Population Lies: Forget Flat Earth Theory - Determine a True World Population Estimate


Inauthentic people! Is there no end to them?

Forget the investigation of flat Earth theory. In a simulation such a theory is moot. What needs to be investigated and determined is a true world population estimate. It isn't anywhere 7.5 billion. It may not even be in the millions. Not dissimilar to fake news, the estimate for the world's population is a gross inflation; and for numerous reasons, some obvious, some not so obvious, fake news and false population numbers go hand in hand in service to an agenda of divide and conquer.

Flat Earthers would better serve us better if they put their time and energy into determining a true estimate for the world's actual population. A real number, if it can be determined, and it was found to be nowhere near the current estimation would be the first biggest proof that reality is anything but. It would also allow those of us who are real and separated to find one another and to have a basis on which to understand in a real way just how effective has been the efforts of the hidden controllers to keep us unwittingly compartmentalized and separated.


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