I would even tag chemtrails onto all of this as having associative value to what's behind or intended in this kind of programming. He suggests the jet engine plane sounds represent Pazuzu flying around in the sky. This makes sense too as actual simulation manifestation.

[Money not really low but finished! I have to wrap this up and go be out on the streets homeless now with no prospect of sure money until work on Wednesday - even I can even make it in appearance to go - and that is still over 2 1/2 days away. Except, now, tonight, I am going to manifest what I need. My work needs to get done and without anymore interruptions or archontic interference. Obviously nobody from the community or reading this site is going to understand my situation and do anything to come to my aid. I can't go around stealing - and I won't. So given that this is a simulation, my position and status within it, etc, the money  - the Resources! as I call it for me to live and work as I need to work and live - and want to live and work - are going to begin to manifest this morning - it's 4:01am.]

-Next scene he discusses in detail depicts a protest and news scene which brings in cameras and orchestration for film into the movie as a metafiction/orchestration illusion. And - "globe of the sun thing," as Ager calls it.

- Lastly several different depictions in film of children play fighting but done in very intentional ways, including a whole filmed street scene, and scene in the Iraq location. Ager says maybe it means a general sense of youth being corrupted by evil forces at large. Then he mentions the Halloween costumes - "Kids infected with evil." And it ends.

And - holy shit! (pun intended?) where did America end up fighting all those many years later, just about the time I got out of the Marine Corps, though I was perfectly young enough to stay in and do many tours of duty? Iraq! As I said, MK Ultra is MKulture.

Maybe I won't even mess with this live written post. I'll leave it as is. I can always write a separate post to address what I initially intended to do, and I think I will.

The script is what we are bound too. The arts program, the arts also give gnosis. It is a case of precognative inversion that we see all these young kids play fighting - in Iraq scene then in US scenes - and we later have a war based in Iraq. Pazuzu is also I believe a god of war, or at least a god who someone how feeds on the carnage of war. In any case. the director couldn't know this. But the hidden directors would. And we know now to where the inspiration for our arts comes from even if the collective we doesn't. The Exorcist in this case perfectly bookends my experiences from trauma to awakened individual. Now my two concerns are this: How do I continue to live and work? And does my sharing of what I have come to know have any value for the masses or should I keep what I know to myself for the potential futility of getting others to understand the importance of what it is I've been working so hard to share with them? Anyway, money's gone. Don't want to go but have to. 3\6\2019 4:17am.


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