We Did Not Choose to be Here! Life in the Simulated Reality Matrix

I wish so called awakened individuals would stop telling others that they chose to be here when we didn't. It just one more example of how the hidden controllers use naive awakened individuals to spread propaganda on their behalf by force feeding people rhetoric that isn't true, especially to the young.

When one got into an argument in the past with their parents the argument went like this - "I didn't ask to be here."

Now all of a sudden this viral rhetoric of the new agenda is trying to brainwash people into believing that they chose to come here and are responsible for being here.

I didn't choose to come here, I didn't choose to be abused, I didn't choose to be saddled with a life of misery and no love. And fuck you to anyone who dares tell me or anyone else that we chose to be here. First of all, how the fuck can you know what I chose? If you knew the things I've had to fight, all of you spreading this bullshit lie would be swallowing your words with fear.

Stop spreading disinformation that serves only the interest of the hidden controllers by rendering people powerless for thinking they belong here, and they deserve the abuse and horrible treatment that is visited upon if they dare awaken beyond the acceptable boundaries. Rhetoric like that only serves to handicap humanity by rendering it docile and complacent against an enemy that seeks to render weak and psychopathic.


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