Archon, Gangstalking, Electronic Harassment and Suicide: a Perspective From a Warrior in the Trenches: Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix
Disclaimer 4\29\2019 Note: I still battle this shit today in ways that would make the average person's head spin, with most wanting to put a bullet through their head. Still, when I read back on old posts like this I see how far I've come. I'm not saying anything has become easier, only that I've grown and learned and know how better to deal with this shit - sometimes. And it sounds like I'm trippin' on ego by saying things the way I do, especially about bullets through the head. It not romantic at all, but I say what I say through long-hard experience and the truth of having learned what I know through hard fought struggle. Truth is, I share what I share on this blog so that nobody puts a bullet through their head, so don't get me wrong. Many of us who are in the trenches will never be known. Many will make it and some will not. I want us all to make it. I speak the way I do because I walk the walk so talk the talk. But I also believe that what I go t...
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