Selling Sanctuary or Life Saving Knowledge as Commodity - Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix


As for those who use their awakening as a business, as a means to make money for the sake of making money, then you are at heart treasonous against humanity - that is unless you are using what you earn to battle the hidden controllers through action. Most especially, if you are selling services that claim to directly offer freedom to an individual from archontic targeting or anything else for that matter, and if you are to be believed to begin with, then you are the equivalent of a life jacket salesman or saleswoman who sales life jackets to the drowning as you sail around in your little boat stacked high and weighed down with life jackets watching people die.

You can't justify it any other way, if what you know is that important, that capable of saving the lives of others. More than anyone else, those of you who are considering paying for such services should keep this mind. Given what this world is, and what stands behind it, if someone has the ability to help you outright based on such a mutual understanding and doesn't, it simply means they have nothing to offer you but snake oil in the first place, even if they don't realize it. And I don't care if this salesperson levitated a '57 Chevy right before your eyes in way of demonstrating their powers [hey, check that out - demon|strating]. Again, regardless of the nature of their powers, if they are trying to sell to you what they believe can save you, then what does that ultimately make them?

This sounds so ridiculous just writing it. Nonetheless it is becoming the true state of matters for how awakening is beginning to go in this world. We all need to survive, and that means we should be able to survive on sharing our knowledge and insights, I suppose. The means by which we did this historically with esoteric information is by way of the arts. But with the world changing as rapidly as it is for the truth that stands behind it, it seems that art as it has traditionally been used an outlet for the sharing of esoteric information and the magic of human creativity and imagination is being bypassed by many who come into knowledge or powers by way of their "artistic nature," let's call it, and instead of doing their work - even if that work is based in non-ficton rather than fiction (for non-fiction is still just as valid and creative as an art form as fiction) - are instead selling their services outright and not contributing to humanity in any other way.
But if you are claiming that your knowledge will make the difference between life and death, freedom and enslavement, the difference between being abused and free from abuse, for the ordinary person or especially the targeted individual, and you don't outright help people at every chance available, then you need to be fitted with a blindfold and ---- for being the boot licking stooge of the Illuminati that you are. All the more so if you're believing your own hype and bullshit, as you ride a wave of illusion on "powers" given to you by the archon - which you then turn around and try to sell for gain alone.

It used to be that esoteric knowledge was not to be shared with the uninitiated on pain of death - or for other unknown reasons, often of a supernatural nature. Personally, without going into details, I believe it was the following of such practices that helped land us in the situation we know face in the first place. To avoid any possible consequences those would couldn't keep what they knew to themselves and needed to share it with others used the arts as a means to disguise their knowledge and express it at the same time. Perhaps in its own way this turned out for us as a kind of trap too, especially in terms of, for example, artificial intelligence not being able to read between the lines, so to speak. In any case, I'm a firm believer in the arts and an artist in my own right. That I've not made money off of it matters not in the least. The arts are one of the few true joys that we human beings do have to be thankful in this world - even when considering the many ways in which the arts often employed against us - weaponized, more or less. But now with the whole awakened state of affairs in this world, human creativity, the artistic nature, are being tossed aside in favor of directly selling what one has to offer, whether it be of true value or not. But the crux of it is, and what I was trying to lead up to, is that even this, or more especially this means of conveying human knowledge is moving us backwards in terms of the sharing of knowledge and advancement of human communications for this new practice of turning knowledge into a commodity that must be guarded and kept in the safe unless people pony up and pay cash. Probably we will all be better off overall if the majority of this "knowledge" remains locked up for all time where nobody can get at, but in general terms, the direction in which things are moving in this regard is to my mind troubling to say the least.

A show like Aeon Bytes stands for all that is still right in regard to how to do your thing and share your knowledge by producing something that is not only entertaining but intellectually stimulating, and for it gives something back to humanity in important ways.

We all know - or we are at least now beginning to see - the many examples of how knowledge is being slapped up on the internet as tidbits that must be purchased as services in order to receive the greater benefit (supposedly) of such knowledge. The saddest part of this is that some of the knowledge that these individuals have to share but instead choose to sale is probably worth knowing. But what do do? The current state of affairs is only just beginning, which I suppose is befitting if we consider the fact that before long the cloud will own everyone's information and memories which to access they will have to pay for - forget about what's in store in terms of the penalties that will be levied against those who dare to disregard the coming rules or outright break the coming laws.


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