Simulation Stegnogrophy or Just Barley Coincidence? You Decide.


Just a quick post on some curious symbology I happened to noticed while watching the Jack Reacher: Never Look Back film.

I can't tell where the count in the film is exactly but it's around 30:00 min in. Its a scene where the woman asks the taxi driver if he's a Nats fan - and they show him wearing a hat with the Nats curly W symbol. ["From the beginning," says the Taxi driver, in response to his being asked if he’s a Nats fan. Also note black base and antenna on the car shown between the woman and Reacher character.]

The scene cuts to woman and Reacher in an Internet cafe. The shot pans left to right to focus on the Nats curly W logo prominent on her hat. But - notice as the pan shot begins the lamp post on the street outside the street internet cafe. It's shaped like a trident – and – it has what appears to be an upright or erect bar leaning towards and almost on the center prong of the trident. [and what building do those columns belong to on the building shown outside the cafe? Is there a correspondence between this kind of building and the one shown across the water in the car scene yet to be mentioned below? Notice to the iconic phalic symbol across the water also depicted in the scene.]

The next scene is a change of angel. It cuts to a prominent display of three large @ signs hung on the windows of the internet cafe. The scene then cuts to a closeup of a website the woman is trying to hack.

The next cut scene is curious too, but I won't analyze it. I just think the shots of the colonel and captain insignias are significant and intentional - and maybe the satellite imagery too. Maybe~yes; maybe~no.

Remember this is just something I noticed and am writing about on the fly for the curious impression these quick succession of scenes made upon me while I watching the film. I stopped to write this because the symbolical imagery and sequences with so much crammed into just a few minutes made a very MK Ultra-ish impression on me. Manchurian-like, even.

The scene cuts again, this time to a car [we see the famous phalic symbol in the background across the water – and the building I just mentioned above. Maybe as a symbol it erectness corresponds to the erect bar [or was it a shadow?] that appears to be leaning on the center prong of the trident lamp post in the earlier scene?].

As the camera zooms inside of the car we see very prominently displayed the right passenger headrest a large trident symbol displayed on it. It looks very similar to the trident shaped lamp post located just outside the window of the internet cafe in the scene previously mentioned. [BTW, I would never by any car that featured such an ugly-ass symbol so prominently displayed on the headrest as it is in this car. Would you? But maybe this is common on cars back home these days. I wouldn’t know.]

Scene cuts again. We see the internet browser closeup again and hacking. The shot pulls back to show the woman and Reacher - the Nats symbol again prominent on her cap. But notice to the far left of this shot - it's a trident shaped lamp post at the outer most edge of this shot. [Though this time no erect bar or shadow is leaning on the middle prong]. This looks very much like the symbol depicted on the headrest of the passenger seat in the car.

Scene cut - shows a killer/sniper guy preparing a pistol with a silencer apparatus presumably to use with the intention of killing the woman and Reacher when the leave the internet cafe. I think of the symbol on the head-rest as I write.

Cut from killer/sniper guy to a prominent shot of a large @ symbol on the window outside of the internet cafe. It puts me in mind of a target as one would see on a shooting range. At least it’s not a trident symbol. That would be too obvious. And now I'm glad I decided to turn the @ as depicted below on it's side for this post.

I’m going to leave off here because I don’t have any money left and will soon be back on the street and I don’t want to waste more time analyzing this film, as amusing as it is to do so.

However, I include below the images as depicted in the aforementioned scenes. I do turn the @ on its side because I happened to notice two amusing things about it when I saw it for the first time in the scene first featuring it. Maybe you will see/extrapolate the same? It also puts me in mind [pun not intended] of Carlos Castaneda's foreign installation in a way - but that would be pressing it way too far on my part as a real coincidental connection, wouldn't it?

Also, on a quick search on the curly W Nats symbol, I noticed a couple of curious controversies surrounding it. The links to these posts are included below. The first is that it seems that a similar logo once used to be prominently displayed on street signs in and around the city depicted in the film but for some unknown reason the symbol has since been removed.

The second is that the curly W of the Nats logo looks almost identical to the logo for Walgreens.
And as I think of it now, both logos kind of remind me of a snake crawling away. You can see it head, then a center coil in the middle of it’s body, then its tail. In some ways it puts me in mind of the snake symbol used on the Don’t tread on me flag.

What I will suggest is that none of this imagery is in the film by accident or coincident. That said, I would also suggest that nobody involved in the making of this film likely knew why they wanted to shoot the scenes at they did - they just did. Don't know if that makes sense to anyone - but it should.
That’s it. Hope someone finds this amusing.

 Article: Nats: The Curly W used to be on road signs, why it isn’t anymore:

 Article/post: Curly W Trademark Infringement?


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